The Angel in my Heart



Crash. A loud crash was heard. The tall girl rushed out of the bathroom immediately, despite the fact that she is still brushing her teeth. In her room, is a girl, dressed in white, lying on the floor, unconscious. Shocked, she approached the girl with caution, and squatted down in front of her to nudge her lightly. No response. She is still breathing, so she cannot be dead. Just unconscious. Just then, she noticed a pair of white feathery thing coming out from the back of the girl, but it disappears soon after she saw it.
“.. Are those angel wings..?” She murmured to herself, as she looked at the girl. “.. She.. looked kind of like her...” She is in dazed, mesmerised by the beauty of the girl who appears in her room out of the sudden. Slowly, she carries the girl up and put her on the bed, pulling the blanket over her so that she would not catch a cold. She then glanced at the wall clock, and realises that she is going to be late for school soon. Shocked, she quickly run back into the bathroom to finish her wash up and get ready to go to school. Before leaving her room, she took another peek at the face of the girl and smiled. She then close the door, and ran out of the house, heading towards her school.


The girl opens her eyes slowly and saw the unfamiliar room. She sits up and surveyed the room, realising that she is in someone else’s room.
“Oh yea! My.. my wings..” She starts to panic suddenly, and the white feathery thing appears again. Part of the right wing is missing. “Damn.. It’s damaged again.. Have to wait for it to heal first before I can return, I guess..” She sighed, before taking another look at her surrounding. “Where am I anyway..?”
She got out of the bed and opened the wardrobe, and find a few pieces of clothing that seem to belong to a girl. And lastly, she also find a few sets of uniform. She took a set of the uniform out and examined it, before stripping herself and wearing the uniform. She looks cute. Really cute.
“Mm.. Looks good.” She stood in front of the mirror and posed, before walking around the room, exploring even the tiniest corner. She then chanced upon a photo, of the owner of the room. “.. She looks kind of cute. I suppose I should go and find her then.” She smiled, as she exits the room and out of the house, down the unfamiliar street.


“She’s with a group of guys again. As expected.. She’s popular with guys..” The tall girl peeked out from the corner, looking at the group of guys surrounding the tanned girl.
“You are too. Just that your ual orientation is a little off.” Suddenly, a unfamiliar voice came out from behind her, startling her. She literally jumped and turns around, shocked to see the girl that is in her room that morning standing behind her. And she is wearing her school uniform.
“Y.. You... You are a school mate..?” She stuttered, still recovering from the shock.
“No. I wore yours. It suits me, right?” The girl replied happily, skipping around and attracting much attention. Especially the guys’ attention.
“Yes. Wa.. wait, stop it! You are attracting attention.” The tall girl tries to stop the girl, taking occasional glances at the tanned girl. The tanned girl saw them of course, and her expression turns dark. She turns around quickly and walked away. The group of guys followed of course, and they literally glared at the tall girl before walking away.
“... Did you see her expression..? It’s so cold..” The tall girl is clearly saddened. “I really shouldn’t have confessed to her that time..” The girl stopped skipping around immediately and stood there, staring at the tall girl, who is currently flashing back to the time when she confessed. The girl’s eyes change colour, from brown to white, and the image of the confession went into her mind too.

The tanned girl opens her locker and saw a small piece of note immediately. Curious, the tanned girl took it out, and looked at the content. ‘I like you. Please. Please come and meet me at the swimming pool later.’ That is what is written on the note. Thinking that it is just another normal admirer of hers, she is already prepared. She really went to the swimming pool to meet this admirer, and was shocked, to see the tall girl standing there. The tall girl is her classmate, and has always being really quiet in class.
“So.. Sooyoung-ssi? Why are you here?” The tanned girl called out, smiling.
“.. Y.. Yuri-ssi.. You.. You came..” The tall girl turns around, looking really teary.
“Wh.. what do you mean by that?” Yuri did not understand at first, but she soon does, when she remembers about the note in her locker. Shocked, she stepped back a few steps, and waited for a reply from the tall girl.
“... I.. I’m the one that left that note in your locker... I.. I really like you a lot, Yuri-ssi..” The tall girl said, shyly.
“... Get lost.. Get away from me..” The expression of the tanned girl turns dark, and she started to run, away from the tall girl and out of the swimming pool. The tall girl was upset. She knew clearly that it is not going to work out, but still, she stupidly confessed, making the tanned girl hate her and feel disgusted by her.

“So that’s what happen..” The girl said, suddenly, surprising the tall girl.
“W.. what do you mean?” The tall girl fell backwards, after realising that the girl is squatting beside her.
“Time for lesson, Sooyoung.” The girl smiled, and stood up, walking away without the tall girl.
Sooyoung glanced at her wrist watch and stood up hurriedly, rushing to her class before she is officially late, neglecting the fact that the girl knows her name even though she did not tell her yet. The girl is gaining a lot of attention while in class. But she seems to refuse to talk to anyone else other than Sooyoung, seeing how quiet she is when the guys try to talk to her. All she did is stare at them with her beautiful doe-liked eyes. Sooyoung, on the other hand, is not even paying attention to that. She is still looking at the tanned girl, who is a few seats away from hers chatting with the same group of guys from before.
“Class, please settle down.” The teacher finally came in, with his bag in his hand. He then noticed the doe-eye girl sitting beside Sooyoung, without a table. “I didn’t hear any news of having any new student today... Who are you, young lady?”
The doe-eye girl stared blankly and did not even respond at all. The attention of the whole class is now on her, and she just keep on moving nearer to Sooyoung, trying to hide her face behind the tall girl.
“Sooyoung-ssi, could you explain?” The teacher turns to the tall girl immediately.
“Wh.. what? Wa.. wait..” Sooyoung starts to panic. She cannot possibly say that she hears a crash in the morning and find this girl on her bedroom floor. She turns around, and saw a really pure and innocent face, of that girl, close to hers. “W.. what’s your name?” Sooyoung whispered to the girl, blushing.
“..Yoona. Im Yoona..” The girl replied.
“She.. she’s Yoona. She just want to check out how school life is like...” Sooyoung lied. The teacher buys her story right away, as he nodded and continued with the lesson, without questioning any further. “A.. aren’t you really friendly just now? Why are you so shy now?” Sooyoung whispered to the girl, with a slightly angry tone.
“.. Are you angry?” Yoona asked, innocently.
“W.. N.. No... But why?”
“They seem so scary.. It scares me when they keep on talking to me like that..”
“Aren’t I scary?”
“No. You look like the friendliest human being ever.”
Hearing that, Sooyoung got confused. Aren’t this girl a human being too? Why is she talking as though she isn’t one? However, noticing that the teacher is looking at them, she decided to just let it go, as she did not want to get into any trouble with the teacher like that. Throughout the lessons, Yoona had been clinging tightly to her left arm, as the guys sitting nearby were looking at her, making her uncomfortable.
“Sooyoung.. Is human men always so scary..?” Yoona asked, moving even closer while observing those guys around her.
“..It’s because you are cute..” Sooyoung replied, blushing. Yoona stared at her blankly for a while, before smiling really sweetly, thanking her for the compliment.

It was soon break time. When Sooyoung is about to get up and go to the canteen to buy her lunch, the tanned girl approached her suddenly, with the same dark and cold expression.
“You change really quickly, huh?” The tanned girl scoffed, looking at the doe-eye girl.
“N.. No.. Yuri-ssi.. This girl is not my..” Sooyoung is surprised. She tries to explain herself but Yoona interrupted her. “This is Yuri, right?”
“I’m Yuri. Who are you?” The tanned girl’s attention shifted immediately.
“... Sooyoung, I guess you really are the friendliest human being... This human girl is scary..” Yoona moved back instantly, hiding behind Sooyoung’s back. That shocked both the tall girl and the tanned girl. But it touches the hearts of the guys nearby. They find her way of talking really innocent and cute.
“What’s with this girl’s way of talking..?” Yuri asked, still staring at the doe-eye girl.
“I.. I don’t know... Sh.. She had been talking like this since just now..” Sooyoung looked at the doe-eye girl behind her. She seems to be really scared of Yuri.
“Sooyoung.. Can we go now? I’m scared...” The doe-eye girl tugged on the tall girl’s uniform, not daring to look at the tanned girl at all.
“.. A..ah.. I.. I’m sorry.. Excuse us..” The tall girl bowed, and walked out of the class, with the doe-eye girl following really closely behind her. Once out of the class, the doe-eye girl seems to have regained her energy or something. She starts to hug Sooyoung’s arm again, and holding on to her hand. It makes Sooyoung blush again. After Sooyoung had bought her lunch, the both of them went to the roof and sat down. The doe-eye girl keeps on staring at Sooyoung as she eats.
“... Don’t you eat?” Sooyoung asked, offering the bento to the girl, but the girl refused it.
“I don’t need to.” The girl replied, with a smile. “... By the way, you like that girl a lot, don’t you? Your heart is pumping so wildly just now..”
“Ho.. how did you know?” Sooyoung almost dropped her spoon. Suddenly, Yoona starts to look around, as though she is checking whether there is anyone else in the area, other than the two of them. She then turns to Sooyoung, with a serious look.
“To tell you the truth.. I’m not a human being.” Yoona said. “I know you had been feeling that I’m weird, because I uses the term human being, but it’s not weird to say it that way since I’m not a human being, right?”
Sooyoung nodded, not really understanding what this girl is talking about. Just then, the girl closes her eyes, and something white starts to appear from her back. It was the pair of white feathery thing that she sees just now, when the girl first appeared in her room that morning. However, the right one has a part of it missing.
“As you can see, part of my right wing is missing. I accidentally damaged it.. So I can’t go back to where I belong now...” Yoona touches her own right wing, showing it to the tall girl, whose mouth is wide open, and the spoon is already on the floor. Seeing that, Yoona smiled weakly. “... I forget to inform you first.. I’m an angel... That’s why..”
After saying that, the white feathery wings start to fade away, and soon, it is gone. Sooyoung is still in the shocked state, while the doe-eye girl is just being quiet. “So can I stay with you, for the time being?”
“S.. stay with me?” Sooyoung finally come back to her sense.
“I can transform. If you want, I can transform to that scary human girl for you.” Yoona smiled, and her appearance starts to change, into the tanned girl’s. It surprises Sooyoung, as the tanned girl suddenly appear in front of her.
“It.. It’s okay! Ch.. change back..” Sooyoung looked away, not wanting to lost control of herself. Her heart still had not let the tanned girl go yet. Even though the tanned girl had been giving her cold shoulder, and those look of hers, she still had not let the girl go yet. It is difficult for her to move on, unless there is someone else that come and replace the girl from her heart. Yoona changed back to her own appearance again, and stared blankly once again. After a while, she starts to giggle.
“Wh.. what’s so funny?” Sooyoung asked, puzzled.
“Not wanting to lost control? That’s kind of funny.. Hehe..” The doe-eye girl let out a short, cute laugh, which captures the heart of the tall girl almost immediately. The tall girl blushed again, and she starts to pack the things, getting ready to leave. She is starting to get confused about her own feeling. She knows that she still had not let the tanned girl go yet, but this doe-eye girl is giving her a really sweet and pure feeling. It was as though she is falling in love once again. It was the same feeling, when she first fell in love with the tanned girl. The tall girl finds it hard to concentrate in lessons that followed after the break, as she is still trying to sort out her own feeling. She did not even respond when the teacher calls her, and the teacher eventually gives up on trying to get her to answer the question and moved on to the next.

