

Next Day

Kris came to the school with usual smirked plastered on his face. His eyes landed on Ji Ae but he just passed Ji Ae without saying anything or glanced. He just smiled to himself when he passed Ji Ae. Woo Yoon just watched Kris tall figure from far. She wondered why he come to school even though deep inside her she's glad because she's felt like she could know everything.

Woo Yoon bit her bottom lip, but apart of her didn't wanted to know everything. She just scared. Out of nowhere, she felt someone put their arm on her shoulder make she jumped in surprised.

"What the heck Tae?! You almost killed me"Woo Yoon shouted at Taehyung when she realized that Taehyung was the one who put his arm on her shoulder. Taehyung just smiled at her.

"Why you looked so stressed out this days?"Taehyung asked Woo Yoon while walking slowly. Woo Yoon pouted at Taehyung question.

"Maybe because I missed my 'boyfriend'"Woo Yoon jokingly said make Taehyung chuckled at her as his bright smile crept on his lip.

"Aw~, my girlfriend missed her boyfriend already what a cutie"Taehyung said while pinching Woo Yoon cheek lightly. She glared at him.

"You know that's not going to happen"Woo Yoon said while punched Taehyung back lightly. He giggled at Woo Yoon.

"Who know, you might fall for this cute boy"

" that"

"Why because you still have feelings for Yoongi-hyung, right?"Taehyung said make Woo Yoon eyes widened, he immediately ran away from Woo Yoon since he knew that he will be in big trouble later.

"YAH! KIM TAEHYUNG!"Woo Yoon shouted make the students at the hallway jumped in shocked at her sudden shouted. Woo Yoon ran with all her energy to chased Taehyung. Taehyung giggled while hiding behind his small older brother, Baekhyun. Woo Yoon glared at Baekhyun, it's clearly that you can saw Taehyung behind Baekhyun. Since Taehyung is more taller than Baekhyun and more bigger than Baekhyun.

"You help him hide, I'll punch your beautiful face"Woo Yoon said threatening Baekhyun. He chuckled at Woo Yoon while pushed Taehyung to her. He smile his usual boxy smile to Woo Yoon.

"Thank you for giving him to me"Woo Yoon said while grabbed Taehyung by his collar. 

"Hyung~I thought you're going to help me"Taehyung whined at his brother, he just chuckled while shook his head.

"I'm not going to deal with you when you're dealing with Woo Yoon"Baekhyun said while patting his brother shoulder before walked away leaving Taehyung in Woo Yoon's den.

"If you tell Yoongi, I'll make you taste blood for this whole damn week"Woo Yoon whispered to Taehyung, he smiled brightly to Woo Yoon while nodding to her. He held out his pinky to make pinky promise to Woo Yoon. She raised an eyebrow at him before make pinky promise with Taehyung.

"You do know that pinky promise is dangerous right? If someone break the pinky promise, you have to cut your pinky for pay"Woo Yoon said make Taehyung eyes widened as his jaw dropped in disbelief.

"So if you break our promise, I'll definitely cut your pinky. I'll always bring my knife to school to prepared"Woo Yoon said while walked away leaving Taehyung then she chuckled. She really have fun timed teasing Taehyung. 

Woo Yoon entered her class then she sighed. She forget that Kris came to school for a second. Through the lessons, Kris weirdly didn't disturbed Woo Yoon but instead he always watching Ji Ae. Even though Woo Yoon glad that Kris didn't disturbed her at all but she still have bad feelings about it. The bells rang.

"Come with me, Woo Yoon"Kris said to Woo Yoon make she gulped, his deep voice brought shivered to her spine. Her mind screaming at her not to followed Kris but her heart shouted at her to followed Kris. Since Woo Yoon always followed her heart, she hesitantly followed Kris.

Kris stopped when they reached somewhere far from the cafeteria, where there's no students at all. Since all the students headed to the cafeteria and library. Kris stared at Woo Yoon for awhile, his aura and face was so cold that make Woo Yoon gulped.

"You remember Ji Hye?"Kris asked Woo Yoon out of blue make she taken aback by his question. She stared at Kris with shocking eyes. Out of nowhere, she started to trembled as she leaned on the wall beside her for support.

"How did you know her?"Woo Yoon said while staring at Kris, he smirked at her. His smirked make she felt a lump in .

"I work for her"

"She's already died"

"I know and she's died the same day your sister died"Kris said make Woo Yoon shut her eyes in fear.

"I was there all the time, don't you remember air girl?"Kris whispered to Woo Yoon make her eyes shot opened.


Woo Yoon stood in front of Ji Hye with her head hanged low while Ji Hye sat on the balcony of the third floor. Ji Hye stared at Woo Yoon with deadly stare.

"I heard that you have feelings for my boyfriend, Yoongi?"Ji Hye said, clearly not happy with what she's heard from her friends. 

"I'm s-sorry, Ji Hye"

"So it's true then"Ji Hye said, Woo Yoon just kept quiet.

"You know what going to happen to your sister, right?"Ji Hye said make Woo Yoon looked at her with surprised eyes.

"Please not my sister"Woo Yoon begged to Ji Hye not to touched or hurt her sister.

"You think like I care if I hurt your sister"Ji Hye said while glaring at Woo Yoon like she could threw daggers with her eyes. 

"Please not my sister, Ji Hye. Just please"

"Too late, I already asked my assistant to take care of it"Ji Hye said didn't cared if she hurt someone but that's her intentions to hurt Woo Yoon and let her learn from her lessons. Woo Yoon gasped, she immediately held Ji Hye hands.

"Ji Hye, I'm begging you not my sister!"Woo Yoon begged all her heart out to Ji Hye but instead she have unpleasant looked on her face.

"Don't touch me!"Ji Hye said while pushed Woo Yoon but her body lost balanced out of blue that she fell backwards. 

"JI HYE!"Woo Yoon shouted, she caught Ji Hye hand but Ji Hye hand slipped out from her grip because of Ji Hye hand lotion.

"JI HYE!!"Woo Yoon screamed when Ji Hye fell on the ground with a great impacted as her head hit the ground first. All the students immediately surrounded Ji Hye dead body as a boy looked up and saw Woo Yoon staring at Ji Hye with terrified look plastered on her face. Blood covered Ji Hye body.

"NAM WOO YOON!!!"The boy shouted make Woo Yoon shivered and stepped backward from the balcony. She screamed in feared while covering her ears as tears dripping uncontrollably from her eyes. She fell on her knees, tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes.

"I'm sorry"Woo Yoon said to herself while crying.


Woo Yoon walked out from school after a day spent time in headmaster's room with polices and Ji Hye's parents and all the witnesses. She looked so lifeless as if her soul escaped from her body.

"Unnie!"A girl voice echoes through her ears make she smiled brightly while running to a girl and immediately hugged the girl. The girl giggled in Woo Yoon tight and warm embraced.

"Why did you wait for Unnie this late? You should be at house at this time"Woo Yoon said while cupping the girl face, smiling brightly forgetting all her problems and what happened at school. The sky was already dark yet the girl still waited for Woo Yoon.

"I'm worried about you Unnie and don't worry Yoongi-oppa waited with me"The girl said make Woo Yoon face immediately hardened when his sister mentioned Yoongi.

"He also said that you got in problem, what happened Unnie?"The girl asked while eyeing Woo Yoon puffy eyes.

"Nothing really happened"

"Unnie, I know you're lying and you're crying at school"The girl said making sad face at Woo Yoon.

"It just a small problem"

"Unnie, did they bully you again?"

"That just a small matters"Woo Yoon said while holding the girl hand and started to walking heading to their house.

"What the big matter is that you save"

"Of course I'll be save"The girl said while pouting. Yoongi just walked behind them, not closed with them quiet far. He knew that Woo Yoon wasn't guilty since he was there, he's the one who saw everything and he knew that Woo Yoon knew that he saw. But he didn't knew why the headmaster didn't wanted to see him, when the CCTV caught him around the place when the accident actually happened. He's the real witness yet no one wanted to see him, no one wanted to heard the truth out from him and they just left Woo Yoon is pain. He worried about Woo Yoon.

He saw a black car following right behind but she's focusing on her sister to sensed what happened around her. Out of nowhere, 4 man in black came out from the car. Two men held Woo Yoon as two of them held her sister with a knife on her sister's neck. Her sister trembled in fear, have no idea what was happening.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!"Woo Yoon shouted at the men while moving around trying to loose the men's grip on her. Yoongi froze didn't know what to do.



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Chapter 27: I reaaaaaallllyyyyy like this story author-nim :') Not even close to cliche and yessss it has lots of plot twist.. As i reading this story, there are lots of scene which same as what i thot like when they thot Woo Yoon is pregnant, shes dating taehyung but dammit.. Shes not actually..same as what i thot.. And when people think that she mess up with Ji Ae's tent.. I knew that Woo Yoon doesnt do it..and im right.. What more... Hmm..idk i just In Love with this story..
nmmnbg #2
Chapter 27: NOOOO...end already but thank you for making this perfect story :*
p/s:that jimin gif is so cute where you get it?*sorry for my bad english TT^TT*
Chapter 27: What its end?! I didn't know its end. :c But this is one of the most beautiful story i've ever read. Thank you for this story. Also i look forward your new story. Take care. ^^
nmmnbg #4
This story is perfect ,im crying right now TT^TT
Chapter 26: I'm speechless. I didn't expect this. Are you happy? :"D Anyway you're so good. <3
Chapter 25: Omg i reach the last episode so sad...This is so exciting i can't wait next chapter! I hope you update soon. Take care.^^
Chapter 9: It looks interesting and cool. I really like your story. Please keep going. ^ω^
NADAvheart #8
Chapter 2: How come no one commented on this. .. like this is so intresting. ..its life