

"DON'T TOUCH HER!"Woo Yoon shouted at the men while moving around trying to loose the men's grip on her. Yoongi froze didn't know what to do. 

"U-Unnie"Woo Yoon sister whimpered as the poor girl started to trembled in fear and tears slowly fell on her cheeks.

"Please don't hurt her"Woo Yoon begged when one of the guy pushed the knife harder on her sister's neck.

"Why she deserves it"One of the guy said with a deep voice that could brought shivered to anyone. The guy immediately cut her sister's throat, let blood dripping down from her sister's neck. 

"NO!"Woo Yoon screamed as the men let go of her, she immediately grabbed on of the guy mask before they ran away. She caught a glimpsed of the man before he ran away. Woo Yoon immediately hugged her sister and cried again. Yoongi immediately called the ambulance before he ran to Woo Yoon.

-End Flashback-

Woo Yoon stared at Kris in fear, her legs trembled like jelly. Her hands formed into fists.

"You? Was there?"Woo Yoon asked Kris, he just smirked at her. Woo Yoon finally remembered everything the guy that she grabbed the mask was Kris and someone in the car was Ji Ae. 

"Why she deserves it?"Kris said make Woo Yoon tears dropped on her cheeks that been pooling in her eyes for awhile. Out of nowhere, angered rushed through Woo Yoon's body.


All the silenced died down the moment Woo Yoon stepped in the cafeteria with Kris who looked pretty beaten up. She threw Kris on the floor, some of the students wondered where the energy came from Woo Yoon that she can defeated someone who 30 cm taller than her. Woo Yoon eyes landed on Ji Ae when Ji Ae jolted from her seat that she saw Kris being threw by Woo Yoon on the floor.

Woo Yoon rushed to Ji Ae and immediately slapped Ji Ae with all her might. Ji Ae's head hit the wall, she glared at Woo Yoon.

"YOU AND JI HYE ARE ING THE SAME!"Woo Yoon shouted at Ji Ae, she stared at Woo Yoon with shocked and in fear.

"J-Ji Hye? You know my sister?"Ji Ae asked Woo Yoon only make she's madder that she kicked Ji Ae on the stomach make she fell on the floor. When she's about to grabbed Ji Ae's hair, someone wrapped his arms around Woo Yoon preventing her from hurting Ji Ae.

"Let go of me"Woo Yoon said while shoving his arms away but his grip was much stronger than her especially when she's let her energy on Kris.

"LET GO OF ME!"Woo Yoon screamed on top of her lungs but soon she's crying. The students gulped at the sight as they watched tears fell from Woo Yoon. They just can't believed what they saw.

"Yoongi, let go of me!"Woo Yoon screamed-crying, she definitely knew that Yoongi was the one who wrapped his arms around her. Yoongi dragged Woo Yoon out of cafeteria, dragged she's far away from Ji Ae.

"WOO YOON STOP!!"Yoongi shouted at Woo Yoon while held her tightly.

"I'M NOT GOING TO STOP!"Woo Yoon said while struggled to get out from Yoongi's grip.

"JUST STOP HURTING JI AE ALREADY!"Yoongi yelled at Woo Yoon make she stiffened. She looked at him.

"Why I need to stop when she's the one who always hurting me?"

"She didn't hurt you anymore"

"SHE IS! She put poison in my food so that I vomit every time after recess! She was there when my sister died, Kris working with her and Ji Hye!"Woo Yoon burst at Yoongi.

"What?"Yoongi said out of confused to Woo Yoon.

"Yoongi, do you trust me?"Woo Yoon asked Yoongi out of blue make him taken aback.

"Woo Yoon"

"Just answer me!"


"Then please believe that Ji Ae and Ji Hye were the one who killed my sister. You heard that Ji Hye said that she told her assistants to hurt my sister before she fell from the balcony! She do that because she wanted me to stay away from you! Ji Ae also have feelings for you!"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi make him frowned.

"I-I don't understand"

"Yoongi, Ji Ae and Ji Hye are sister, they killed my sister because wanted to get revenge for Ji Hye"Woo Yoon said while hitting Yoongi on the chest, crying all her heart. Yoongi eyes widened in shocked. It all make sensed to him now.

