Nightmare of True Feelings

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

"Everyone..." Youngmin looked at everyone, everyone was worried, everyone but Donghyun.

"Kwangmin...." Youngmin looked at Kwangmin and smiled at him.

"I have to tell you all something before it's to late..."


"What is it?" Kwangmin stood up from his seat and sat down next to Youngmin with a worried look on his face. Youngmin looked at him.

"I can't.... I have too..." Youngmin looked down away from Kwangmin.

"You can do it Youngmin-ah, it's for the best." Donghyun said. Youngmin looked at Donghyun, he smiled at his hyung and nodded.

"I can't... I can't stay." Youngmin looked at Kwangmin.

"What do you mean you can't stay?"

"I have to go back home... I can't stay here with you all, I can't live with you, Kwangmin... I have to leave you again, I have to go far away again..." Youngmin hugged his brother. Kwangmin froze.

"You going to leave me again..." Kwangmin whispered half to himself and half to his brother. After a few minutes Kwangmin pushed Youngmin away. Kwangmin started cry as he ran into the the extra room he was sleeping in tonight. Youngmin started to cry.


"I already knew." Minwoo said and looked at Youngmin.

"How?" Donghyun looked at Minwoo.

"Only for awhile. When we went to go pick up the twins, I heard you and Youngmin hyung talking in their room." Minwoo stood up.

"I will go talk with Kwangmin hyung. And Youngmin hyung... maybe you should sleep on the sofa tonight, I will stay with Kwangmin hyung... I don't think he will want to see you." Minwoo walked into the extra room that Kwangmin was in.


"Youngmin-ah, you should get some rest." Jeongmin said and stood up, he walked into the room him and Hyunseong will be sleeping in. Hyunseong followed Jeongmin

"Come on, we should get to sleep also." Donghyun said as he put a pillow on the floor with a blanket, Hyunseong gave him them to use for tonight. Youngmin stood up and laid down on the sofa, he didn't close his eyes for awhile.


"Why?" Kwangmin said, he was looking at Youngmin. They were inside their bedroom from the house they lived in together two years ago.

"I have too." Youngmin was staring at Kwangmin with a sad expression.

"This is the second time..." Kwangmin was looking at Youngmin with a cold expression.

"The second time your leaving me." Kwangmin said coldly.

"I'll leave you first." Kwangmin walked towards the door to their bedroom.


"This way you will feel how I felt for two years." Kwangmin twisted the doorknob.

"Wait!" Youngmin ran towards Kwangmin.

"Don't leave me!" Youngmin grabbed Kwangmin's wrist.

"That's what I told you so many times, but you still left me." Kwangmin looked at Youngmin.

"I'm sorry!" Youngmin let go of Kwangmin's arm.

"It's to late to say your sorry, you can't redo the past." Kwangmin said and opened the door.

"No!!" Youngmin went to grab Kwangmin but Kwangmin was gone. Youngmin was in their room alone.

"I can't take this!" Youngmin screamed.

"Why do I have to suffer!? What did I do!?" Youngmin took the books off of Kwangmin's bookshelf and threw them on the floor.

"I didn't start this!! I shouldn't have to suffer! I wanted to end it all, that's why I left!" Youngmin screamed and kicked Kwangmin's bed.

"He is the one who should suffer! He started it! And now look!! He started it and we both suffer!!" Youngmin fell to the floor.

"Why should I suffer when he started it!!?"


"Look at you... Yelling at your own brother, the one you love... What type of person are you?" Donghyun was standing infront of Youngmin, he soon disappeared.

"He doesn't want you to suffer, he blames himself everyday... I can't believe this how you really how... I can't believe I loved you." Minwoo appeared in front of Youngmin, he was staring at him with a cold look. He soon disappeared.

"How can you say such things about your brother?... The one you love..." Hyunseong was looking down at Youngmin on the floor. He also disappeared after awhile.

"This is how you really are... I wish I would have known before becoming your friend... poor Kwangmin, having a brother like you, loving someone like you... Because of you people will always think Kwangmin is a bad person, just like you..." Jeongmin was sitting infront of Youngmin. He disappeared also.


"Why... Why do you want me to suffer... I love you, don't you feel the same? Or was I right and your love was just a lie, a lie to make me feel better... Youngmin, my brother, my twin... my love... your just a lie, you hide your true self from everyone, the person everyone thinks you are is a lie... a nice and caring person, that is what everyone thinks you are, but it's a lie.... Your a person who only cares about himself, you don't think about anybody else, not even your brother.... I didn't want you to suffer." Kwangmin was sitting down in front of Youngmin. Kwangmin was sad.

"Goodbye Youngmin.... this is farewell... forever." Kwangmin smiled at Youngmin, but it was filled with sadness. He soon disappeared.



Youngmin woke up to someone poking him, he opened his eyes and saw Minwoo staring at him.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^