Ch.Thirty Four

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Eunji, Hayoung, Bomi and Baekhyun are going to have lunch after Bomi parent going back to their home.

"You didn't need to go back to school, model student?" Bomi asked him.

"Skipping just one day not gonna bring much difference for my grade."

"Omo, look at your confidence."

"I'm learning from my seatmate."

"Not for this kind of situation.." Bomi pinched his cheek and laugh.

"Bom, where's Kyung? It's weird he's not coming at all today." Hayoung said.

"He's got an exam today. I hope he can come after he finished it, I miss him a lot. It's been so long since I've seen his face because he's got so busy with his campus event."

"When the event will be held anyway?" Eunji asked.

"On August if I'm not wrong."

"Oh, then we're already off school at that time. Let's come together on his event." Hayoung said.

"Ah.. Yes.." Bomi answered with uncertainty.

"Why is your face like that, Baek?" Eunji asked.

"Huh? Like what?"

"Like you were disappointed or something."

Bomi then take a look at Baekhyun, "Are you?"

"A little, but I can't say it in front of them."

"Don't tell me you were disappointed because we're coming along right now?" Hayoung asked.

"Ay... No.. You'll cringe if you heard it." Baekhyun laugh.

"Aaww.. Seriously.. Then please keep it to yourself." Eunji said.

They arrived on restaurant and have lunch for almost an hour before going back to the school. Bomi said she'll clean herself first in her house before going back to school, so Eunji, Hayoung and Baekhyun separated with her and go to the school without her.

"Don't you think Bomi was kinda distracted earlier?" Baekhyun asked Eunji and Hayoung.

"Well, she was quieter than usual, maybe she's just tired after her match." Hayoung answered.

"Even if there's something, she'll tell us soon, Baek." Eunji added.

"She always tells you everything?" Baekhyun asked.

"Pretty much yes. And I think she'll do the same with you, Baek." Eunji answered.

"You think so?"

"Why? Are there something we didn't know?" Hayoung asked.

"Oh? No.." Maybe I'm the one who overreacting.

"We should running to our class, Mr. Lim already spot us." Hayoung said and start running then Baekhyun and Eunji follow her behind to enter their own class. Baekhyun waiting for Bomi to come but even after the school was finished, Bomi didn't come.


From: Baekhyun ♥

Message: Babomi, you overslept aren't you? And then you decided to skip school after you woke up. XD

From: Baekhyun ♥

Message: Are you really sleeping?

Baekhyun message her again when she didn't reply. But then Bomi didn't answer for long time so Baekhyun thought maybe she's really sleeping right now.

From: Baekhyun ♥

Message: Sleep well, Bom.. You've worked hard today.. :)


Baekhyun go back to his house and met Bomi on his way.

"Hey.." Baekhyun greet her.

"Oh.. Baek.. Hi.." Bomi not expect to meet him so she quite surprised.

"What's with your expression." Baekhyun pinch her nose, "I thought you were sleeping since you didn't go back to school."

"Ah, no. I went to Mr. Park house. So you're going home right? See you tomorrow, Baek."

"Wait." Baekhyun hold her when she about to go, "Is something happened, Bom?"

"Ne? No.."

"Really?" Baekhyun look into her eyes and Bomi gulped, "Bye Byunbaek." Bomi kiss his cheek and makes Baekhyun release his hands. After that Bomi use her chance to going back to her home and she wave to him before running.

Ah.. I lost again to her.. Baekhyun put his hand on his cheek and then he couldn't help but smile.

Aigoo, this is hard.. How long I can hide this news from him like this. Let's find a way to tell him without making him upset, Bom. Bomi then remember that her phone was ringing earlier when she's on meeting with her instructor about her Taekwondo future. She opens her phone to find out Baekhyun messages and she smile when she read it. That Baekhyun really..


Before Bomi can reply Baekhyun messages with jokes, Kyung calling her.

"Yah you!"

"Tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. How rude you answer someone call with 'yah'." Kyung then laugh, "So I guess you're win today?"

"You didn't lose your ability at all Kyung."

"Of course.. Congratulation Bomi! Anyway, where are you, Bom? There some noise I can hear from here so you must be not at home."

"I'm on my way home, Kyung. Are you on campus right now?"

"Yup, finally finish my exam now."

"Kyung, are you still busy these days? I miss you.."

"Hmm.. I don't think that's the only reason. There must be something else you need from me, just spill it Bomi."

"Aish.. I really miss you.. It's been a long time since we've met.. You did't even call me these days."

"Ah.. So that's the trick I should've done before."

"Huh? What do you mean? Are you still lost your mind in your exam?"

Kyung laugh, "Kiddo.."

"So, how are you, Kyung?"

"Are you really doing this? It's scary.."

"Aish, I'm hanging up."

"Okay.. okay.. You and your temper... I'm fine, Bomi. I know you must be doing fine, especially after winning your important match.. Right?"

"Hmm.. There's something I want to ask about it, Kyung."

"See.. My guess about you always right. There's no way you just saying 'I miss you' to me like that."

Bomi laugh, "So, are you free this weekend, Kyung?"

"You should've just said so from the first time.."

"But I really miss you.. I'm not just sweet talking this time."

"Okay I believe you and congratulation I've free time for this weekend."

"Really? Thank God.. Please come to my house this weekend, Kyung. Please..."

"Okay.. Calm down Yoon Bomi.. What makes you sound that urgent?"

"I just can tell you when we meet. You promise right?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Thanks, Kyung. I love you."

"I know. Okay then, see you soon, Bom. Bye." That kid and her talk habit

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)