The school bell rang, signalling the end of the school. The tanned girl approached once again, this time with the group of guys behind her.
“You, the doe-eye girl..” The tanned girl pointed to Yoona, who hid behind the back of the tall girl. “.. Better stay away from this girl. I don’t think you know her well enough, seeing how close you are to her right now..”
Just then, the doe-eye girl stops hiding. She sat up straight and looked at the tall girl for a while, before turning to the tanned girl. “I do know her well. Probably even better than how much you guys know about her.” Her words shocked the group, and the tall girl. All of them looked at her, with their eyes wide opened. “I even know what's deep down in her heart. Trust me."
"Are you the same kind as her...?" The tanned girl asked, stepping a few steps back.
"What do you mean? Human being? I'm.." The doe-eye girl almost said out her own identity, but Sooyoung covers just in time before she could say it.
"She doesn't know what you mean.." Sooyoung said, moving her hand away from the girl's mouth.
"... Then tell me, what's deep down in her heart?" The guy behind the tanned girl hissed.
“She still haven’t let you go yet.” Yoona said, without even stopping to think at all. The tanned girl stared at her for a while, before shifting her attention to the tall girl, who did not even dare to look at her now. Her expression became dark, and she walked away immediately, with the guys following behind. Yoona watched as the group disappear out of the classroom, before looking at the tall girl. She is shaking.
“S.. Sooyoung?”
“Why did you tell her that!? Just what will she think of me now?! Dammit..” Sooyoung grabbed he bag and ran out of the classroom, leaving the doe-eye girl behind.
“W.. Soo.. young.. I.. I didn’t mean to..” The doe-eye girl tries to stop the tall girl, but the girl is already out of sight. The doe-eye girl sighed, as she shambled out of the room and headed back to Sooyoung’s house, to find it locked.
“... Can you let me in? Please?” The doe-eye girl begged, looking at the second floor window. There is no response. Saddened, the doe-eye girl walked away, into the dark alley nearby and sat down. She hugged her knees, and her wings appear, covering her up nicely.

The tall girl looked at the white dress on the hanger at the door of her wardrobe. It probably belongs to the doe-eye girl. She then glanced at the wall clock. It is already very late, but the doe-eye girl is nowhere to be seen. Since she could not go back to where she belongs, there is no other place that she can go to now. Worried, the tall girl ran out of the house immediately, and headed to the school, hoping to find the girl there. But after a fifteen minutes search, she still could not find her. Feeling guilty about leaving the girl alone, the tall girl plodded home with a heavy heart. Just then, something caught her eyes. She turns around and saw a white, oval-shaped object down the dark alley. She rushed towards it immediately.
“.. Y.. Yoona? Is that you?” She touched the white object. It is soft. Slowly, the thing starts to open up, revealing the girl inside it. Feeling relieved, the tall girl hugged the doe-eye girl instantly. “Where did you go?! I was so worried!”
“E.. eh? Soo.. Sooyoung? I.. I thought you are angry with me.. So I just wanted to rest here until your anger..” The doe-eye girl is quite surprised by the sudden hug. At the same time, her heart pumped wildly, for no reason.
“Silly girl.. I’m just too embarrassed.. Who says I’m angry..? You say that you know me well but you don’t even know that I’m not angry.. You call that knowing me well?”
The doe-eye girl kept quiet. She did not understand why is this girl getting so uptight even though she is only missing for a few hours, and why is her heart pumping so wildly. She could not understand the human world at all. In her own world, no one ever cares where she goes. They only make sure that she does not break any rule, that is all. And the heart, it is a brand new experience for her.
“.. Let’s go home. Come on.” Sooyoung moved away, and grabbed her hands, leading her out of the alley and back to the house.


“So.. When are you going back? Not that I am chasing you away, but I’m curious..” The tall girl asked, looking at the face of the doe-eye girl in her bed. Since there is no other room and bed, they have to share the same bed.
“Mm.. Probably one to two days more. After resting for a while just now, my right wing is getting a lot better.”
“I see..” The tall girl replied, sounding disappointed. She is disappointed, but she did not know why. It was as though she did not want the doe-eye girl to go. Suddenly remembering that the girl is able to know what she is thinking, she looked at the doe-eye girl immediately, to find that the girl is already sleeping. Her sleeping face is cute, and her lips is tempting.
“... Is Yuri-ssi getting replaced...?” The tall girl questioned herself, as she touches her own chest, to feel her own heartbeat. It is beating fast. Especially fast, when she is looking at the doe-eye girl. Her hand moves slowly, to the girl’s face, and soon, it is on it. The girl smiled. “... I.. It might be the case..” And soon, the tall girl fell asleep.


“Is the lessons fun?” The doe-eye girl skipped around happily, beside the tall girl. The school had just ended, and since she did not understand what they are talking about in class, she did not really know whether is suppose to be fun or dull.
“No. Not at all.” The tall girl replied. Especially when my heart is pumping so wildly throughout the whole day.
“Why is your heart pumping wildly?” The doe-eye girl asked.
“W.. What?! I.. It’s nothing!” The tall girl turns away quickly, trying to hide her red face. Just then, the doe-eye girl hugs her arm again, and they are holding hands. “D.. Don’t do this.. People might..”
“Aren’t you openly known as one?” The doe-eye girl interrupted, smiling.
“What about you? They will misunderstand about you..”
“I’m fine with it. Since I’m not going to be here tomorrow anymore.”
“... Y.. You are going back..?” The tall girl is really upset, but she did not want to show it.
“Yea. My wings are good as new now!” The doe-eye girl whispered into the ear of the tall girl happily, oblivious to the feeling of the tall girl. The tall girl kept quiet. It took her quite some time to actually really get over the tanned girl and had just started to fall in love once again, but yet, the girl that she loves now is going to leave her, forever. She wanted to cry, and pleaded the girl to stay with her, but she knew she should not. The girl has her own home to go back to. And she has no reason to stay here. That night, the doe-eye girl spreads her wings, ready to take off.
“Bye, Sooyoung. Thanks for everything.” The doe-eye girl stands beside the window and smiled. The tall girl did not say anything. All she did is nod, and forces a smile. And soon, the doe-eye girl disappeared, out of the window, into the sky. She is gone. Back to where she belongs. Tears starts to flow, and the tall girl finds herself being unable to stand up properly.
“... That fool... Still dare to say that she knows me well.. But yet she doesn’t even know my heart...”

Three days later..
The tall girl is brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She is still thinking about the angel. The one that she chanced upon in her room that fateful day. The angel that she had fallen in love with, yet could not be with. Just when she is going to cry again, she heard the window shattering, and a loud thud follows. Shocked, she rushed out of the bathroom, to see the broken window, and a white object on the bedroom floor. The white object opens up slowly, revealing the girl inside. After the girl appears, the white feathery thing disintegrated, and disappeared into the air, leaving only the girl on the floor.
“... It.. It can’t be..” The tall girl dropped her toothbrush and she rushed over to the girl. It is really her. The doe-eye girl. The eyes of the girl open slowly, and she smiled immediately after seeing the tall girl.
“Hi. I’m back. Hehe.” The girl hugged the tall girl, giggling.
“.. But.. why? Did you damaged your wings again..?” The tall girl is still in the state of shock.
“... Nope. I broke a rule in my homeland, and they banished me. I’m not a angel anymore.”
“What rule did you broke..?”
“I fell in love.”
“W... with?”
“A human girl.”
The doe-eye girl moves away, smiling. The tall girl is still confused, but she soon understands, when the doe-eye girl suddenly moves closer and pressed her lips against hers, stealing her first kiss away.
“I do know your heart, fool.” The doe-eye girl said, as she moves away slowly. The tall girl stared blankly initially, but soon, as smile spread across her face, as she moves closer to the doe-eye girl, getting another kiss again. “I.. I love you, Yoona...”
“Hehe.. I love you too.”
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ANYWAY GUYS, I forget to mention that it's referenced from Disney Rapunzel >


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this story isn't end yet right author-nim.....still waiting for update. this is one of my fav soona collection
Chapter 35: This one isn’t completed t.t
Chapter 7: Aww
Chapter 6: Feeeelsss
Chapter 6: Ckosndowkfokwjd
Chapter 5: Yoonyuuuul
Chapter 1: And I’m starting again ://
Chapter 58: Cutecutecuteeeee
Chapter 58: Reread agaaaaain
Chapter 58: Omg omg omggggg