Twenty-First Story

Vixx One Shots

Prompt: "What happened to me last night?"

A massive pounding headache was what woke Sanghyuk up. His mind was screaming bloody murder, condemning the blond for going out in the first place and Sanghyuk promised himself then and there that he would never ever in his life, go out to drink, while knowing exactly well he wouldn't keep it.

Blearily he opened his eyes, before quickly closing them again against the sunlight trying to abuse his poor strained eyes. What even happened?

Sanghyuk had had many hangovers in his life and he could always remember the previous nights, but this time: Nothing. Nada. Niente. Complete nothingness, no matter how much he thought about it. He had to get up. His mind was not liking all that thinking and by the sound of it his Hyungs were already up. At least Jaehwan, his voice overpowering everyone else. How could he be this active? The elder had drunken almost as much as him. At least that was what Sanghyuk thought. It was always like that and normally Jaehwan had as much of a hangover as him.
A groan left the blonds soar throat as his stomach suddenly began turning and twisting and before he knew it the student was up, fighting against a spinning room, while stumbling through his room. That proved to be a bit of a problem though seeing as walking with his eyes closed wasn't his best discipline. Add a hangover to this and you had a stumbling, groaning and curding mess laying on the floor, not long after joined by the contents of his stomach. Gross. Absolutely Gross.He wanted to cry after emptying everything from his stomach onto the floor. Sanghyuk's head was pounding even crazier, everything was spinning and the smell of his vomit was disgusting.

“Never again...” he managed to croak out before groaning again and trying to roll away from the puddle of sick. A few moments later the door to his room opened.

“Thank god you're awake! We thought you were dead!”
Like so often today a groan left his throat at the horrible loud voice of his oldest Hyung.

“What's that smell? Oh my…-
I told you to stop drinking but no, not mister “I-can-drink-as-much-as-I-want-without-ever-getting-drunk” now look where that got you.”
Honestly, Sanghyuk and his head could do perfectly well without his Hyung's preaching but he knew he wouldn't get around it. Better let it wash over him now then later with everyone else around.
“And why did you do it? Just to be a show off to some bloke that you wanted to impress. I hope this is going to be a lesson for you.”
“What even happened to me last night…?” he instantly regretted asking as his dry throat screamed in protest.

“Oh there happened so much! I don't even know where to start!”
Before Sanghyuk could say anything, Hakyeon answered his own question.
“Wait! I know! It was really funny.
You were so drunk, you thought you'd developed magic powers and could talk to the squirrels we saw during our walk home.” The redheads rich laughter echoed through the room and the younger couldn't help put flinch at it's volume.
“Kind of glad I don't remember that, or anything else for that matter.” Seems like his hangover was at least good for something.
“Oh don't worry, Taekwoon thought it was going to be funny so he filmed everything. We were watching it just a moment ago. “

Damn him and the alcohol. Seriously, Sanghyuk would never go anywhere near anything alcohol related again.


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Chapter 25: Love the assassin!vixxau very much!! Taekwoon u must take care of hakyeon well u know!! I love this au becoz u write taekwoon character here as overprotective dominant badass taekwoon ♥♥
Marumaro #2
Chapter 25: Such a cute update <3
Chapter 23: Neo with flower crowns! Beautiful!! Especially all VIXX members are really suited with flower crowns tbh.
Chapter 14: The mage hakyeon and his dragon taekwoon ^¬^ i love this prompt.
johnjaebaby #5
Chapter 24: Finally a chapter where Sanghyuk is being bullied by his hyungs (*´∀`)
Kokechan #6
Chapter 22: Thank you and merry christmas!
90sLineLover #7
Chapter 22: Hahahahahahahaha i love this, it's hilarious XD
Chapter 19: yess, hyuken <3
Chapter 21: Okkk... I like this chapter that's totally clear and straight.. I wish, I could see jaehwan in a cat body...
Kokechan #10
Chapter 20: I really love these one shots! Thank you!