Gifts for Memories of Our Love

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Youngmin opened his eyes slowly. He yawned and looked to the side of him, Kwangmin was still laying in the bed with his eyes closed.

"Kwangmin-ah?" Youngmin turned over to face Kwangmin, he smiled at his brother and called his name in a whisper, Kwangmin didn't answer.

"Let's stay together all day, like how we use too." Youngmin whispered, he slowly moved the hair away from Kwangmin's eyes. Kwangmin moved in his sleep, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Youngmin, he smiled at his brother.

"Good morning." Kwangmin stood up from the bed.


"You two finally awake?" Minwoo was outside putting plates on the table, Donghyun was helping.

"What should we do today?" Donghyun asked as he set down a plate onto the table.

"Sorry, but I want to spend time today with Kwangmin, but we can all spend time together tonight." Youngmin sat down at the table. Kwangmin smiled at his brother and sat down next to him.

"Where is Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung?" Kwangmin didn't see them anywhere.

"Still sleeping, we haven't seen them yet, unless they are together somewhere." Minwoo sat down at the table, soon after Minwoo sat down Donghyun took a seat next to him.

"I'll go wake them up, before breakfast gets cold." Youngmin stood up and waked over to the door that leads to Hyunseong's room. He knocked and got no answer, he slowly opened the door and peaked in, Jeongmin was holding onto Hyunseong's arm, they were both sleeping very close together. Youngmin smiled and walked in.

"Hyung, wake up." Youngmin poked Hyunseong, he moved in his sleep, Youngmin poked him one more time. Hyunseong opened his eyes and yawned.

"Breakfast is ready." Youngmin said and left the room. He walked over to the table and took a seat next to Kwangmin. After a few minutes Hyunseong and Jeongmin walked out of the room, they both sat down at the table and began to eat breakfast.


"Kwangmin-ah and me are going out, we will be back by tonight." Youngmin said as he slipped on his shoes and put on his coat, Kwangmin opened the door and putting his shoes and coat on. They both walked outside.

"Where do you want to go?" Kwangmin asked as they started to walk down the sidewalk.

"How about some gifts?" Youngmin smiled.


They were looking around in a gift shop. Youngmin and Kwangmin weren't shopping together, they wanted to surprise each other with the gift. Youngmin picked up a teddy bear, he looked around some more and saw a shelf with cards on it. he walked up to the shelf and looked through the cards, soon he smiled as he found a card, he picked it up and opened it, he closed the card and looked around again, he saw a shelf with ribbons, he picked out a roll of wide blue ribbon, he walked to the back of the store and saw snow globes on the shelf, he looked through them all and saw one he liked, he picked it up and walked over to the counter and paid for the teddy bear, ribbon, snow globe and card. He put the card in his pocket when he was done paying. He went outside to wait for Kwangmin, as he waited he took out the ribbon roll and unrolled it, the ribbon was long but not to long, he sat down on the ground and put the bear on his legs, he took the ribbon and wrapped it around the bears neck, he tied the ribbon in a bow. He picked up the  teddy bear and smiled at it, he stood up and put the snow globe and teddy bear in the bag he got when he paid for them, he continued to wait for Kwangmin.

"Hyung." Kwangmin walked out the shop and smiled at his brother standing there.

"I hope you didn't wait long."

"No, I didn't." Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin.

"We will give each other the gifts when he get back to Hyunseong hyung's house." Kwangmin said and started walking.

"What do you want to do now?" Kwangmin asked.

"Let's go to that park."


Youngmin and Kwangmin were laying on the ground at the park. It had started to snow.

"I have an idea." Youngmin took out his camera, him and Kwangmin stood up and took pictures together. After a few pictures together Youngmin took a few pictures of just Kwangmin, then Kwangmin took a few pictures of just Youngmin.

"Thank you." Kwangmin hugged Youngmin when they were done taking pictures.

"For what?"

"For being by my side." Kwangmin looked at Youngmin and smiled.

"Give me your camera please." Kwangmin put his hand out asking for the camera, Youngmin put the camera into Kwangmin's hand.

"Now close your eyes." Kwangmin smiled at his brother again, Youngmin closed his eyes. Kwangmin put his hand straight out in front of them and aimed the camera at them. Kwangmin looked at Youngmin who had his eyes closed. Kwangmin moved his face closer to Youngmin's until their lips were together, Youngmin put his arms around Kwangmin. Kwangmin took a picture while still holding the kiss. They released the kiss after the picture had been taken.

"We should go back, it will get dark soon, and I'm getting hungry." Kwangmin started to walk out of the park.


"You two are back finally." Minwoo opened the door to Hyunseong's apartment when he heard knocking at the door. The twins walked into the apartment and saw Hyunseong and Jeongmin sitting on the sofa.

"Where's Donghyun hyung?" Youngmin looked around for him but didn't see him.

"He's in the kitchen making dinner." Minwoo said and walked into the kitchen to help Donghyun. The twins walked into the bedroom they were sleeping in. They both walked over to the bed and sat down on it.

"Gifts now?" Youngmin asked with a smile on his face. Kwangmin looked at him and nodded. First Youngmin took out the teddy bear from his bag and handed to his brother.

"Like it?" Youngmin asked. Kwangmin smiled at the teddy bear and nodded.

"Here's mine." Kwangmin put the bear on the bed next to him and looked in the bag he had. He took out picture frame he handed it Youngmin. Youngmin looked at it with a smile, it had hearts around it, and at the top it said 'My love'.

"I love it." Youngmin gave Kwangmin a hug and put the picture frame down next to him.

Youngmin took out the last gift he had in his bag.

"Here." Youngmin said as he gave it Kwangmin.

"I know you like snow, so I wanted to give you this snow globe, to remember all the winter we spent together playing in the snow."

Kwangmin shook the snow globe, inside he could see a couple holding hands while standing outside of a house, the snow was falling down as they were smiling together.

"Thank you." Kwangmin put the snow globe down on the desk next to him.

"I got you a snow globe also." Kwangmin took out a snow globe from his bag. Kwangmin gave it Youngmin who shook it, inside was a couple hugging at a park while snow fell down.

"I love it so much." Youngmin smiled at the couple inside.

"I have one more." Kwangmin took out a envelope and gave it to Youngmin.

"Don't open it until you get back home.... when you leave."

On the front of the envelope it said 'To my love' and in the corner it said 'From: Your biggest fan', Youngmin smiled at it and put it in his pocket with the card he bought.

"Thank you for everything." Youngmin hugged Kwangmin.



This story has a poster now. ^^ How do you like it? I love it, it was made by RockerChickz.

I renamed all the chapters, now their names aren't just numbers of which chapter they are.


@ChocolateCookie: I hope this chapter was happy. ^^ I tried my best to make it happy.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^