It's Been a Long Time

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Kwangmin was sitting on the sofa at home, Minwoo had already went home, it was dark out.

What did Minwoo-ah mean? Who is the person he loves? He only loves Youngmin, he must be talking about someone else. But it still worries me. Kwangmin looked out the window.


"I wish Youngmin hyung was here with me right now." Kwangmin didn't want to think about Youngmin, but he was the only thing he did think about.

"I should get to sleep. it's getting late." Kwangmin was looking at the clock, he sat up from the sofa and went upstairs, he opened the door to his room and laid on his bed, he closed his eyes.

"Youngmin hyung, are you really who I saw on the sidewalk that day?" Kwangmin opened his eyes and looked over at Youngmin's bed, he smiled and closed his eyes again.


Why do I have to suffer when your the one who started it?




Hyunseong and Jeongmin were walking, they were holding hands, but no one was around to see, the street was empty and no one was outside.

"We should get home, it's getting colder." Jeongmin shivered.

"I know." Hyunseong looked at Jeongmin, he released his hand from Jeongmin's and put it around Jeongmin, they were walking very close together now.

"Still cold?" Hyunseong asked. Jeongmin shook his head which now showed a slight shade of pink on his face, Hyunseong smiled at him. Jeongmin rested his head on Hyunseong's shoulder as they were walking.


Hyunseong and Jeongmin went up to Jeongmin's house, Jeongmin unlocked the door and turned around to face Hyunseong.

"Thanks for today. I had fun." Jeongmin said.

"Glad you had fun." Hyunseong smiled at him, he walked over to him and hugged him.

"Goodnight." Hyunseong said.

"Goodnight." Jeongmin replied, Hyunseong looked at Jeongmin.


"Your always blushing." Hyunseong said with a smile, Jeongmin blushed more and looked away from Hyunseong. Hyunseong turned Jeongmin's head and kissed him on the lips, they released the kiss after awhile.

"Goodnight." Hyunseong repeated, Jeongmin hugged him again, he let go of the hug and Hyunseong turned around and left. Jeongmin watched him leave and then went inside his house when he couldn't see Hyunseong anymore.




Youngmin opened his eyes, it was just a dream, he was laying on the bench at the park. He looked around, he saw someone walking towards him, he quickly stood up and was about to run away thinking it might be Kwangmin or Minwoo.

"Don't run." The person said, it was to dark to see who the person was. Youngmin was going to ask the person who they were but then they would hear his voice.

"Who are you?" Youngmin couldn't take it anymore and asked the person. The person stopped walking and froze.

"Youngmin?" The person called, Youngmin took a few steps back.

"Youngmin?" The person called again.


It's the voice... the voice from my dream, the same voice that woke me up. Youngmin was watching the person, he still wasn't moving but just staring at Youngmin.

"Who are you?" Youngmin repeated.

"Don't you remember me?" The person asked, Youngmin thought for a moment where he might have heard that voice, but the only place he remembers is in his dream. Youngmin shook his head, the person sighed and walked towards Youngmin.

"It's me." The person came closer to Youngmin, Youngmin didn't step back, or move at all, then he finally saw the person.

"You..." Youngmin was shocked.

"You remember?" The person smiled at Youngmin.


"Donghyun hyung." Youngmin said. Donghyun sat on the bench, Youngmin stared at him.

"Sit down." Donghyun said. Youngmin nodded and sat down.

"Since when have you been back?"

"Only for a few days.".

"Talk to Kwangmin-ah?"

Youngmin shook his head and looked down.


"Don't worry, take your time. You just got back."

Youngmin looked up at Donghyun.

"I can't take my time, I need to go back home, far away from Kwangmin again..." Youngmin looked back up at Donghyun.

"I can't stay here forever." Youngmin felt a tear slowly fall down his cheek. Donghyun saw the tear and pulled Youngmin into a hug.

"Don't worry." Donghyun said. This only made Youngmin cry more.

"Tomorrow, go to Kwangmin's house and talk to him." Donghyun let go of Youngmin and looked at him. Youngmin just looked at him.

"I need to go, it's late, you should get home too." Donghyun stood up.

"Wait." Youngmin stood up from the bench.

"Can I.... stay with you?" Youngmin asked, Donghyun was confused.

"Can I stay with you at your house?"


"But don't you have a place to go to already?"

Youngmin nodded.

"But I hate it there, I hate being alone, I hated it for two years." Youngmin walked closer to Donghyun.


"If your sure, but my house isn't very big."

"That's okay, It's just until I leave... again."

Donghyun nodded and turned around, Youngmin followed him.



I updated twice in one night, hurray for me. ^^

Okay so, the only idea I had for this chapter was Kwangmin's part and Youngmin's and Donghyun's part, I added Jeongmin and Hyunseong in the chapter since they don't get many parts as it is.

I need to get off, good night.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^