

-After Recess-

Even though Woo Yoon hated staying in the class if Kris there, she forced herself to stayed in the class to talked with Kris. Kris just stared at Woo Yoon with usual cocky smirk on his face. Woo Yoon huffed angrily and sat on her place.

"Tell me"Woo Yoon said in stern voice while glaring at Kris. Kris smirked at Woo Yoon make she more annoyed.


"Don't act dumb, Kris. I know you knew something about me"Woo Yoon said while squinted her eyes at Kris. Kris just smiled at her.

"Who are you actually? Why I feel like have saw you somewhere?"Woo Yoon said while trying to remembered something. Kris chuckled at Woo Yoon.

"If I tell you, what did I get?"

"Tell me what do you want and I will consider it"

"Be my girlfriend"

"Why the heck you want me?"

"You're a mystery and I like mystery and solving it so,Deal?"

"No in million way"

"Woo Yoon please stay quiet"Teacher said to Woo Yoon.

"Oh don't worry about me because I'm heading out anyway"Woo Yoon said and just headed out like always. The teacher just sighed and continued his lesson, it's not like he can do anything to Woo Yoon if you do something to her she pay back and worse. Kris just stared at Woo Yoon as she walked away, in amused.


Woo Yoon leaned on Kris' locker, with a slight frowned on her face. All students walked out from the school while Kris walked to his locker and found Woo Yoon. Cocky smirk appeared on his lip.

"Prepared to be my girlfriend?"Kris said while putting his hand beside Woo Yoon head, she glared at him.

"You know that never ing going to happen"Woo Yoon hissed at him, glaring at him and ignoring all the stared from the students. Kris just smiled at her.

"So you didn't want to know anything"Kris said to Woo Yoon, playing with her hair. She shoved his hand away from her. Woo Yoon pull Kris by his collar, closer to her face.

"I'll find my way, to dig your ing secret"Woo Yoon said and pushed Kris away before stormed to god-know-where. He just smirked while staring Woo Yoon stormed off.

"Good luck with that"Kris whispered to himself. He walked away leaving the school with his usual cocky smirk. 


A week passed, Kris absent like usual but his absent brought Woo Yoon in almost crazy state trying to dug his secrets, just no matter what she did. She didn't get anything, not even where he lives. She get helped from people around that good at digging secrets but they came backed with disappointment.

"Why he's so ing good at hiding secrets?!"Woo Yoon shouted at her locker while kicking her locker, leashing her anger toward the poor locker. The other students just stared at her in fear before they slowly walked away leaving Woo Yoon, never wanted to involved with her. She leaned onto her locker, let her long hair covered her face.

"What are you doing?"A voice interrupted Woo Yoon, she just sighed.

"What do you want from me? Just go away Yoongi"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi who stood beside her, putting his hands inside his pockets.

"Are you okay?"Yoongi asked Woo Yoon, he knew that Woo Yoon was stressed about something. Woo Yoon looked at Yoongi for awhile as she slowly sat on the floor, never cared if the floor is dirty or not.

"Do you still remember the incident?"Woo Yoon asked Yoongi out of blue, make him taken aback. He sat beside Woo Yoon, patting her head.

"The faster way to let a wound heal is never touch it or care about it"Yoongi said to Woo Yoon, she just stared at Yoongi. She smiled sadly at him.

"You know I like to touch the old wound and picking it when it's about to heal"Woo Yoon said to Yoongi, he smiled to himself.

"What actually make you picking the wound that about to healed?"Yoongi asked Woo Yoon, she slowly hanged her head low. Woo Yoon stared at the floor for awhile before answering Yoongi question.


"What did he do?"

"I think he somewhat related to the incident"

"Maybe he's there when the incident"

"Yoongi"Woo Yoon said slowly rise her head up, her eyes brimmed with tears. Yoongi pulled Woo Yoon in his embrace let her cried in his embrace.

"It's keep bothering me, I just can't stop picking the wound until it bleed again"Woo Yoon whispered, quietly crying in his embrace. Yoongi Woo Yoon hair, slightly glad that Woo Yoon finally talked to him without any rude manner.

"Yoongi?"A voice disturb them make Woo Yoon froze and immediately ran away. Yoongi just stared at Woo Yoon until she lost from his sight. Yoongi sighed and looked at Ji Ae.

"What?"Yoongi said with bored look as he stood, staring at Ji Ae. She just smiled brightly at him.

"The class is going to start soon. Let's go!"Ji Ae said in excited voice while dragging Yoongi to class. Yoongi just let Ji Ae dragged him, he started to get tired of Ji Ae. She always disturbed whenever he with Woo Yoon. She also always followed him around like a lost puppy.

A guy smirked at the sight, before walked away leaving the school compound. He entered his car with a cocky smirk like usual. He stared at the school for awhile, before he told his driver to drove.

"Maybe it's about time"The guy said to himself. Woo Yoon who caught a glimpsed of the guy without his knowing, frowned in confused. She  ran away from Yoongi and Ji Ae but found an unexpected person.

"Kris?"Woo Yoon said to herself as she watched the car drove away. She just didn't understand, why Kris absent but when he always around the school since every weeks Woo Yoon always saw the same car drove away but never caught a glimpsed of the person.

"Why he come here but didn't go to school? Why the heck with his formal attire?"Woo Yoon asked herself. Woo Yoon walked away let her mind wandered about Kris. She just have bad feeling whenever she's around him. She always sensed the bad aura around him that make she's scared to become closed to him.

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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life