
ig collection

It took chanyeol approximately 5 seconds to know that he was in love with baekhyun. chanyeol had never truly experienced love before, but he knew that this was it. he felt knocked up and his heart raced faster than any jockey could ever go. never would he forget hearing that voice sing on stage, perfect lips forming words that made hearts move across the world. it was his smile at the end of the song, the thank you and little giggle at the end of it. the way he flipped his hair out of the way and made jokes despite his stage fright and nervousness. chanyeol was so awestruck by byun's entire being that he couldn't help but to fill his mind with the thought of watching cheesy movies with the male, going on first dates, a generic first kiss, cuddling on the couch- the whole couple package. baekhyun too was in love. he was in love with the happiness he gave to his fans and the gifts he received from numerous people. he remembered one fan in particular at a fan meet, which was quite peculiar in height. his dark hair seemed to have remnants of gel, but was not styled up, probably meaning the other had tried to style his locks, but gave up. at this, baekhyun was already giggling, but it was the stuttering that made him bite his lip to hold the bits of laughter inside.

"H-hi, I'm Park Ch-chanyeol. I really like your m-music. But not just that, I love everything about you. I love your smile, and your laugh, and I'm just happy to see you being happy, and-" Chanyeol racked his mind for what he was going to say next, but was distracted when baekhyun held a finger to his lips.
"Thank you so much, Chanyeol. I'm sorry though. I can't share the same feelings for you."
Chanyeol knew already. And therefore, he tried to shut his ears before he could hear what else baekhyun had to say.
"Maybe in another lifetime. Or maybe when I'm retired and can't sing. Maybe then I can love you back. But don't get me wrong, I think that I too have fallen for your stutters and lanky legs."
The giant left the fan meet with a glued together heart. baekhyun on the other hand continued repeating the same lines to other fans who tried confessing their feelings to him. to baekhyun, love was simply an overused word, knowing that many people pretend to know the heavy weight of the four lettered word. baekhyun knew that he himself could never fall for another person due to his work and high position. it would cause total chaos, news and social media pages blowing up with pictures of him and his date. he didn't want the trouble.
if only byun baekhyun knew that park chanyeol truly did cry late at night, truly did gain happiness from his smile through a screen, and truly did fall for byun baekhyun's empty promise of loving in another life.
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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs