
ig collection

park chanyeol left little notes outside of byun baekhyun's locker, front door, and on his desk. sometimes, if he knew the smaller was working late at his part time job, he would enter the fast food restaurant and leave a flower behind with a tip noted for the male.

they had been together for as long as chanyeol could remember; they were playmates in elementary, partners on projects in middle school, and significant others in high school. now in college, the two boys have gone to the same school to take different majors. byun baekhyun was taking a music major as park chanyeol pursued his passion in journalism.

often, baekhyun would find himself blushing at the cheesy words chanyeol put in the post its he would come across. so in return, he would make sure that he had chanyeol's breakfast ready before the giant woke up, making sure the coffee was dark to ensure that the sleep lover was awake for his lesson (in return, chanyeol would write more notes, with even more cringe worthy compliments. it was the least he could do).

in their relationship, baekhyun was the worker. he was the one who made sure they could pay rent for their apartment home, have enough food, and still be able to spend on new clothing. the reason for this was simple. chabyeol was a clumsy six foot something human being, incapable of keeping a job for more than a week. he was too busy with applying for internships for local newspapers as well to spare time for the jobs he could excel in. park chanyeol, however, never could lift the guilt of knowing baekhyun was out late working at a restaurant, cleaning tables and washing dishes. it hurt him when he found out that the smaller often ditched his classes and lessons to make time for an extra shift in the day time, and that the empty staff paper that lied on the kitchen table was long overdue late work.

chanyeol decided that to help lessen the weight on baekhyun's shoulders, he could either a) move out (which he was definitely not doing) b) ask his parents for money (again) or c) drop out of school and try to maintain a steady paycheck.


when byun baekhyun woke up the next morning, he found a note on the stove.

'dear 'the love of my life',

i know that you barely have enough time to take a look at yourself in the mirror these past few months, so im going to describe to you how you look in my eyes.

the dye in your hair is fading and your natural color is blending with the blond so perfectly, i dont think there will ever be a combination more made to be. your eyes still sparkle brighter than any star ive ever seen, and when the sun catches your irises, light and dark brown turn to hazel and your eyes become my most favorite sight. there are bags under them though, and the shade 'lack of sleep' is showing through your concealer. your complexion is paling, my love. the color in under your skin is replaced by slightly visible veins on your wrists and neck, as well as arms and palms.

my dear byun baek, as youre reading this im still sleeping the day away, while youre about to make me breakfast before you skip class to work a shift. I'll have you know that ive dropped out of school yesterday, and am now waiting for calls to accept me for work. now, before you wake me up and ask me why im a stupid human being for dropping out of school, I'll have you know that with attendance like yours, youre basically a drop out too.'

baekhyun had to pause for a moment to change his position against the kitchen counter. it made him smile that chanyeol knew his personality so well as to predict exactly what he was going to do before hand. with a deep breath, he continued this long letter.

'the staff paper on the counter top is missing. did you notice?'

the male looked around and scolded himself for not putting those away after chanyeol had asked about them a couple days before.

'if you check in my bag (hopefully) there'll be chords and everything written down. i read the prompt your teacher gave you, and hopefully my 'skills' as a journalist and playing in jazz band back in high school will save your grade.

i didnt tell you about this at all before, because i knew you would tell me to continue my major and such, and that you would cancel all your classes and lessons just for me.

The thing is though, is that i cant have you give up what youve been dreaming about ever since ive gotten to know you, just to have my name in a column no one would ever read. you love music baek, you really do. you would sing me to sleep sometimes when we had stupid bets on who could stay up the latest. you were in choir for six years in school, but took lessons way back in elementary. you know how to play the piano (you taught me some remember?) and i taught you how to play some guitar. youve done so much for me, i dont think i could live with myself if i was the reason as to why your lifelong dream crashed before your eyes.

i love you, so please dont stay up late and let go of school to work more shifts. baekhyun, you should really sleep and eat more, its not healthy for you to work this much when youre only going to turn 21 in three months. i cant be in love with an old man.'

when baekhyun read the last line, he thought of chanyeol's signature grin, and stiffled a chuckle. he then folded the note neatly, pressed the paper to his lips, and slid it into his pocket before he made chanyeol's favorite breakfast.

"im in love with most thoughtful person on earth."


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Chapter 5: both chapter 4 and 5 hits my heart like a hammer sobs