Getting out of the House


Na Ra: It was perfect! He was a gentleman and even asked to go out again!

Mi Yeon: That's great. I'm so happy for the two of you.

Na Ra: Speaking of budding love, is there something going on with you and that Driver?

Mi Yeon: Too soon to say, but there's definitely a possibility there.

Na Ra: What about Seung Cheol?

Mi Yeon: I can't forgive him yet.

Na Ra: Ok. Get some sleep. I'll ttyl!

Mi Yeon: Alright. Sleep well.

Mi Yeon put down her phone for the night and took off the lights, eager to get some sleep.


Mi Yeon awoke to knocking on her door. Her mother popped her head in and entered carefully. Taking a seat next to her on the bed, she began to talk.

"Should we do some shopping before the Semester begins?" Her mother offered.

Mi Yeon nodded.

"Maybe we can ask Won Woo to drive us."

Mi Yeon perked up and said, "When do you want to leave?"

"As soon as you’re ready."

When her mother left the room, Mi Yeon got up and looked at her groggy face in the mirror. Her gaze turned to her bathroom. She had not dared to open that door since she got back from Chilyo. However, she knew that she couldn’t go on living like that. Cautiously, she approached the door. She placed a shaking hand on the knob and her heart beat increased two-fold. Turning the knob and pushing the door open, she shut her eyes tightly. The closed-up room's air hit her with a scent of bleach and hand soap. Behind eyelids, she envisioned her brother's body laying in the tub. However, as she opened her eyes slowly, the room was cleaned to perfection and the tub had been replaced with a newer, more modern one.

She released a shaky breath and took cautious steps further into the room. Her breathing was returning to normal and she was becoming adjusted to the room. She closed the door behind her and the shower. The pipes took a while to deliver the water, from lack of usage. Once the water flowed with ease, she undressed and took a long shower. When she stepped out, she turned to the sink and brushed her teeth, stealing glances at herself in the mirror.

Returning to her room, she left the bathroom door open. She hoped that that way, she would feel comfortable with it gradually.

Once she was comfortably dressed, she headed out to meet her mother in the living room. Won Woo was also there. When he saw her, he rose to his feet and smiled widely at her.

"Good morning," he greeted.

Not thinking about her mother, Mi Yeon strolled towards Won Woo and placed her arm through his. He gave her a worried look, but she told him to relax.

The three of them headed out, with Mi Yeon taking the seat next to Won Woo in the front. This time, she didn’t hold his hand during the drive. She didn’t want to let her mother know just how close they had actually gotten over the past few weeks.

"Mi Yeon-ah," her mother said when they had reached the highway. "Seung Cheol keeps calling the house. I was wondering why he doesn’t just call you on your cell?"

Mi Yeon's face stiffened by the mention of that name. Won Woo kept his focus straight, maintaining his professional manners.

"I have been avoiding him, for a good reason," Mi Yeon replied, gazing out the window.

"What reason? I thought he was good for you."

"He blamed me for Tae Hyun-oppa's death."

Her mother gasped, and her expression grew dark. "Then you did the right thing by avoiding him."

Silence engulfed them in the car as they cruised down the roads of Seoul. Mi Yeon put on the radio, not

wanting to be in her thoughts anymore and continued gazing at the passing scenery.

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seonrynn #2
Chapter 35: OMG THE ENDING
it's perf
Chapter 33: oh my god- everyone is crying this is terrible- i feel like crying rn omg
Chapter 32: ........OMG MI YEON IT'S OKAY DON'T CRY
Chapter 31: awe Mi Yeon why did you do that to Wonwoo? I hardcore ship Mi Yeon x Seungcheol so i'm happy :D
Chapter 30: YAY EVERYONE IS HAPPY NOW [EXCEPT WONWOO, I hope he finds Mingyu so Meanie can happen ;) ]
Chapter 28: i HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HER DAD ANYMORE like really- so mean :(