Ch.Thirty Five

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Ah... Seoul... Bomi take a deep breath of Seoul air after she gets off from the train. Today she going to check her dorm to make sure the things she need to bring when she move in two weeks from now. She needs to do this now because next week is SNSD concert so she probably couldn't have time to check her dorm. When Bomi arrived her roommate wasn't there at that time so she didn't have a guide about the other room so she just wanders around until she meets Chen on her way.


"Oh.. Hi.."

"Your friend, Jongdae?" Someone beside him asked.

"Yes, Bomi this is Kyungsoo my childhood friend, Kyungsoo this is Bomi my school friend."

"Nice to meet you, Kyungsoo."

"Nice to meet you too, Bomi. You're alone here?"

"Ah, yes. I'm just wandering around to get know this dorm area."

"Wait.. Are you accepted on Sport University, Bom?" Chen asked.

"Yes, I've got the news after my final match."

"Congratulation, Bom! It's good to hear that you finally get one of your biggest targets."

"Thank you, Chen."

"Wow.. So I get to know another athlete.. What kind of sport do you play?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Taekwondo, are you an athele too?"

"No.. I'm a SM trainee, but I live here too since I finally decided to move to Seoul."

"Really? So this is not only for Sport University students?"

"No, this is the nearest dorm from SM practice room and from Sport University too, so I don't know, maybe they just have an agreement that can makes us live here together."

"Woah, I never know that."

"So do you need help to get know this dorm?"

"You can help me with it?"

"We will become 'neighbor' soon, so it's my pleasure to help you, Bomi."

"Thank you so much, Kyungsoo."

"Hmm.. Where should we go first.."

"Let's heading to cafeteria first, she probably needs to know that the most." Chen said and Bomi just laugh a little when she heard that.

"Aaahh.. Okay then. Let's start the tour from the cafeteria."


When they finished their tour, Bomi said she'll go back to Gyeonggi-do and Chen said he'll come with her since he didn't have thing to do at Seoul.

"You said you'll stay overnight here, Jongdae." Kyungsoo asked after Bomi enter her room to get her bag.

"I'll back soon after I send her home."

"So she must be someone special, huh.." Kyungsoo nudge him and Chen just smiled, "I'll take care of her until you come here too when you're accepted as a trainee."

"But don't you dare cross the line, Kyungsoo."

"Ay.. What do you think I am?"

Bomi get out from her room so Kyungsoo and Chen stop talking by themselves, "Are you ready, Bomi?" Chen asked.

"Yes, I am. Thank you once again for today, Kyungsoo."

"No problem, I'll be waiting for you two weeks from now."

"Okay. See you soon, Kyungsoo." Bomi and Chen bid a goodbye to him and going to the station.



Chen said he need to go to school first to get his notes on Music Room so two of them walk together since the school is in the same direction with Bomi house.

"Ah right, I forgot to ask you earlier. Why did you come to Seoul, Chen?"

"I want to audition on SM tomorrow actually. I'll stay at Kyungsoo dorm for tonight because the audition will start early in the morning."

"Oh? But why you come back here?" Bomi then stop walking, "Please don't tell me because you want to accompany me?"

"Why? You feel moved?"

"Chen, I'm serious.. You waste your time for resting or maybe practicing for tomorrow. Argh, I should've asked you before we were going back here."

"It's not a waste, you know I'll never feel that way when it comes to you."

"Chen.. Don't.." Before Bomi finished Chen already talked, "Besides, I need to get my notes anyway. So don't say anymore about it, Okay?"

Bomi sigh and continue to walk, "Well, then it's relieved if you have thing to do beside just accompany me."

"So Bom, what about your relationship with Baekhyun?"

"Huh? Why did you suddenly asking me that?"

"Well, you'll move to Seoul soon while he stays here, so..?"

"We.. We're fine." Bomi clear , "We're fine.." She smile to Chen and walk faster without really paying attention to her surrounding. We're fine, I mean, we're gonna be fine. She keep on repeated that words in her head and still lose her focus until she trip on something on her way and scratched her knee.


"Are you okay?"

Bomi tried to stand up quickly but she feels the pain on her knee so she bends a little. "Wait here, I'll run to your supermarket and bring you the iodine and plaster."

"No, we're almost there anyway. Let me stay like this for a while and I'll be okay."

Bomi tried to straight her knee, "I guess I'll need to lean on you first, Chen."

"Sure, come on."

Bomi hold Chen's arm to lean on him for support her to keep walking. Chen walks slowly to matching Bomi walking pace but after walk a little he squat down, "Here. I think it'll be better to move faster so you can treat your wound."

"Thank you, Chen." Bomi then hop on his back because her knee is kinda hurting from walking.

When Chen takes a few steps with Bomi on his back, "Uhm, I'm kinda regretting to offer you piggyback ride."

Bomi just pretend didn't know what he meant and trying to hold her laughter for a long time since Chen heavy breath can be heard.

They arrived in front of Bomi parent supermarket and Chen is bending down to drop Bomi on chair in front of supermarket. "Aigoo my back.." Chen said and Bomi finally burst in laugh.

"I'm sorry, Chen."

"If you're sorry then please treat your wound right now so you can heal fast."

Bomi smiled, "I will, Chen. You want to drink first?"

"No, thanks. I'll go to get my notes and going back to Seoul."

"Ah, okay. Be careful, Chen. Thank you so much for today." Bomi waved and she turns to her right and saw someone familiar from afar.

Oh? Isn't that Baekhyun? Bomi squinch her eyes to get focus on that person.

Is that really him? But why he didn't greet me earlier? He must've seen me if that was really him.


"Why you didn't go inside, Bomi?" Her father coming out and asked her.

"Ah, I will, Appa." Bomi kinda limp when she walking, "Are you hurt, Bomi?"

"Just a little scratch, Appa."

"Aigoo, please be careful my daughter. Before I'm changing my mind about letting you move to Seoul just by yourself."

"Ay.. It's not a big deal, Appa.. Don't say that, please.."

"I get it.. Now, treat your wound first."

"Ne, Appa. Where's Omma?"

"In storage room. Baekhyun was here just now."

"Really?" So that's really him after all?

"You didn't get to met him? I don't think he's out from here for that long."

"Maybe we missed each other. I'll text him after this."


From: My Babomi

Message: Baek, I've heard you were helping my parent again today.. Such a dutiful son in law.. :D Where are you now?

From: Baekhyun ♥

Message: I'm on my way.


Mwoya? That's it? It so not like him, Bomi thought.


From: My Babomi

Message: Ah, okay.. Have fun in academy, Baek.


Really? He didn't reply my message at all..


"Bomi, if you've done treated your wound just go back to the house and rest." Bomi snap out from her thought. "Ne, Appa." Bomi put the iodine back to its place, "I'll be back after have some rest, Appa."

Bomi is going to her home to have some rest until she heard her phone ringing.

"Hello." Bomi answer the phone without looking the caller ID.

"Bomi, are you with Baekhyun?"

"Who is this?"

"This is V."

Bomi then up from her bed, "Oh, V. Sorry I'm still half asleep so I didn't look at the caller ID. And sorry again, what did you asked me just now?"

"You were sleeping? So Baehyun must be isn't there with you.. Did you meet him, Bom?"

"No, I didn't. He already left when I arrived. Wait, so he's not going to the academy?"

"No, I thought he'll be late, but he was late for an hour and he didn't replied my message, so I thought he just forget about our practice because he still there with you."

"But he told me that he was on his way already. How come he still not there?"

"Okay, I'll try to call him now."

"Please tell me as soon as you heard abut him."

Taehyung ended his call and Bomi running back to the supermarket.

"Omma, Appa, did Baekhyun told you where he was planning to go?" Bomi asked as soon as she opens the supermarket door.

"Bomi-ah, why are you running and panic like that?" Bomi mother asked.

"Omma, Baekhyun.. I'm asking about Baekhyun."

"He has a practice at music academy. Why?" Bomi father answered.

"Aish that Baekhyun.."

"Bomi-ah, can you tell us what happened right now?"

Bomi phone was ringing, "Wait a min, Omma." She read her message quickly.


From: V

Message: He's at home, Bomi. Sorry if I'm startled you.

Bomi breathed a sigh of relief, "No, Omma, Appa. It's actually nothing." She laughed a little to makes her parent calm down.

"Don't startle us like that."

"Ne, Appa. I'm sorry."


From: Yoon Bomi

Message: Thank God. That Baekhyun should've just told if he was going home. Sigh.

From: V

Message: Let's burn him, bow wow wow.

From: Yoon Bomi

Message: Huh?? What was that?? XD Did he told you why he didn't go to the practice?

From: V

Message: Hahaha, nothing, just my own chatter.. :D He's not in the mood, I don't know why.. Bomi, I need to go back to practice now.

From: Yoon Bomi

Message: Okay. Thanks, V.

From: V

Message: That's my line, Bomi.


"So what happened with Baekhyun, Bomi?" Bomi mother asked after Bomi put down her phone.

"He's not showing up at music academy and he didn't reply our messages so we've got a little worried about him. But turns out he was at home right now."

"Is he sick?"

"No, Omma. He said he's not on the mood so he's going home right away."

"But he was fine and excited when he was here. Right, yeobo?"

"Yes. Maybe something happen after he left?"

"Why don't you go to his house, Bomi?"

"Ne? Don't you think it was unnecessary? He probably just wants to rest or something."

"But it's better to make sure he's fine. He probably not gonna tell us if he have hard time because he used to situation when he didn't have someone to lean on. So at times like this you need to care for him, Bomi."


"Aigoo.." Bomi mother cut her off, "Just listen to me will you.."

"Okay, okay, I'll go."


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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)