
ig collection

"good morning detective byun."

the male was holding a cup holder that held two coffees. he handed one towards the detective (who was squatting next to the body, taking note of abrasions and bruising) and looked about the crime scene. they were situated in an alleyway, the dumpster next to them concaved slightly, suggesting the body had landed there first, before ending up on the asphalt. his eyes eventually landed once again on the detecive's puzzled expression.

"thanks park."

baekhyun stood up from the body and turned towards the forensic team, asking them to take samples from the roof and such for evidence and possible leads.

"so, a lawyer fell from the sky."

"pushed from the roof actually."

"tragic, but effective."

"actually," baekhyun paused as the forensic team took away the corpse for autopsy. he bent down and pointed to a shiny object in the asphalt where the body once was. "apparently not enough."

"there goes a possible death for a novel." he pouted and baekhyun gave him a sarcastic look.


"ive gotta leave early tonight."

the team turned to look at baekhyun at the same time.

"you have a date?"

"is there a problem with that ?"

chanyeol stood up from the table he was leaning on and gave the detective a look of hurt.

"who's it with?"

"a friend."

"what kind of friend?"

"a close friend."

"so its not a 'date'. can i come too-"

"no- chanyeol- no."

the writer tried to hide the hurt in his eyes. "whats so good about this friend that someome as great as byun baekhyun would skip work for?"

"he's a nice guy." he saw chanyeol give him the 'reallyareyousurehesasniceasyouthink' look and added, "he really is park, now would you please let me go?"

the team giggled and cooed at the two of them, the idea of their superior asking chanyeol for permission being somewhat amusing.

composing himself and his jealousy, chanyeol crossed his arms and shurgged. "yeah, sure. its not like i dont have a date tonight either."

"wait, what?"

"yeah, i have a life too byun."

"with who?"

"oh my, would you look at the time. im almost late for my date."

"park who is it."

"i should reaaally go-"


the two walked out of the office through opposite doors, only to walk to the only elevator in the building together. they walked inside and refused to look at each other, though all they wanted to do was talk. in all honesty, park chanyeol would, without hesitation, give his life for the detective. he did so on multiple counts already. byun baekhyun on the other hand, would do the same, yet refused to accept that fact. on numerous counts, the two were rumored in articles to be dating (due to chanyeol's nonstop talk about the certain male).

but the two often saw other people, not fully acknowledging the fact that they were undoubtedly in love with the other. it came to them in small fragments at a time, almost like the pieces of information needed to build the perfect evidence for a crime. the two were best friends, that was undeniable. it was the truth. if byun was on a case, so was park. if byun was doing an interrogation, park was right there with him. though it was for inspiration at first, chanyeol had become the persom closest to baekhyun, noticing his little movements and his routine.


"have fun on your date."

"you too."

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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs