
ig collection

byun baekhyun was energy. he had the universe in his eyes and the moonlight shining from his teeth. his hair was a night sky and on the back of his hands was a map of the world. he held the earth in his fingertips, knowing the crevasses that lurked in the snow and the oasis that existed among the desert. planes were his home away from home and as a child he always wished to be able to touch the dewy clouds when he looked outside the window.

park chanyeol was a resident. he stayed in his apartment and went out with friends. he was a social man but not a wanderer. he had the city memorized in the corner of his mind because on the back of his hands were the names of stores and restaurants. his smile was a pristine white and his eyes were blanketed with the dark light of a twinkling ocean.

the time for new clothes had arrived and chanyeol had driven to the downtown area of incheon. byun baekhyun, a visitor to the city, was busy looking through racks of clothes for his style. as of now, he was searching for new clothes to wear tomorrow and the day after, his stay in the new city longer than any other.

the two first crossed paths at the checkout line when baekhyun pulled out a wad of dollar bills rather than the currect form of currency. after two minutes of fiddling in his bag, chanyeol stepped up and swiped his card for the smaller male, making him more flustered and embarrassed.

"it's alright. enjoy your stay in korea!"

baekhyun, knowing his manners (for he was born here, but moved to america with his parents at 12 years of age), bowed towards the stranger and took off with a receipt and bag of clothes that was worth more than a couple of hundred dollars.


the next time they met was at a coffee shop chanyeol later strolled into before returning home after a successful day of shopping. he ordered his drink and took notice of a familiar dark headed male sitting alone at a two person booth.

running a hand through his hair, chanyeol approached the smaller and greeted him hello. they continued conversation until they recieved their lattes (both sharing the same favorite flavor, caramel). chanyeol was intrigued at the stories baekhyun had to tell, and baekhyun was in turn, interested by the normal lifestyle chanyeol lived.

"so how do you like the city?"

"its really beautiful! when i flew in last night, the lights were so captivating i wanted to take pictures, but the flight attendant took my phone."

at this, baekhyun pouted and chanyeol laughed at the reenactment. "that must really . where are you staying?"

"at different hotels. i dont like staying in one place for more than a few days."

"really? thats really busy. how long are you staying?"

"maybe a month or so."

their conversation drifted to music and television dramas to favorite drinks and foods. chanyeol learned that baekhyun loved sweets and love ballads, and baekhyun learned that park loved hip hop and food in general. they got along just fine. fine to the point where chanyeol invited the smaller over to his house for a marathon of sad movies to see who would cry the most.


"do you really have to go?"

"my flight's already booked yeol."

"cant you just delay it another month? please?"

"ive done that 4 times already. the company says if i do it again, they'll take away my miles."


"i know, i know."

the two- sorry- the couple had been talking about the subject matter for weeks. chanyeol had gotten baekhyun to push back his flight to Michigan three times since the original date. they had just finished watching a sappy valentines day movie, baekhyun remarking on how cute the main actor was until chanyeol kissed him square on the lips and was reminded that chanyeol would always be better looking. he loved the giant to death, he truly did. he wanted to revist all his favorite cities so chanyeol could see them too.

"why cant you just cancel the flight?"

"yeol, we already talked about this-"

"but i cant go with you, and i dont want you to leave."

"i cant-"

"do you really love me?"


around them was nothing but silence and the glow of lights from the light fixtures in chanyeol's apartment.

"cant you do this for me?"


"i love you so much. to the point where when i wake up, i want to see you sleeping in the crook of my arm. i want to say good morning to you and kiss you awake and make you breakfast. i want you to kiss me goodbye when i leave for work and to see you welcome me back in the evening. i want to hold you when you get scared during scary movies and hear you laugh when i lose stupid bets-"


"no. i dont want, i need. i need you to be here with me baek. not somewhere across the ocean or through facetime or skype. i want you, in the flesh. i want to hear you sing when youre trying and when youre not. i dont know what will happen if you leave me like this."

the look in chanyeol's eyes was enough to make baekhyun log online and cancel the ticket he delayed so many times already. right then and there, he wanted to tell the giant he loved him and wanted to stay by his side. he wanted to put his hands on his shoulders and press his lips against the other's and whisper away all his worries. he wanted to live like this forever-

"chanyeol... i love you. ive never had a love like you. ive never felt so hot in the winter with you making me blush. i want to be here with you. i do. if you asked me to be your faithful forever, i would say yes in a heartbeat, because i knew you were my twin flame when you asked me over to see who would cry first watching sad movies. but i cant. i love traveling. its my addiction, my one true aspiration."

there was an uncomfortable pause when starry night met glistening moonlight.

"i love you park chanyeol, but i have to go."

"ive given you my all baek. literally. ive given you the keys to my apartment, a spare car key, my love and my time. i know four months isnt a lot of time, but-"

"chanyeol, if my flight wasnt tomorrow-"

"then forget the flight! this is so stupid baek."

chanyeol saw a light flicker behind baekhyuns eyes. it was small and subtle, but nonetheless it was there.

"stay with me baek."

"i cant-"

before he could finish, chanyeol was on him. he was cupping his chin and kissing him harder than ever. baekhyuns eyes were wide and stared at tightly closed lids that seemed to be hiding tears. a thud echoed in his heart when he felt chanyeol push away almost as soon as the act was initiated. the kiss was innocent yet hurtful. there was no tongue, no biting, no lust behind it. it was a kiss full of sorrow and acceptance. the kiss had a feel of finality to it, and baekhyun, at this point, could not control the well of tears in his eyes.

"so much for valentines day."


"its alright. you should get to packing."

chanyeol had left baekhyun sitting on their bed. the smaller heard a faint close of the door before he finally cracked.


chanyeol was driving towards a bar nearby the coffee shop that started this whole mess. once there, he actually contemplated on whetger or not to enter the bar or the shop across the street. the giant ended up running across wet asphalt, hold the back of his shirt up to keep the rain away from his hair. he order the same drink and sat at the same booth against the window. the man watched as the raindrops raced each other down the glass, some combining while others faded away into smaller, immovable dews.

"thats me."

he pointed at the slowly moving droplet at rain that eventually split into stationary droplets.

"and thats you."

he pointed at his droplet's racing partner who was still on track towards the bottom of the frame. baekhyun was ready to move on, ready for another challenge and destination. while chanyeol was nothing but another landmark and memory that he would remember surely after another raindrop decided to race with him to the finish.

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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs