
ig collection

there were many sleepless nights and disturbed bedsheets, spilt coffee and dirty dishes. but when byun baekhyun decided to leave his umbrella at home one day, park chanyeol felt his world shift into place. where his fingers left empty spaces, were soon filled with slender ones and a fitting laugh. where the bed was cold at midnight, was a warm, breathing body that often forgot about the boundary, crossing over to spread warmth to park chanyeols empty heart.

there were many pictures park chanyeol kept on his mobile, glancing at them once in a while. each photograph was a frozen memory that would play in his mind the moment his eyes saw it. the smile would give way to joyous laughter. the pink lips would move to meet chapped ones, then pull away to show off another brilliant grin. they shared the couch on the weekends, their bodies fitting together like a puzzle piece. park chanyeol would let his chin rest on byun baekhyuns shoulder, cherishing the warmth that came from the other. wonderful memories made his heart full of love. full of love that he gave to byun baekhyun alone.

byun baekhyun was beautiful. beautiful yet greedy. his lips drowned out park chanyeols groans and his fingers grabbed too much skin. his eyes marked too much of park chanyeols body. he took park chanyeols heart filled with love and drank it till the liquid was no more. and so, he ordered another. one after the other he ordered more of the intoxicating drink. he wanted more, he wanted more love. he wished to drown in it if he could.

but a persons heart can only give so much.

3,600 seconds. 60 minutes. 1 hour. that was all it took for byun baekhyun to take all of park chanyeols love and consume it. that was all it took for park chanyeol to smile sadly at the figure in front of him and say a thousand 'I love you's to try and make up for the empty bottle of infatuation. that was all it took for a beautiful being to turn into an incubus, hoarding all the love given to them, never truly cherishing it.

0 seconds. 0 minutes. 0 hours.

that was all it took for park chanyeol to break down into tears, for without byun baekhyun there was nothing left of park chanyeol.

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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs