

Woo Yoon go to the school clinic where Ms.Han always there.

"Woo Yoon what are you doing here?"Ms.Han ask Woo Yoon upon seeing heading to the bed.

"I'm just tired that's all"Woo Yoon said then sit on the bed look at Ms.Han.Woo Yoon stared at the ceiling as she thinking.Ms.Han just continued doing her works as Woo Yoon fell in deep thought.Ms.Han noticed something different about Woo Yoon.Usually she will sleep or play with her phone when stay in the school clinic but this time she looked like having a deep thought then Woo Yoon sighed out of nowhere.

"Are you okay?"Ms.Han ask Woo Yoon,she just hum to Ms.Han question.

"Ms.Han what are you going to do if people always being fake and two-faces?"

"Just ignore them"

"What if they just keep coming to you when you ignore them?"

"Reveal that they were two-faces and fake"

"What if the other don't believe you?"

"Honey,actually you can't do anything that who just people are,people are monster all of us have a monster inside our body"Ms.Han said Woo Yoon chuckle to Ms.Han statement.

"You been through it right?"Ms.Han ask Woo Yoon,she just smile to Ms.Han.

"It's about Ji Hye right?"

"She just totally the same like Ji Ae being two-faces don't appreciate friend at all,I hate two-faces because I don't which face to slap first"Woo Yoon said to Ms.Han.

"And is that why you bully Kim Ji Ae?Woo Yoon you know it's wrong bullying people"Ms.Han said make Woo Yoon turn cold to her.

"You're just the same like other you're a monster too"Woo Yoon said coldly to Ms.Han then head out from school clinic.Ms.Han just can sigh at Woo Yoon behavior.She know Woo Yoon is stubborn and will not change anything unless she want to.

"You really changed Nam Woo Yoon"Ms.Han whispered to herself.Yoongi saw Woo Yoon sit at the bench behind the school building.Yoongi head to Woo Yoon,Woo Yoon just ignore his presence.

"Yoon,I'm sorry for what I did at the past.And now I'm changed"Yoongi said then sit beside Woo Yoon.

"Just walk away and treat me like air Gi"Woo Yoon said in low voice like whispering.Ji Ae saw the two actually she worried about Yoongi.

"Yoongi?"Ji Ae said as she head to Yoongi and Woo Yoon.Woo Yoon look at Ji Ae with piercing eyes.Yoongi just look at Ji Ae.Woo Yoon go to Ji Ae then put her hand on Ji Ae's neck prevent Ji Ae from breathing.Yoongi really shocked by Woo Yoon sudden action that Yoongi slap Woo Yoon.Yoongi checked Ji Ae if she's okay or not by Woo Yoon sudden action to Ji Ae.

"I'm okay"Ji Ae said to Yoongi,Yoongi sighed in relief then glared at Woo Yoon.Woo Yoon smirked at Yoongi.

"DO YOU THINK THAT FUNNY?!?!"Yoongi burst in anger to Woo Yoon.Woo Yoon still smirked at Yoongi.

"As expected"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi make Yoongi confused.Woo Yoon walked away leaving confused Yoongi and Ji Ae.Yoongi sigh.

"Let's go"Yoongi said then head to the class,Ji Ae just followed Yoongi behind.Without Yoongi knowingly,a smiled appeared on Ji Ae's face as she followed Yoongi.

"You said you changed but you're not"Woo Yoon whispered to herself as she walked Yoongi and Ji Ae walk away.

Ji Hye was talking with her friends,she look really happy.Yoongi just watched his girlfriend talking with her friends from a far.Woo Yoon storm to the hallway but like always the other treated her like air.Yoongi greeted Woo Yoon but she just ignored him.Woo Yoon looked like mad.

Suddenly,Woo Yoon put her hand on Ji Hye neck.

"DON'T YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF ME?!"Woo Yoon shouted at Ji Hye,her hands still on Ji Hye neck.Yoongi really shocked by Woo Yoon action.Yoongi stopped Woo Yoon.

"Let go of me!"Woo Yoon struggle to get out from Yoongi strong grip.Ji Hye smirked at Woo Yoon.

"So you just found out my plans"Ji Hye said then yanked Woo Yoon hair make Woo Yoon shouted in pain.The other students smirked at the scene since why would they care about Ji Hye being evil when she fought with air girl.They didn't even have a small thinking or hinted to help Woo Yoon.

Ji Hye threw Woo Yoon to the ground then kicked Woo Yoon.Woo Yoon just laying weakly on the ground.Yoongi just watched his girlfriend keep kicking Woo Yoon cold-hearted.

"I think that enough"Ji Hye said then walk away her friends just scoffed at Woo Yoon.Yoongi still watched Woo Yoon.All the students laughed at Woo Yoon.Now an air girl have been recognize but as the stupid girl.

"Yoon,are you okay?"Yoongi asked Woo Yoon as she stood up.Woo Yoon looked at Yoongi with piercing eyes.

"Why the you care Gi?"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi coldly.

"I'm sorry"

"Do you think I will take that?After what you did to me"Woo Yoon said giggled to herself.

"I feel so low and pathetic I would rather being treat like air so the other could't see me,I'm so stupid"Woo Yoon said to herself.Yoongi just looked at Woo Yoon.

"Now I know everything so don't care about me or act like you know m Gi just go protecting the wrong person"Woo Yoon said then walked away.Yoongi looked at Woo Yoon as she walked away.
End Flashback....

Yoongi and Ji Ae enter their class.

"Why are students always late nowdays?"Mrs.Choi said then let Yoongi and Ji Ae go to their seat.After awhile Woo Yoon come in ignoring the other.After awhile Woo Yoon come in like always ignoring other.

"Where did you go?"Mrs.Choi ask Woo Yoon make she scoff.

"Isn't unbalanced when you just let go of Yoongi and Ji Ae but when with me you ask those questios but you knew that I'll never answer it"

"Don't be so rude Nam Woo Yoon"

"Like always people are monster,you knew it from the beginning that Ji Hye were the culprit,the villain and the one who did it but you point at me tell them I'm the one who were wrong are you ING STUPID!!"Woo Yoon roar at Mrs.Choi make Mrs.Choi slap her in front of the students.

"Stop being rude Nam Woo Yoon or I'll report to your parents"Mrs.Choi said make Woo Yoon giggling out of nowhere.

"And you think they would care"

"And you're the one who wrong not Ji Hye"Mrs.Choi make Woo Yoon look at Mrs.Choi with the coldest look and piercing eyes that could stab Mrs.Choi soul.

"You still stupid telling the other that I'm wrong"Woo Yoon said then push Mrs.Choi make she almost fall on the floor.

"Did you even saw what she did to me?Did you knew her plans about me?Did you witnessed everything what she done to me?You knew that Ji Hye hate me and still?You point at me don't you realize you being a really great actor,you could receive award about that"Woo Yoon said then storm off from the classroom.

"Who's Ji Hye anyway?"A student said to his friend but he didn't realize that all the students can heard him include Mrs.Choi.

"You don't need to know her"Yoongi said.

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life