

While recess....
Woo Yoon at her locker,leaning against it as she closed her eyes trying to endured the pain that she felt. Woo Yoon didn't look really well to be honest. Yoongi watched her steps carefully since he know Woo Yoon was not feeling well.

Woo Yoon slowly walked away from her locker,when she walked passed Yoongi. She fell unconscious,gladly Yoongi caught Woo Yoon who was paled like ghost. Taehyung who just happened to walked through saw Woo Yoon fell unconscious,he immediately ran to Woo Yoon,worried about his girlfriend. Woo Yoon kept having problems since the day where she puked.

"What happen to her?!"Tae asked Yoongi in concerned.

"I don't know..she just fainted"Yoongi said while stared at Woo Yoon paled face and yet she looked really calm and somewhat happy.

"Let me take her,Hyung"Tae said to Yoongi,he just let Taehyung took Woo Yoon from his grip even though his heart yelling at him not to. He just stared at Taehyung as he scooped Woo Yoon brought Woo Yoon to school clinic. Then,he walked away from the scene with a heavy and hurting heart.

"What happen?!"Ms.Han asked Tae in panicked when she saw Tae brought unconscious Woo Yoon to the school clinic.

"She fainted"Tae said worriedly,Ms.Han patted on an empty bed signalling Taehyung to put Woo Yoon on the empty bed. Taehyung gently placed Woo Yoon on the bed. Ms.Han watched Woo Yoon worriedly since Woo Yoon never fainted before no matter how sick she is,she will come and sleep there or sometimes she just sleep there because she want to

Taehyung stared at Woo Yoon calmed face.Ms.Han eyeing Taehyung and Woo Yoon. Of course she had heard about the rumors but she can't help to think it's the true rumor. Since Woo Yoon is always unpredictable,you never know what she's going to do no matter how close you're with her. Also she didn't have any permanent personalities like she can become really shy with new people but in a blink she can be friendly to new people,she just unpredictable in many ways.

Ms.Han know Woo Yoon for a long time but she still can't read Woo Yoon like open book usually she's good at reading peoples like open books but with Woo Yoon,she never can.

"Taehyung?"Ms.Han called Taehyung as he snapped his thought and looked at Ms.Han innocently.

"Did the rumor are true?That Woo Yoon and you is...."Ms.Han asked Taehyung,Taehyung just smile to Ms.Han make her eyes widened in surprised. As expected,she never can't read Woo Yoon.

"Are you sure you make the right decision,Taehyung?"

"Woo Yoon is my responsible(I'm just melt....MY POOR HEARTEU AND LIFEU),so anything that happen to her I'm the one who have to stand by her side and help her through everything.Also this is our decision after all"

"Are you really sure,Kim Taehyung?"

"We both agreed to it,if we not agree this thing will never happen"

"Your brother is Baekhyun right?He's Woo Yoon target before"Ms.Han said make Taehyung chuckled to Ms.Han. It's true that Baekhyun and Taehyung are brothers even though Baekhyun is older than him by a year but Taehyung look more matured than Baekhyun. Even though they both not that matured but yeah,Tae is taller and really deep voice not like Baekhyun,and they both have square smile that resembles each other that peoples often mistaken them as twin.

"He was shocked at first but he understand my place and he didn't mind it at all to be honest also he said Woo Yoon never hit him before because he said that Woo Yoon just want to my brother to play along with the acting since she was too tired to bully or not in the mood to"Taehyung explained to Ms.Han,she just nodded while listened to Taehyung. Yes, Woo Yoon never hit Baekhyun that's why Baek become more brave than usual when he protect Ji Ae from Woo Yoon but he know that Woo Yoon is not showing her real self to people.

Woo Yoon just would play or talk with Baek when they both together but they will hang out without Woo Yoon pops and Woo Yoon always called him with nicknames since she always have a problem to remember peoples name.

"I don't mad for both of you make this decision but I appreciate that and Taehyung I hope you take care of Woo Yoon better"Ms.Han said,Taehyung nodded to Ms.Han before she headed out from the clinic. Taehyung stared at Woo Yoon for a while before smiling to himself.He tugged Woo Yoon hair strand behind her ear as the strand covered Woo Yoon eyes. 

After a few minutes,Woo Yoon slowly woke up from the bed and found Taehyung who was sleeping with his head hanging lowed on the empty bed that just beside Woo Yoon bed make Woo Yoon chuckled at the sight. Woo Yoon poked Taehyung head make Tae woke up from his nap and smile slightly to Woo Yoon.

"You look tired why don't you just lay down and take a nap"Woo Yoon said to Taehyung,worrying about him since he looked tired also she felt guilty for making Tae worrying about her.

"You're the one who sick right now,Why don't you just sleep while I go to class"Taehyung said while stood up from the bed make Woo Yoon frowned.

"No,we both need rest and don't worry about class.Jeez,don't worry Ms.Han won't be mad if we stay here"Woo Yoon said while patting beside her signalling Taehyung to sit beside her which Tae just obeyed her.

"I'm hungry"Woo Yoon said then her stomach make sounds make she flushed in red while Tae laughed at Woo Yoon. Woo Yoon playfully hit Taehyung for laughing at her.

"Don't worry,I will go buy some foods for you at the cafeteria just take a rest okay?"Tae said and pushed Woo Yoon to the bed make she glared at him as he chuckled.

"You being treat me like a baby"

"I know because you're my baby(Goodbye world,I'm done with this ),Bubye"Taehyung said and headed out from the clinic and let Woo Yoon rest as her eyelids started to become more heavier then she slowly fell asleep. Then,someone came in,heading to Woo Yoon as the person stared at Woo Yoon sleeping face. The person placed a chocolate beside Woo Yoon and patted her head,smiling at Woo Yoon as the person headed out from the clinic.

After a few minutes,Taehyung came to the clinic and frowned when he saw the chocolate laid beside Woo Yoon neatly,in Tae hands were full of chocolate such as bread,cookies and so on since he know Woo Yoon craved chocolate for about a month and it kind like of get out of hands since everyday Woo Yoon would whine that she wanted to eat chocolate.

Taehyung woke Woo Yoon gently,her eyes widened when she saw Taehyung have a lot of chocolate make she jolted from the bed begging at Taehyung for some chocolates. When she get her chocolate,she ate it happily smiling ear to ear. Taehyung smile at Woo Yoon childish side.

"You know I kind of heard what Ms.Han said"Woo Yoon said as Taehyung sat beside her and just let Woo Yoon laid her head on his shoulder while he slowly ate the chocolate bread. Tae hummed in responded.

"Tbh,it was fun after all"Taehyung said make Woo Yoon chuckled.

"Right,but don't you afraid of get into trouble?"

"It was my decision so there's nothing wrong with it"

"I just worried about it"

"There's nothing wrong at all,I had a lot of fun doing it don't worry"Taehyung said make Woo Yoon smile to herself. They both talked to each other while finishing all the chocolates by themselves but Woo Yoon ate a lot more since she kept craving for chocolates.

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life