

Few weeks passes....
News about Taehyung was Woo Yoon boyfriend spread in just minute. Since Taehyung is a hot stuff,the girls student were mad but they can't do anything since Taehyung was Woo Yoon's.

There's also a lot of rumors about Woo Yoon and Taehyung. About Taehyung was being threatened by Woo Yoon to be her boyfriend since Woo Yoon is a villain also Taehyung is a year younger than Woo Yoon. Also that Woo Yoon picked Taehyung to be her boyfriend because she wanted attention. And blah blah blah....

While Woo Yoon and Taehyung being spread. Ji Ae was free from Woo Yoon...for a while. Woo Yoon and Taehyung always spend their time together. Some of the students even claimed that they saw Taehyung and Woo Yoon go to shopping together. Taehyung who dragged Woo Yoon though there's no way Woo Yoon would go to shopping unless necessary. But some of the students started shipping the two since they look cute together.

Yoongi,he become quieter and more distant from the other excepted for Ji Ae. He only talk to Ji Ae. Yoongi don't even talk to his friends especially Taehyung of course.

At school hallway....
The hallway was filled with students voice but like always completely died when Woo Yoon entered the hallway. But this time with Taehyung,they both were laughing with each other while holding hands. Some of the students creep out when saw Woo Yoon was smiling.

Since Woo Yoon would always have face,evil smirk but genuine smile make them feel weird inside out.

The hallway was filled with Taehyung and Woo Yoon laughter.

"They look really cute together"A girl whispered to her friend when Taehyung and Woo Yoon passed them.

"I heard that"Woo Yoon said stopped in her track make the girl froze and gulped. Woo Yoon just chuckled and winked at the girl and continued to walked and chatting with Taehyung.

"Wow!For the first time,she not messing with people"The girl friend said after Woo Yoon and Taehyung disappeared from their sight. Meanwhile there's a boy who was watching every Woo Yoon and Taehyung movement.

The boy just sighed and head to his class. After the bell rang all the students headed to their class. When lesson started then Woo Yoon came in.

Ms.Choi sighed when Woo Yoon came in and just ignored everyone headed to her table. Kris yeah it's been a while since he came,he always absent though.

"Woo Yoon I know you have so called boyfriend but you still have to come early for class"Ms.Choi said make Woo Yoon rolled her eyes.

"And so?Does it's look like I'm still going to come early?Why would I come early just to see your y face and all that boring lesson?I don't think so"Woo Yoon said with her face and smirked. Ms.Choi just sighed and continued her lesson.

Recess time...
Woo Yoon was bullying Ji Ae like usual. But she have friends so they TRIED to protected her. But they were dealing with Woo Yoon there's no way Woo Yoon just let Ji Ae go from her grip.

Then Taehyung entered the cafeteria heading to Woo Yoon with his boxy smile. Taehyung just casually wrapped his hands around Woo Yoon from the back.

Woo Yoon was froze for a second but when she realized it Taehyung,a big smile plastered on her face. Woo Yoon hugged Taehyung back.

They both just headed out from the cafeteria leaving all the students behind. All the students trying to processed by what just happened.

"Did Taehyung really just hug Woo Yoon?"Namjoon asked his friends.

"Wow!I'm surprise that he didn't get kill"Jimin said.

The cafeteria started to filled with gossip,whispered and talking of course.

"I can't deny that they look cute with each other"Yee Rin said to Ji Ae after she 'helped' Ji Ae from Woo Yoon.

"Yeah...maybe"Jun Yeong said then sat beside Ji Ae. Yee Rin rolled her eyes.

"I know he's your so called crush but what they look CUTE together,if u couple with him. We will have alien couple in this school"Yee Rin said make her friends laughed excepted for Jun Yeong. Jun Yeong glared at Yee Rin.

"I am not weird"Jun Yeong said make her friends rolled their eyes.

"Junnie,we're never normal"Ji Ae said make the other chuckled since its true though. Before they 'tried' to become normal for a day.

The first step is THEY CANNOT BECOME NORMAL AND THEY NEVER CAN. Because when they tried to become normal they broke into a random giggles,weird dancing,random hugs especially Jun Yeong and so on. You can't ing imagine it,sometimes it get worse because they would just especially Jun Yeong though. She would randomly sing,dancing,running,pinching people cheeks randomly and sometimes she even talk to poles,stone and whatsoever.

"Of course I know that but I want to try be 'normal' again for once"Jun Yeong said make the other rolled their eyes.

"You know we always failed that"Hyo Mi said make Jun Yeong pouted.

"I wonder how to be normal"Jun Yeong said,her friends just shrugged their shoulder in responded. The girls were popular but for being weird. The whole school know them for being weird. They never be normal tbh. When P.E class it get worse,they would steal each other shoes,throw leaves at each other basically war,fighting and so on.

"But isn't suspicious?"Yoon Mi said out of nowhere.

"About what?"Hyo Mi asked her dear friend.

"You know before Woo Yoon and Taehyung just faking about their relationship because of Yoongi"Yoon Mi explained to her friends.

"But right now they wouldn't be so much skin ship if they were faking right?"Yee Rin said.

"Yeah about the shopping rumor its true because the picture of Taehyung and Woo Yoon together are spread"Jun Yeong said.

"And there's even a rumor that Taehyung and Woo Yoon sleep together"Yee Rin said.

"What?!"Jun Yeong jolted in surprised make the students looked at her weirdly. Jun Yeong sat back with embarrassment. Her friends glared at Jun Yeong for overreaction.

"But you know isn't it to early?They just started dating about 1 month"Jun Yeong said.

"It does make sense about what you said but who know they might get to carried away and....yeah"Min Ji said,the other nodded in agreed.

"Get carried about what?"Jun Yeong asked her friends for turtle sake she's innocence. She never knew about curse words though and she rarely curse and when she curse she just use random words except curse words.

"You too innocence for that"Yee Rin said. Jun Yeong pouted in responded since sometimes she get tired of being innocence and she want to be a ert like her friends but Yee Rin never allowed she do that.

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life