

"It's the one who you think the real villain is"Woo Yoon whisper to Yee Rin.

"It's impossible why you're so confident that think she's the villain what if you wrong?"

"Honey from before I always eyeing you I know who you think the real villain is"

"Why you always eyeing at me?"

"Because I always want to get revenge to the villain and I always saw you was eyeing her suspiciously"

"But she always kind to me,she always comfort me"

"Then why you think she's the villain there must be something about her that make you think she's the villain right?"Woo Yoon said make Yee Rin fall into silence.

"Tell me everything about her"Yee Rin said after in deep thought.Woo Yoon just smirk Woo Yoon tell everything about the 'girl' to Yee Rin but there still something that she didn't tell Yee Rin at all.While Yee Rin is listening to Woo Yoon her eyes full of tears but she hold it back so tears not fall in front of Woo Yoon.

"Why she always do that?"Yee Rin ask Woo Yoon.

"Honey,she love to see people suffering that's why she do that especially when it's her doing"

"I can't believe she such a two-faces "Yee Rin said Woo Yoon just chuckle.

"This is first time I heard you cursing"

"Let me curse sometimes okay,Anyway thanks for telling me"Yee Rin said then handed Woo Yoon something.Then,Yee Rin walk away leaving Woo Yoon behind.Woo Yoon just smile at Yee Rin then she sigh.Then,she walk away to find some place where she can be alone and calm herself she still holding thing that Yee Rin gave to her.

After awhile,the school fill with students.Yee Rin just eyeing at someone coldly.

"Yee Rin why are you come early to school today?"Yoon Mi ask Yee Rin but Yee Rin just ignore her instead she go talk with Jun Yeong.Yoon Mi just shrug it off.But there someone who is eyeing Yee Rin.When recess time,Yee Rin follow the 'girl' quietly try not to blow her cover.Yee Rin gasp when the 'girl' suddenly grab Woo Yoon's hair but since Woo Yoon is more stronger than the 'girl'.Woo Yoon slap the 'girl' and push the 'girl' away.

"You dare to disobey me"The 'girl' said then smirk at Woo Yoon.

"You know what tomorrow will be hell for you"Woo Yoon said coldly then walk away leaving the 'girl' behind.Yee Rin run away before the 'girl' found out that she's stalking her and she can't stand seeing the 'girl' face.Yoongi who saw everything just smirk.

"She will lost her friend"Yoongi whisper to himself.Then,smirk at the girl.He always witness the 'girl' bad side when she with Woo Yoon.He know everything about the 'girl'.Woo Yoon know that Yoongi always saw she with the 'girl' but she just shrug Yoongi off because he didn't open mouth about it so why bother to distrub him.

"YAH,NAM WOO YOON!"The 'girl' shout but Woo Yoon just ignore it.Then,the 'girl' just smirk.

"You will see what will I do for you to disobey me"The 'girl' said then walk away go to her friend even though her left cheek is red because of Woo Yoon who slap her.But she just shrug it off.Her friends realize that her cheek is red but they just shrug it off since if they ask the 'girl' will never say smth about it.While Yee Rin keep avoiding her with Jun Yeong since she don't want to see her face.

The 'girl' know that Yee Rin keep avoiding her but she still didn't know that Woo Yoon tell Yee Rin everything about her.But she just shrug it off when Yee Rin ignore her since when Yee Rin mood is down she will ignore everyone.If she know that Woo Yoon was the one who tell everything about her to Yee Rin,she could get kill.

"Why Yee Rin keep avoiding did I do smth wrong to her?"Min Ji ask the other.The other just shrug their shoulder.Min Ji just eyeing at Yee Rin who is only talking to Jun Yeong.

"Yee Rin,why you always talk to me while the other ignore me?"Jun Yeong ask Yee Rin who is in deep thought.

"Because I know who the real villain is"Yee Rin said make Jun Yeong eye wide in instant.

"Who?"Jun Yeong ask Yee Rin who is in ease right now.

"I don't know it could be Ji Ae"Yee Rin said then shrug her shoulder.

"Can you just said who?"Jun Yeong whine to Yee Rin,Yee Rin just shook her head.Jun Yeong just pout and puff her cheek with air.

"You think you look cute like that"Yee Rin said make Jun Yeong deflate her cheek.Jun Yeong just glare at Yee Rin.

Can you guys guess who is the villain or two-faces b*tch?

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life