life and death (kaisoo)

ig collection

do kyungsoo and kim jongin.

their relationship is quite unusual, yet it lasted for centuries and decades; perhaps it would last till the stars failed to shine. kyungsoo sent many gifts to jongin, although many took decades to arrive. jongin was a patient man however, and accepted each present of life with open arms.

sometimes, the gifts would stare at jongin with hatred and disgust, asking why he did this to them and why someone as nice as kyungsoo would betray them. others smiled in jongins embrace and told him stories kyungsoo told them before he set them on their journey.

"he said that you arent as scary as you seem," a little girl said, giggling as jongin picked her up. "he told me that you were really handsome and kind."

"am i?"

"yeah! and youre really tall too!"

jongin smiled fondly at the girl and looked behind him at the hospital room that was fading away. he saw a blur of figures over the bed, and faint sounds of sobs and cries. sometimes, his soo would send him gifts that deserved a slower delivery time, and sometimes, jongin wished he could send them back.

"was kyungsoo nice to you?"

the girl thought for a bit before nodding. "he was. he was really nice and he told me to tell you he was sorry."

"ah... i see."

jongin set the girl down once they reached their destination. he told the child to walk a little ways to where she would find a desk and another kind man.

"he's going to ask you a few questions okay? remember to answer them honestly."

"okay." she turned and jongin wanted to see her off before he accepted the next gift from his lover, but she took one look back at him and smiled.

"mr. jongin? could you please tell mr. kyungsoo thank you? i forgot to tell him..."

he nodded, and the girl skipped her way to the hall of judgement, as he walked the opposite direction towards an intersection with a crowd of people surrounding a crippled man.



kyungsoo never heard a word from jongin. he wished that maybe there would be small messages; maybe a small 'i love you' or 'i miss you' would be nice. to show his disappointment and hurt, kyungsoo sometimes sent young souls to his lover, feeling a bit cruel at first, yet brushing it off. he wanted a sign that jongin still loved and thought of him. that jongin cared and missed him. but alas, kyungsoo only saw the living things, and failed to see the ghosts and spirits that tried to plea with him; they tried to say and explain how much kim jongin loved him and always asked about him each time he was sent a present.

kim jongin and do kyungsoo loved each other. one knew and did not. jongin wished he could be with his lover and kiss him every time he made another beautiful creature, but he simply could not. instead, he was envisioned as a hated figure, one who took lives and loved the color black. when in reality, he only accepted the lives kyungsoo sent him, he only accepted what was given, and even then, wished that he did not have to in the first place.

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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs