Do you believe in miracles?

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall

Heechul’s visit went awfully slow. Everything around him was reminding him of every little thing about his and his angel’s past. Everything around him made his heart ache. Everything around him jus made him want run away from the pain that he was feeling but couldn’t, he wouldn’t. It’s stupid but he’d rather wallow in his grief than run away from it, he’s rather wallow in his sufferings than to move on.

He looked up at the bright sky, it was still snowing and the cold wind was prickling his already red cheeks as he hugged his shivering body. Going to the beach on a very cold winter day isn’t really the best thing to do but that’s the only place he wanted to go.
A lot of things had changed in the past seven years, the café, the people around him, even he, himself but there is one thing that remained the same, his love for his angel. He felt tears surged from his eyes as he touched the pendant of his necklace. 
“Pathetic.” He chuckled.
He bought that ring few months after he met Jungsu. It was simple white gold ring with an angel’s wing and a few crystal embellishments. He wanted it to give to his angel when both of them are ready but he knew that day will never come, not after destiny cheated on him.
He sat down on the cold sand and started drawing random patterns on it, or maybe not too random because he just found himself writing his angel’s name and drawing feather like doodles around it. Sometimes, he really do hate the fact that art is one of his forte.
“Park Jungsu.” He puffed his cheeks and let out a deep sigh. “What have you done to me?”
Heechul bit his lips and hugged his knees as he drowned himself in his own tears for the millionth time. He just sat there, crying, until he felt so drained and tears just wouldn’t come out of his eyes anymore, maybe they froze or maybe he just ran out of tears to cry. He felt empty.
He suddenly felt so tired that he almost fell asleep on that cold sand if his phone didn’t just interrupt him.
“What?” He said without even checking who was on the other line.
“Where are you?”
“None of your business.”
“I didn’t tell you to go back to Seoul to just continue secluding yourself from everyone else.”
“I said that’s not of your business.”
“Look Kyuhyun-ah!! Hyukkie bought a pink bunny key chain for me!” He heard a very familiar voice squeaked from the other line.
“Not now Hyung.” He can imagine how his assistant pouted after his brother said those words.
“I see you came with Minnie.” He teased. Lately, that’s the only thing that can at least make him feel a little bit happy…making the lives of the people around him a little bit closer to his miserable life.
“HE FOLLOWED ME HERE!” His brother almost yelled at him through the phone. “I told him to stay in the office! He should be looking for your new assistant not tagging along wherever I go!”
Heechul chuckled as he thought how successful his plans became. He actually wasn’t sure how he managed to convince his father that Lee Sungmin can fix his brother’s snarky attitude if the pink loving man couldn’t even handle him. Well, he’s currently the worst case scenario so couldn’t really blame his old assistant.
“He’s your assistant, he should always be with you. Besides, you used to like him a lot before.” He smirked. “Remember the time when you always stop me from scolding him? You’re like his knight in shinning armor.” His laughter roared when he heard his brother let out an inaudible, annoyed sound.
“Shut up hyung. Just tell me where you are and what are you doing.”
“Somewhere. Thinking.” He again looked at his new art piece. He then glared at it as he took a fistful of sand and threw it on what he wrote. “Playing with sand.” He chuckled, but it was fake and his brother knew that.
“You’re there again?”
“I think I am.” 
“Hyung.” He sighed.
“I’ve heard enough of your scoldings Kyu, arent you tired of it yet? Coz I am.”
“I’m getting tired of this as well but I promised him that we’ll take care of you. We all did.” He bit his cheeks for he knew very well who is that he he’s brother was talking about. “He wants you to move on and live your life. He wants you to be happy, and you know that. Why are you doing this to yourself?”
Why was he doing that himself? He was scared, that’s why. He’s scared if he let himself be happy again, he’ll start forgetting all those memories he spent with his angel. He’s scared that once he started living his life again, his feelings for angel will also start going away. He’s scared that if moved on, he’ll forget Jungsu.
Forgetting his angel: what a very terrifying thought.
“Hyung? Are you still there?”
“Maybe. I guess.” Yes, he’s still there, physically but he just felt so shallow…so empty, like he’s not even human anymore.
“Did you go to the cemetery?” 
Heechul looked up at the bright sky again as felt something soft yet so cold on the tip of his nose, it’s snowing again. 
Jungsu. His angel. Cemetery. Snow. 
And then it hit him.
“Kyuhyun-ah.” His voice almost turned into a whisper. “Do you believe in ghosts?”
“No hyung. That’s ridiculous.” He heard the other chuckle.
“No.” Kyuhyun started to feel something odd about his older brother, not that eccentricity isn’t already part his brother’s traits but this time, it’s different. He wanted to start thinking that his brother had already gone mad but he knew to himself that he wasn’t.
“You should Kyu, you’ve already met one before.” Heechul smiled as he thought of Jungsu, his angel, the only angel he believes in.
Kyuhyun just fell silent as he looked around him and look for spot where his other hyungs wouldn’t hear him. He knew that if they found out that their Heechul-hyung is acting odder than he already is, they’ll probably start doing the worst.
“Have you heard about the myth about the first snowfall Kyuhyun-ah?” Heechul didn’t get any response, a sign that he just go on and keep talking. “You know, they say that when you’re the person you love during the first snowfall you two will be bound together till eternity? That if you watch the first snowfall with the person you love, you will be together forever.” He smiled.
Kyuhyun just remained silent, just waiting for his brother to keep talking.
“You know Kyu, I think that legend is true.” Heechul just kept smiling as he slowly reminisced what he just saw a few hours ago.
“Hyung I think you-”
“One last question little brother.” He cut of what his brother was just about to say. “Do you believe in miracles?”
Kyuhyun paused, taken aback of what his brother just asked him. Does he believe in miracles? Another ridiculous question but it made him think.
“I don’t know hyung.”
“I saw him Kyu.”
“I saw him in the cemetery. I saw an angel, my angel.”
Kyuhyun’s forehead knotted as he pressed his phone to his right ear, making sure that he heard what his older brother said clearly. “You saw who?”
“I saw Jungsu.”
“Hyung, you’ve gone crazy. You really do need some help.” He wasn’t joking. He’s now starting to think that his brother had already gone nuts.
“No Kyu, it’s true. I saw Jungsu in the cemetery this morning. He even talked to me!” He excitedly stood up as he continued telling his story to his brother who was really quickly starting to believe that his brother do need some help. “That myth about the first snowfall, Jungsu was the one who told me that and he told me that again when we met this morning!”
“Then what happened?” Kyuhyun asked, and he didn’t know why.
“He disappeared into thin air.”
His lips formed an O as he concluded that he should bring his brother to the best psychiatrist in Korea as soon as possible and that he needs to get rid of his assistant that was about to approach him again sooner. He’s the youngest in their pack yet why was he the one that’s suffering the most. He should be pampered not acting like he’s the only adult around.
“Hyung, you should go home, right now.” And then he cut the call.
He looked around him as he filled his lungs with the fresh Korean winter wind. How long has it been? Ten years? Twelve? Even he wasn’t sure. His family moved to the United states when he was a teenager and that’s the first time that he set his foot on his motherland and everything was doing great except for the fact that he needed a job to keep himself from starving to death and that weird guy that he met in the cemetery when he tried to visit his brother’s grave.
Yeah, that guy.
He’s very good looking, he actually thought that he was a girl at first look and if he is a girl, he’d definitely ask her out but things didn’t just worked out too well for him.
“Whatever.” He laughed at himself. Why was he even thinking of that guy anyway? “I need to find a job.” He then shifted back his attention to his laptop and occasionally checking the news paper beside him.
“Found any?” Finally! The person he was waiting for finally came. 
“What took you so long?” he eyed the younger.
“This.” he took the piece of paper that the young boy handed him and his eyes widened when he saw what’s written on it.
“Is this real?” He excitedly asked as he read what’s on the paper over and over again.
“Yes hyung.”
“You found a job for me! And it’s not just a job! Executive assistant in one of the biggest company in Asia!”
“You still need to pass the interview though but with all the experiences you had in the US, I’m sure you’ll get in.” The younger snatched the glass of orange juice that he already forgot was there. “Good thing it was Sungmin that was managing the hiring for that position, he agreed to let you off the preliminary interviews.”
“Thanks.” He flashed his dimpled smile.
A/N: this chapter is a little longer than the first and I dont even know if this chapter made sense at all hehe
so anyway, I'm really having fun writing this one so we'll see :)
and ryopin_2010 thanks for talking to me really makes me want to finish this story even more ~~ should I call you unnie now? xDD
lastly, comments give me motivation...lots and lots fo will it be okay if I asked for some? hehe
I just want to feel that I'm not the only excited about my own story <3
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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.