Miracles do happen.

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall

“Kyuhyun-ah, it’s time.” He eyed his new assistant and he almost threw the older to a bucket of paint when he saw what the other was wearing, light pink dress shirt, pastel pink tie and the only thing that kept him from being thrown out, a black vest that he paired with black pants and shoes but Kyuhyun was pretty sure that there was a a very scary pink pair of socks hiding behind those.

What is wrong with this guy? He shook his head as the other just gave him a questioning look.
“Kyuhyun-ah! They’re waiting!” He almost glared at the man in front of him if he just didn’t remember what his father had told him.
“You’re grounded until Sungmin tells me that you’ve changed.”
“Aish.” He cursed under his breathe. Now, he really was starting to regret giving all those snarky remarks during their meeting with some big time clients that made them lose the deal. But what can he do? Those old men were idiots and not because he’s just a kid does it mean that they can just ignore him. Plus, they’re ganging up on his favorite hyung. He had to stand up for the both of them. His I-will-eat-you-alive-if-you-defy-me Heechul hyung was currently M.I.A so he had to be tough.
“And here I am, grounded like a little kid, stuck with a pink loving man-woman.” He whispered which made his assistant shifted his attention back to him.
“What did you say Mr. Cho?” Sungmin raised his eyebrow. He used to like this Kyuhyun guy before but after spending a week being his assistant a.k.a baby sitter, he’s actually starting to feel like there really is something wrong with the family he was working for.
“Nothing.” Sungmin just rolled his eyes. “Have you checked on Heechul hyung? Did you tell him that he has an appointment tomorrow?” Worry crossed his Boss’s eyes. He’d seen how the two brothers made each other’s lives miserable but he still do know how much those two cared for one another, especially now that the older one is loosing its way.
And as much as he hated the stress working for two extremely odd bosses, he couldn’t just leave those two alone. Since they went back to Seoul after spending a few years working out of town, their Heechul hyung became worse. Worse to the point that he’s now telling everybody that he saw Jungsu in his grave when he first visited it after seven long years and now, his younger brother is doing everything to make his hyung get checked but older always refused to do so.
Sungmin just couldn’t help but sigh. “He said he’s fine but who knows.” He shrugged. “And yes, I told him about the appointment but he just glared at me and continued working.”
“I really don’t know what am I gonna do with him anymore. Even Donghae hyung is starting to panic, well, he’s always the panicky type, but still….” Kyuhyum rested his chin on his table.
“Why don’t you try and tell your Dad?”
“And what? Let him put Heechul hyung in a straight jacket and throw him in a mental hospital? Heck no!” He stood up, walked towards his assistant and took the folders that he was holding.
“Are these all the applications?” He asked, trying to change the subject to keep his mind from into an instant haywire for nth time that day.
“No, remember that applicant that I told you? The one from the US? He haven’t submitted his resume yet but Yesung hyung said that he’ll bring it over today for the interview.” Kyuhyun eyed his assistant.
“Lee Sungmin, just make sure that he really is a worthy applicant because if not, I will torch your stuffed bunnies.”
“His credentials are great! He graduated in a prestigious university in the US and his job experiences as even more impressive than yours.” Sungmin clasped his mouth when he saw how some tiny missiles almost flew out of his boss’s eyes.
“Let’s just go.” The younger grabbed his arm and literally dragged him towards the elevator.
“Damn it!” He cursed, a little loudly, when he almost kissed the ground as he ran towards his destination: a moving bus. 
He felt like he was having the worst day of his life. His alarm didn’t go on. The water heater was broken. Hi very good friend, Jongwoon, forgot that he’s an imbecile in the kitchen and forgot to leave anything for him to eat. He’s late for his job interview. And now, the glorious bus left him.
“Great! Just great!” He kicked the nearest thing that he found and sadly, it was a pole. He bit his lip, trying to keep himself from screaming and getting anything that can cut the pole that he assaulted down. “This a disaster!” 
He checked his wrist watch and concluded that he might still be able to be in his interview on time if he will run fast enough and stop whining about a stupid pole. He took off his white coat and started running like there’s no tomorrow as he started questioning his decision of leaving his life in the US and moving back to Korea with nothing.
His life in The US is very far from his life now in Korea. He has his own apartment, his own car, and a decent job. Heck! He even had a dog but there’s just something dumb inside him that told him that he should try and live in his motherland and that dumb something plus Jongwoon’s words finally convinced him to go and try it out and yet, there he was, running like an idiot to attend a job interview for a job that he wasn’t even sure he’ll get.
He was too busy regretting the things he’d done that he didn’t even notice the stop light already turned green and he just went on and crossed the street. He saw his life flash right before his eyes when he saw silver car running towards him. He closed his eyes and waited for the vehicle to crash into his body but it never did, the car stopped just a few centimeters away from him.
“Yah! Are you trying to get yourself killed!” A beautiful face snuck out of the car’s window and yelled at him.
He blinked for a few times and looked at the other who was just looking at him with wide eyes. He actually looked familiar to him but he’s in a hurry and had no time to even think.
“My job interview!” He gasped and looked at the man who was still looking at him with eyes full of….affection.
But why?
His phone rang and that made him realize that he’s still in middle of street.
“I’m sorry.” He waved to the man and continued running towards the tall building that was just a few meters away from where he was.
“Hello?” He answered the call. “Jongwoon-ah is it already starting?”
“Almost. Where are you?”
“I’m almost there, nope, I'm here already.” He hung up and fixed himself before he entered the building. Droplets of sweat were still visible on his forehead but he couldn’t care less, he needed that interview.
“Great credentials huh?” Kyuhyun smirked as he shot him with a I-will-torch-your-bunnies later look. “You both know that I’m very strict with punctuality, and my brother is even way more meticulous than I am. You two should be careful.” The younger kept his smirk as Sungmin just glared at the dark haired man in the corner of the room.
“I will deal with you later.” He mouthed.
“I’m sorry.” The older man answered and dialed something on his phone again. “He said he’s here.”
“Where here? Mars?” Kyuhyun snarked.
“No sir, I really am here now.”
Everyone in the room fell silent as they saw a panting man, wearing a white dress shirt and loose blue neck tie barged into the room.
“Sorry I’m late.” The newcomer panted as he fixed himself and bowed to his hopefully new bosses.
Sungmin and Kyuhyun, on the other hand were just too shocked because of they were seeing.
“Impossible.” Sungmin whispered as tears started falling from his eyes.
“Is there something wrong?”
Kyuhyun sighed as he tried to keep himself from loosing his composure. “Nothing is wrong. He’s just tired.” He wiped his assistant’s tears and told him to just leave the room for a while.
As soon as the crying man left, he shifted his attention back to their new applicant. He was shock but he had to be professional, but he wasn’t sure if that professionalism he had will last.
“What’s your name?”
The applicant smiled. “Dennis Park sir.” He bowed again.
Kyuhyun just bit his lips. He cant hire a guy that looks exactly like Park Jungsu as his brother’s assistant.

JBzherimaar nope, sorry..it's not Siwon hehehe...I do have plans for him tho :)
sonelf Akira97 hahahaha just stick around and you'll see :)
soooo~~ as you can see...I'm getting really excite writing this fic so I'm practically updating everytime I can xDD
thanks for all your comments....I'm totally loving them <3
also, thanks for subscribing <3
and and and~
comments give me motivation...lots and lots fo motivation...so will it be okay if I asked for some? hehe
I just want to feel that I'm not the only excited about my own story <3
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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.