This is Good Bye (Sad ending)

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Youngmin put his phone back in his pocket, as he put it away he took out a picture that was in his pocket also. He looked at the picture, it showed all of them together, himself, Donghyun, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo. He stared at the picture and smiled.

Sorry Kwangmin, I have to go now... I talked with you, I talked with everyone... That's what I came for, now I have to go... Youngmin stared at the picture a little longer, he held his tears back. Finally, after staring at the picture for a few minutes he stood up, and put the picture back in his pocket.

"Youngmin-ah?" Donghyun was sitting next to him on the bench at train station, Hyunseong and Jeongmin was sitting on the bench also.

"I have to go now." Youngmin looked behind him at them, he smiled and tears fell down his cheeks. Donghyun stood up from the bench and hugged Youngmin.

"It's okay... everything will be alright." Donghyun let go of Youngmin and smiled at him.

"Farewell." Donghyun sat back down, Hyunseong and Jeongmin stood up and hugged Youngmin together.

"We will miss you... but we will never forget you, even if don't see each other again for ten years." Jeongmin was smiling while hugging Youngmin.

"Good bye Youngmin-ah, we will meet again, don't worry." Hyunseong smiled as he let go of Youngmin, Jeongmin let go of him also and they both sat back down on the bench.

"I love you all, I will never forget you." Youngmin smiled at them and waved, he put his hand down and turned around to walk towards the train tracks, the tracks in which the train he had to get on would appear at any second.




Kwangmin and Minwoo ran out of the university building and ran across the street, they crossed though the grass and ran in the direction of the train station that Youngmin was at.

"We have to hurry, his train will leave in just a few minutes." Minwoo said as they were running, Kwangmin nodded and continued to run.


"Youngmin hyung?!" Kwangmin yelled when he reached the train station. He looked around the station but couldn't see Youngmin.

"There!" Minwoo yelled and pointed to someone with blonde hair standing near the where the train is going to appear. Kwangmin nodded and they both ran over to him.

"Youngmin hyung!" Kwangmin yelled as he ran towards the person. The person turned their head to see who was calling, they saw Kwangmin and Minwoo running towards them and smiled.


"Hyung!" Kwangmin hugged the person. Minwoo smiled at them.

"Kwangmin-ah, Minwoo-ah." Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin. When Kwangmin let him go Minwoo hugged him.

"Well... It's time." Youngmin looked at the train tracks and his expression became sad. Kwangmin looked at the ground.

"You don't have to go..." Kwangmin said and looked back up at Youngmin.

"I do... I'm sorry." Youngmin smiled, but it was a forced smile that was filled with sadness. Minwoo was standing next to Kwangmin/

"Youngmin hyung, don't go..." Minwoo said. Youngmin looked at him.

"I have to..." Youngmin said and turned to face the train tracks again. Youngmin heard the sound of a train coming, he smiled at the sound and a tear fell down his face. The train stopped next to them.

"Hyung. please... don't go..." Kwangmin asked. Youngmin looked at him and smiled.

"I'm sorry." Youngmin said as he walked into the train when the doors opened.

"Hyung!!" Kwangmin ran up to Youngmin and grabbed him.

"Don't go!!" Kwangmin screamed as he was crying, people were staring at them.

"I'm sorr-" Youngmin words were cut off when he felt something touch his lips. Kwangmin was kissing him. They were kissing for a few seconds, Kwangmin let go off the kiss and hugged Youngmin, he cried more onto Youngmin's shoulder.

"Don't go... please... don't go... don't go..." Kwangmin kept repeating the same thing. Youngmin looked at Minwoo and saw him crying.

"Minwoo... please... take care of Kwangmin, for me..." Youngmin smiled at Minwoo which made Minwoo cry more.

"I will hyung." Minwoo was able to say while crying.


"Kwangmin... I'm sorry... but I have to go... it is better..." Youngmin lifted Kwangmin's head and smiled at him.

"Good bye Kwangmin... my love, my one and only love..." Youngmin kissed Kwangmin, when they released the kiss Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin.

"Why do you have suffer when I'm the one who started it?" Youngmin hugged Kwangmin.

"I'm sorry... farewell Kwangmin... I love you, I always will." Youngmin let go of Kwangmin and smiled at him, he turned around and walked into the train, a few seconds later the train doors closed. Youngmin turned around and smiled at Kwangmin from behind the train door.

"Farewell... I love you." Kwangmin yelled so that Youngmin could hear him from outside the train.

"I love you too." Youngmin said loud enough for Kwangmin hear. Youngmin waved as he smiled at Kwangmin. Minwoo was waving to Youngmin. The train started up again and slowly the train started to move, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo were still waving to each other. Soon the train started to go a little faster.

"No!! Youngmin!!" Kwangmin screamed as the train drove off, the train had taken his brother from him. Kwangmin started to cry and fell to the ground. Minwoo went over to Kwangmin.

