I Might be going Crazy

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Minwoo opened his eyes, it was morning. He had slept over at Kwangmin's house for the night. He got out of bed, as he was getting out Kwangmin woke up, he yawned and got out of his bed.

"Good morning." Minwoo said as he stood up from Youngmin's bed. They both left the room and went downstairs. Kwangmin's mother was putting food on the table.


"Good morning." Kwangmin's mother said.

"Breakfast is ready." She sat down at the table, Minwoo and Kwangmin both nodded.


Minwoo and Kwangmin both left the house after washing, Kwangmin locked the door. Minwoo was waiting for him by the street.

"Ready?" Minwoo asked, Kwangmin just smiled and nodded.


As they were walking, they reached the street that they were at yesterday, when Kwangmin had seen that person who looked like Youngmin, he stopped walking and looked across the street, he was looking for that person again, Minwoo walked over to him.

"Something wrong?" Minwoo asked, Kwangmin just shook his head.

"Just tell me, I know something is wrong."

Kwangmin looked at Minwoo.


"I saw...." Kwangmin cut himself off, for he didn't know what he saw.

"I think I saw... Youngmin hyung." Kwangmin looked across the street again, Minwoo looked across the street also.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Minwoo felt ignored when Kwangmin didn't tell him what he saw yesterday. Kwangmin looked at the ground.

"Cause I wasn't sure... I may just be going crazy... cause of how much I miss him." Kwangmin started walking again without even looking up at Minwoo, Minwoo watched him walk away, he felt sorry for Kwangmin. He looked across the street one more time, then he sighed and walked over to Kwangmin. As they were walking Minwoo saw someone near a store, he pointed to them and Kwangmin looked at them. Minwoo called them.




Youngmin washed the plates from breakfast and left the house, he wasn't sure what to do today, he couldn't stop thinking about Kwangmin and Minwoo, he wanted to talk to them so much. But he was scared.

"What if he just pushes me away?" Youngmin asked himself, this is the same question he kept asking himself, the same question that terrified him. He sighed and looked up the sky, it was snowing again today.

"Why am I so scared?" Youngmin said with a smile filled with sadness.

"Next time I see him... I will talk to him."

If I see him. Youngmin was worried that was his last chance to talk with Kwangmin.




Jeongmin was laying on the grass, he was at a park, he had his eyes closed.

"Thinking about something again?"

He heard footsteps and a voice he loved, he smiled and opened his eyes to see Hyunseong smiling at him.

"You always lay here when you are thinking about something or your worried." Hyunseong sat down on the grass next to him.

"Neither this time. I just felt like coming here, it is always so quiet, but that's why I love it. So peaceful." Jeongmin sat up, he sat closer to Hyunseong.

"Yeah." Hyunseong looked up at the sky.

"I like it here also. But I like being with you more then sitting here." Hyunseong looked at Jeongmin, Jeongmin smiled at him and laid his head on his shoulders.


"I'm tired." Jeongmin said with a yawn.

"Not enough sleep?" Hyunseong asked. Jeongmin shook his head.

"It's cold here, want to go somewhere else?"

"Sure." Jeongmin replied, him and Hyunseong stood up and left the park.


"Where do you want to go?" Hyunseong asked while looking at all the stores.

"Anywhere is fine, we can just walk around."

"But it's cold out." Hyunseong looked at Jeongmin.

"It's not cold, if I'm with you." Jeongmin said and turned a slight pink. Hyunseong smiled at him.


"Hyunseong Hyung, Jeongmin Hyung!"

A voice from across the street called them, they both looked where the voice came from, they saw Kwangmin and Minwoo across the street, they waved and crossed the street when they could.


"Hello hyungs." Kwangmin and Minwoo said together.

"Hello. How have you been?" Jeongmin asked.

"Good." Minwoo answered, Kwangmin just nodded.

"You two want to go somewhere?" Hyunseong asked.


"Sure. Where?" Kwangmin and Minwoo said together.

"A restaurant maybe?"

"You always want to go to a restaurant." Jeongmin said.

Kwangmin and Minwoo smiled at the couple. They all went over to the restaurant that Jeongmin and Hyunseong always go to.




Nothing good this chapter, not like the others had anything good either. lol

I was thinking of starting to post stuff at the end of a chapter, I might not do this all the time.

Anywhere, I felt like posting a chapter, but I don't want to rush the story, like the last story was so short. So this chapter is mostly a filler, maybe some story in the next chapter, maybe. lol

I wanted to put something with Jeongmin and Hyunseong together this chapter, since they haven't been in since the first chapter and they didn't really have any parts in the first story.

A chapter with only a tiny bit of Youngmin in it, and this story is mainly about Youngmin. Jeongmin and Hyunseong were mad at Youngmin for not letting them in his story so they kicked him out from the story for this chapter, and maybe the next. Just have to see are nice Jeongmin and Hyunseong were to Youngmin, if they give him back his story or steal it for another chapter. lol

Anyway, it's 4 AM, so goodnight.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^