When Woo Yoon inside in the school clinic resting after she passes out in his arms. He saw Ji Ae entered the clinic with chocolate in her hand. He also saw that Ji Ae put something in Woo Yoon's food. He also have saw Ji Ae talked with Kris a couple of times. No wonder Ji Ae reminded his dead girlfriend so much. He did saw Ji Ae in the black car where the accident happened. He's the one who saw everything again.

He saw Ji Ae entered the headmaster's room after Ji Hye died. He also Ji Ae and Kris handed something to the polices, headmaster and all the witnesses. That's why they didn't wanted to see him because they knew that he will protect Woo Yoon since he's the one who saw everything. Even the case closed quickly because Ji Ae used her powers, her richness to destroyed who below her. Ji Ae fell down at the camping because she slipped not Woo Yoon pushed her. He also saw that Ji Ae threw all her things out from her tent on purposed but he didn't saw her face clearly.

"Yoongi, you're the one who saw everything yet you never realized it!"Woo Yoon said, let tears flowed from her eyes. 

"I-I'm sorry"Yoongi said to Woo Yoon. 

"So now the truth have been exposed"Ji Ae said make Woo Yoon froze, she smirked when saw Woo Yoon froze.

"It's sad to see my sister dead but who care about her anyway, I get everything when she's gone. I don't have to share anything with her. And about your sister Woo Yoon. It's me who wanted she to died. Why? Because I want Yoongi that's why"Ji Ae said while chuckled.

"But you still closed to Yoongi even losing my family and ity never matter to me. What's matter is that I get what I wanted"Ji Ae said make Woo Yoon blood boiled as Yoongi just glared at Ji Ae.

"Your sister really cute but more cuter when she's screamed in pain begging for your help isn't?"Ji Ae said make Woo Yoon jaw tighten. Ji Ae stand closely behind Woo Yoon, smirking in such a annoying manner. Woo Yoon body raging with anger that she turned and pushed Ji Ae. Ji Ae who didn't expected the push from Woo Yoon fell backward, hit her head on the ground with a strong impact. Ji Ae fell unconscious as blood slowly dripping from her head. Woo Yoon stared at Ji Ae in shocked and feared before ran away leaving Yoongi. Yoongi immediately called the ambulance.

After Ji Ae headed to hospital, Yoongi looked around to searched Woo Yoon. Yoongi looked Woo Yoon around the school but he never saw her. He saw Taehyung who chilling with the other.

"Taehyung-ah!"Yoongi called Taehyung, caught the younger attention as he ran to Yoongi.

"What hyung?"Taehyung asked Yoongi with confused look.

"Did you see Woo Yoon?"Yoongi asked Taehyung make him immediately frowned as he remember about Woo Yoon and what just happened at the cafeteria.

"No, why?"

"Never mind"Yoongi said while patting the younger shoulder before continued to searched Woo Yoon again. Yoongi stared at the old building that now in front of him, the banned place because from the Ji Hye accident. He entered the old building and immediately go to the 3rd floor where the accident happened. A sob came from the 3rd floor make Yoongi sighed in relieved, he knew that it's Woo Yoon. His eyes caught a figure that curled into a ball in the corner. 

  Woo Yoon grasped the air around her as she cried all her heart out. Yoongi quietly stood behind Woo Yoon. He knew that Woo Yoon blamed on herself for everything. Yoongi knew that Woo Yoon didn't meant to took it to that far. Even her sister's death she blamed it on herself all alone. Her sister meant everything to her, her happiness, her sunshine when her skies are grey. Her sister is the only thing that could make she smile in second. 

She blamed it on herself that she didn't want to visit her sister's grave that why Yoongi and Ms.Han always asked her if she visit her sister or not. They both didn't wanted her to kept blaming on herself. Ms.Han knew what happened too, since Woo Yoon poured her secret to Ms.Han sometimes. Ms.Han is like mother to Woo Yoon but she never said it to Ms.Han. 

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life