

"Woo Yoon"Yoongi said make she froze as her sobs become quiet, he knew Woo Yoon didn't expected from him to find her here. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Woo Yoon, brought her face closer to his chest.

"Just pour it out, Yoon. I'm here and always here"Yoongi whispered to Woo Yoon make she cried harder.

"Y-Yoongi, I did it again"Woo Yoon blurted out while crying, he her hair listening her words as he patted back.

"Yoon, you didn't meant to do that"Yoong said to Woo Yoon. His uniforn was soaking because of her tears but he didn't mind it at all.

"I didn't want to her to become hurt her that bad"Woo Yoon whispered while crying. Yoongi clearly can felt that Woo Yoon was trembling. Yoong wrapped his arms tightened around Woo Yoon. Yoongi knew that Woo Yoon changed herself to a villain so that no one can hurt her. But she's a cry baby, she can't hide that side for long.

"I-I'm a killer"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi, staring at him with teary eyes. Yoongi wiped her tears with his thumbs, smiling at her.

"You're not"Yoongi said before pecked Woo Yoon forehead make she froze. She pushed him away from her. She stared at the floor for a couple seconds before looked at him with a pair of cold eye.

"People hate see both of us together so just go away Gi, leave me alone"Woo Yoon said as she calmed herself down. She slowly stood up, walking pasted Yoongi slowly and lifelessly. Yoongi held Woo Yoon wrist then she harshly shoved his grip from her wrist.

"Don't you have enough of me Yoongi, don't you see that my sister died because I'm closed with you"Woo Yoon said coldly before walked away leaving Yoongi alone as he stared at the balcony where everything happened.


He wasn't meant to eavesdropped but he just walking by and heard Woo Yoon and Ji Hye conversations.

"I heard that you have feelings for my boyfriend, Yoongi?"His ears perked up at someone who mentioned his name. He stood behind a wall, watching Ji Hye and Woo Yoon silently from far.

"I'm s-sorry, Ji Hye"Woo Yoon said make his heart fluttered when he knew that Woo Yoon had the same feelings as him. Actually since Ji Hye introduced Woo Yoon to him, there's just something about Woo Yoon that make him attracted. Since Ji Hye always left him with Woo Yoon alone because of her friends. He can't helped but to be closed with Woo Yoon.

Woo Yoon was more kind to him and sweet that he can't helped but to fell more to her. But he didn't knew that their closeness would brought danger to Woo Yoon. Ji Hye always ignored him when she's with her friends. Woo Yoon always there when Ji Hye ignored him. He just can't helped but to leaned on Woo Yoon more than he leaned on Ji Hye.

Yoongi snapped from his thought when Ji Hye mentioned Woo Yoon's younger sister that meant everything to her. Ji Hye and Yoongi have met Woo Yoon younger sister a couple of times since sometimes her sister would waited for her at the end of the school. He really liked Woo Yoon younger.

He just can't helped but smiled at the thought that Woo Yoon would smile like there's no tomorrow the moment she saw her sister waiting in front of her school. How Woo Yoon hug her sister with full of loved and cared. He loved how Woo Yoon treated her sister with full of loved. While Ji Hye hated how Woo Yoon acted towards her sister because she thought that Woo Yoon just acting.

Yoongi watched Woo Yoon closely as she begged at Ji Hye not to touched her younger sister. Woo Yoon held Ji Hye hand as Yoongi slowly walked toward them two to stopped Ji Hye from bullying Woo Yoon but not when Ji Hye fell backward. He saw how Woo Yoon tried to not let go of Ji Hye hand. He froze when Ji Hye hand slipped from Woo Yoon grip. From the sound of the impacted, he knew that Ji Hye already gone. He saw Woo Yoon looked down from the balcony staring at Ji Hye's dead body with full of terror in her eyes.

She never meant to do that, all she wanted to do was begging so that Ji Hye wouldn't hurted her sister. But he felt nothing when he supposed to be, he just felt nothing when Ji Hye fell down.

"NAM WOO YOON!!" Someone shouted from the ground at Woo Yoon make she stepped backwards slowly before fell on her knees, screaming in fears as she covered her ears and crying. All he felt was pain seeing Woo Yoon in that state, maybe he just didn't loved Ji Hye anymore. Maybe he did have feelings for Woo Yoon who always kind and sweet to him.

He just watched everything happened in the corner as teachers rushed to her, brought her to headmaster's room. A teacher caught a glimpsed of him in the corner but the teacher didn't do anything. His steps slowly began to followed the teachers as they brought her to the headmaster's room.

The teachers didn't allowed him to entered the headmaster's room when the other witnesses can. He's the real witness who saw anything, he knew that they did saw him in the corner. He just watched Ji Hye's family entered the room with a girl that looked really familiar to him. He walked away with really heavy steps even though his heart yelling at him to just broke the door down.

-End Flashback-

Yoongi stood up as Woo Yoon already gone leaving him all alone in the banned building. Yoong walked towards the balcony, remembering the scene. He frowned as he saw something weird on the tree that in front of the balcony. He put his elbows on the balcony where Ji Hye sat when the accident happened, staring the weird thing on the tree. While he let his mind wandered, something being threw from the tree, reached his elbow perfectly make he snapped from his thought as he stared at the thin rope with a hook on his elbow.

In a few seconds, the rope pulling his elbow with a small strenght, he frowned before but the hook was strenght enough to pull someone off from the balcony if they sit on it. He frowned as he thinking about the incident again. He immediately ran to find Woo Yoon as everything came into pieces again, everything just make sensed how Ji Hye lost her balanced. The accident wasn't Woo Yoon fault it was someone else.

"Ms.Han!"Yoongi called Ms.Han from a far when he saw her walking in the hallway.

"Yoongi?"Ms.Han looked at Yoongi weirdly as he breathed heavily since he ran around the school searching for Woo Yoon.

"Where's Woo Yoon?"Yoongi asked Ms.Han with sweats covered his forehead. Ms.Han just shrugged her shoulder and shook her head.

"I don't know but do you want to follow me watch Ji Ae in the hospital maybe she's there"Ms.Han said to Yoongi, he just nodded to Ms.Han. He just have the feelings that he definitely going to meet Woo Yoon at the hospital. Once they arrived at the hospital, Yoongi didn't saw anyone he knew excepted for Ji Ae who her head being wrapped with bandage. Ji Ae looked at him while smiling ear to ear as he just ignored Ji Ae since he didn't wanted to see her.

"Hyung"Someone called Yoongi, the voice was really familiar to him. Taehyung brought Woo Yoon to Yoongi as she hanged her head low. He sighed in relieved, seeing Woo Yoon okay. Taehyung saw Woo Yoon at the roof top, staring into space. He remembered that Yoongi wanted to find her, also since he knew that Yoongi go to the hospital. He brought Woo Yoon with 'force'. Well he just said if Woo Yoon didn't go with him, he'll tell Yoongi that Woo Yoon still have feelings for him.

Woo Yoon hided behind Taehyung, didn't expected that Yoongi was there. Taehyung pulled Woo Yoon from behind him make she pouted and glared at him. Taehyung just showed Woo Yoon his boxy smile.

Ji Ae slowly opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to cleared her blur vision. Her eyes landed to Yoongi as smiled started to crept on her face. Yoongi just put on cold face to Ji Ae. Woo Yoon just watched Ji Ae stared at Yoongi. Ji Ae eyes landed on Woo Yoon who stood timidly beside Taehyung.

"Get the out of here"Ji Ae snapped at Woo Yoon. Woo Yoon just stared at Ji Ae with blank look. 

"Excuse me but is there anyone who name Miss Ji Ae here?"A voice interrupted all of them, Ji Ae eyes widened in shocked and terror.

"Why?"Woo Yoon asked the person that asking for Ji Ae.

"She have murdered people before"The police man said make their eyes shot opened. They all looked at Ji Ae with disbelieved eyes.


10 years passed by

A woman smiled to her customers. Her cafe was packed with people, there's regular customers and new customers. Someone entered the cafe but the woman didn't realized since she was too busy with her customers.

"May I help--"The woman stopped while staring at the person who just entered her cafe. The person smiled at her. The woman frowned slightly before small smile crept on her face.

"Yoongi?"The woman said while scanning the person face. The person chuckled before nodding to the woman make her eyes widened in excitement.

"It's been awhile Woo Yoon"Yoongi said as her smile become wider as she told her staff to took over for awhile since she wanted to spent her time with her old friend...or you could say her crush. 

They looked back at their past, the day where Ji Ae and Kris being captured were fresh in their mind. It turned out that Ji Ae was the one who planned to killed Ji Hye in the first place. She also did told Kris to bribed everyone with money. She did everything just because she didn't wanted everyone to touched Yoongi, she killed her own sister because she jealous that Yoongi was her sister's boyfriend.

At once where that moment happened, Woo Yoon's pain immediately healed by itself as she got new friends and turned herself to a better person. Yoongi smiled at Woo Yoon after the looked back at their bitter yet sweet memories.


-The End-

I'm sorry I tried to put angsty ending but dang I didn't know how to. I know I'm crappy at happy ending. I wanted to said thank you for reading this story. And I also know that I'm such a crap for ending but I'll try to better in it

Check out my new fan fiction guys!



So make sure to check it out guys.

Namjoon,Hoseok and You also BTS and other oc.

Arranged Marriage of course. It's between you and Namjoon but he have a girlfriend, Su Min. You fell in love with at the first sight. Your marriage with Namjoon were half broken, you wanted to divorce even though it's hurt you because you realized that you love him but because of your mother promise you don't want a divorce. Your mother didn't allow you to divorced and don't want you to because she didn't want you to felt the same like her, broken marriage. You tried to make the marriage strong even though it's almost broken even though you knew he loved his girlfriend so does his girlfriend. You just wanted the mariage stay strong because of your mother


6 years passed by -> 10 years passed by

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life