"Come on, we should go." Minwoo smiled at Kwangmin while tears fell his face, Kwangmin looked at him and stood up.

"Good bye..." Kwangmin said with his eyes closed.

"I love you." Kwangmin opened his eyes and made a faint smile, he looked at Minwoo.

"Thank you... for always being there for me..." Kwangmin hugged Minwoo, soon they heard footsteps. They looked in the direction the footsteps were coming from and saw Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongmin walking towards them.

"It's okay." Donghyun hugged Kwangmin. When he let go of Kwangmin he smiled at him and then hugged Minwoo.

"Thank you everyone, for being with me." Kwangmin smiled at them all and they all started to walk towards the exit to the train station, Kwangmin stopped and turned around, he stared at the train tracks, he closed his eyes and smiled. When his were closed all he saw was Youngmin smiling at him.

"Good bye... I love you..." Kwangmin opened his eyes and turned around, he walked out of the train station with everyone else.


Kwangmin opened the door to the bedroom he was staying in at Hyunseong's house, he took off the jacket to his school uniform and threw it on the bed, when he threw it something fell out of the pocket, he walked over to it and picked it up, it was an envelope. On the front of the envelope it said 'To: My one and only love' and at the corner it said 'From: The person who loves you, and only you' Kwangmin smiled at envelope and sat on the bed. He opened the envelope and inside he found a card, he took out the card and opened it it. A picture was inside the card, the picture showed Youngmin and Kwangmin kissing, it was the picture they took together at the park. Kwangmin put the picture next to him and read the card.


Hello Kwangmin. Right now your are most likely crying, I know you may be sad, but please don't cry. I hate it when you cry. Don't cry anymore please, you have all your friends to take care of you, to laugh with you, to make you smile... To do everything I can't do with you anymore. Minwoo-ah will take care of you, he has for two years already.

The place I'm going to is a very nice place, I can take care of myself, so please don't think I will get sick, don't worry about me. I am fine. I wish you could see this place, it is very pretty, maybe someday you can see it for yourself...

I am already missing you, I am thinking of all the things we can't do together as I write this... I makes me sad, but the memories of everything we have done together makes me happy... I wish we could have had more memories together.

Kwangmin... please don't get sick, take care of yourself... As I write this, I am thinking of the letter I wrote... the letter from two years ago.

Kwangmin... I love you, I miss you... I will never forget you, ever... I'm sorry but this good bye.

Why do you have to suffer when I'm the one who started it?

I love you Kwangmin... I always will love you. Good bye.

I love you...


Kwangmin cried as he read the letter.

"Youngmin..." Kwangmin put the card on the desk next to him and laid down on the bed. He didn't even take off his school uniform. He closed his eyes.

"I love you."




Youngmin sat down in the train and opened his bag, he took out the card that Hyunseong and Jeongmin gave him. He opened the card and read it.


How are you Youngmin? I hope your doing good, and don't be sad. We will all take care of Kwangmin, so don't worry. Just worry about yourself, take care of yourself Youngmin.

I hope we can all meet again someday. We all miss you Youngmin, and we all love you. Good bye and have fun.


From: Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Minwoo, Donghyun.


Everyone had signed their names on the card. Youngmin smiled as he read the card.

Thanks everyone. Youngmin put the card back in his bag and took out the envelope that Kwangmin gave him, he opened the envelope and inside was a card, he opened the card and read it.


Youngmin hyung, hello. This is Kwangmin, I know you are going to ask so I will tell you, I am doing fine, I miss you so much, I almost can't bare it... but the pain will lessen as time goes on, right? That's what you said to me.

I hope your good, I miss your smile... please don't stop smiling, it's to pretty to lose...

Anyway, I hope we can see each other again, I really want to see your home... I really want to see you.

Please don't hurt yourself, or get sick.

I love you Youngmin, Good bye.


Youngmin closed the card, he was smiling but tears were falling down his cheeks. He put the card back in his bag and looked out the window next to him.

"Good bye... I love you." Youngmin smiled out of the window at the sky, it was snowing outside. Youngmin put his hand on the window.

"I love you." Youngmin put his hand down and waited for the train to stop at the station he had to get off.


I love you, my one and only love... I love you, forever and ever.




Kwangmin opened his eyes and looked to the side of him, the bed was empty besides him, he missed Youngmin. He put his hand on the spot of the bed that Youngmin slept in. He smiled and closed his eyes again

Come back and see me again someday... until that day... I'll be Waiting.



That was the last ending, this one is the sad ending. I hope it is sad enough. ^^

Poor Kwangmin. Maybe he will meet Youngmin again some day.

I said this last chapter, but I will say it again: I hope you liked the story, and I hope you enjoy both endings, please tell me what you think of the story and the endings.

Thank you for reading the whole story. ^^

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^