
Somebody To Break
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          Today should be the day when the office party was held. Yerin and kyungsoo decided to visited our house since they were going to go there with us as well.

          I welcomed them to our house, they said that our house looked so nice. I couldn’t agree more, chanyeol bought this with his own sweat and i couldn’t be more proud.

          “where’s chanyeol?” yerin asked. “he’s still sleeping, kyungsoo, wake him up” i smacked kyungsoo’s with my feet while kyungsoo growled in pain.

          “AISH” kyungsoo whinned. He went upstairs and screamed right in front of our bedroom, “CHANYEOL IT’S MUST BE SO HARD TO BE THAT ING LAZY”

          We both chuckled as we heard kyungsoo. Me and yerin decided to cooked a breakfast together, i felt so happy that i finally had some accompany in this home.

          “so, are you nervous about changmin?” yerin asked as he chopped the vegetables. I chuckled, “why the hell?” i didn’t know why did i have to be nervous about him.

          “he likes you, and chanyeol will be glad to fight him”

          “calm down, changmin might had moved on”

          “think what you like, [Y/N]. Anyway, don’t you feel lonely here?”

          “kind of, when chanyeol left to work, i was alone in this house”

          “then have kids!”

          “oh lord, please don’t bring it up, yerin”

          “i know how you like childrens, [Y/N]”

          “i know, but if i will have my own, it’s need a lot of responsible”

          “of course, we’re grown up now. We have to be, ready or not”

          “i don’t know” i sighed and boiled the water to cooked a soup. “i want to enjoy my time with chanyeol, alone” yerin chuckled and helped me to put the vegetable into the pot.

          We heard kyungsoo walked down from the kitchen with chanyeol right behind him. “where’s henry?” kyungsoo asked. “he’s at the backyard, yerin, why don’t you go play with henry instead? Help me with him” yerin gladly nooded and left me with chanyeol.

          I saw kyungsoo and yerin went outside to took care of henry, glad that i got a help. “kyungsoo just yelled right in front of my bedroom, gee. I already woke up, i just got showered” he chuckled then chanyeol suddenly hugged me from behind.

          Chanyeol sniffed on my neck as he whispered, “good morning, damn you smell so good” i turned around and gave him a light morning peck, “morning too, smelly”

          “hey, i’m not smelly” chanyeol suddenly bited my hand and it made me screamed in suprise. I ended up hitting him with a carrot, “YOU DAMN INSANE MONSTER”

          “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY”


          “you let someone else played with henry? That’s new” chanyeol chuckled as he looked at kyungsoo and yerin who played with henry right at the backyards. “oh come on, i’m not that paranoid”

          “you lose your cat when you were a little, of course you might will get a little bit paranoid” chanyeol pinched both of my cheeks then i smacked his with my hand, he immediatly screamed in pain, “GEE, [Y/N] STOP BEING SO MEANY”



          “so, you’re going to invite jinki and yeeun too?” kyungsoo asked to chanyeol. We were now just getting ready to the summer party which their office held.

          “of course, they said i could”

          Me and yerin just finished my make up. Actually, she was helping me with mine. I didn’t really understand how to do make up things.

          We both actually wore the same thing. We both wore a summer dress! I wore peach dress with white flowers pattern on it. Yerin also bought me a summer hat that we usually wore it on the beach.

          “COME ON WOMANS” kyungsoo screamed. Me and yerin hurried to go out from the bathroom, ‘WE’RE DONE” we grabbed our bag and stood right in front of the boys.

          “holy, look at your wife, chanyeol. She looked girly”

            “look at your wife to be, she made this things possible”

          “JUST GO RIGHT NOW HURRY UP” i yelled and the three of us immediatly got to chanyeol’s car. I sat right on the shot gun while kyungsoo and yerin were right at the back seat.

          “you look beautiful, gotta keep you right by my side” chanyeol patted my head like i was a in puppy. But i like it, he made me felt secured. I chuckled and patted his head back, “i won’t go anywhere.

          Kyungsoo groaned, “seriously guys? I’m going to threw both of you out from the car”


          As we arrived at the party which was held right at the pool and next to the beach. We saw jinki and yeeun were there, they were with jongdae also.

          “HII” we greeted them exitedly, it had been a long time since we spent time together like this. All we needed was minah, but she wasn’t here with us anymore.

          Jongdae said, “let’ s just go inside, everyone is already waiting for chanyeol’s wife. You’re very famous” i looked at chanyeol while he only shuggered.

          “why?” i asked to jongdae but he didn’t want to answer me, chanyeol also didn’t want to explain. He only smiled there like a goofy child. “okay guys, explain”

          “well” chanyeol took my hand and made me got into the party with him, “you have no idea how much i talked about you to all of my friends, they said that they really wanted to see you. So you have to make a good first impression, huh, you might will have some new friends”

          I rolled my eyes, “wait until one of them is trying to stole me from you” i joked but he actually took it seriously. Chanyeol held my hand even tighter, he kept me right by his side and i made sure that was no air between us.

          Right when we just stepped into the party, someone suddenly showed up right in front of me with – i could tell that it was a fake – smile.

          Changmin greet me as he raised his champagne on me, “welcome, [Y/N]. It’s been a long time” i smiled a little since i knew that chanyeol didn’t want me to respond, or he might going to ruin all this party down.

          “why are you so tense? Chanyeol, don’t hold her so tight she’s in pain”

          “i believe that it’s not the case, Mr. Shim” chanyeol faked a chuckle before he bow at changmin, “we have to go” then he took me away, left changmin there still looked at us with fires in his eyes.

          Oh God, why it had to be this complicated.

          If minah was here, she’ll help me out and did everything with me fabulously. I didn’t know why did i had been missing her so much these days, and it made me even felt more sadder than i used to felt.

          I once told my dad about this and he said that i need to go to minah’s cemetary even more often. He said that she might felt the same thing too.

          “don’t go anywhere without me, okay?” chanyeol asked to me and i nooded, i had to be with him. I didn’t want to make any mess here because of changmin and chanyeol.

          I had to listen to my husband, anyway.

          We already had our drinks in our hand and all of us were enjoying our time together while looking at the nice view. It was such a good thing to be in.

          People were dancing and swiming, there was a loud music around. I didn’t know why did the ones who came here were the young one, maybe the elder refused to come because it was too loud?


          “how do you feel now? Feel comfortable already?” chanyeol asked me. i told him that i felt uncomfortable there so i wanted to just go walked on the beach, chanyeol decided to came with me since he wanted to be with me.

          “you can just go back to the party”

          “and left you so that changmin can take you away? No, thank you”

          “you just look like a kid”

          “talking about kids” chanyeol took my hand and held it tight, “have a plan for having any?” he asked.

          I felt shy everytime he talked about kids, i looked away and not answering his question. Chanyeol chuckled, “yah, don’t have to be so shy. It’s not like we haven’t done it” he teased me.

          “honestly” i sighed, “everytime you go to work, you always left me alone at house with henry. And i think, it must be great if we have kid one day” i confessed.

          “soooooo” chanyeol stopped and grabbed my shoulder, “is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ or ‘yes i’ve been thinking about it and i want many’?”

          “you’re really unbelieveble......”


          The party was over, chanyeol decided to grabbed the car and told me to wait at in front of the party hall. I hugged myself since the night air was so cold.

          “it’s not nice for a girl to be here all alone” i heard changmin’s voice and he suddenly stood right beside me, “chanyeol told many things about me, didn’t he?”

          I chuckled, “yeah, stop being so mean at him. Why did you seems like hating him so much?” i asked. Changmin sighed and then he looked at me, “you”


          “don’t you get it?”


          “what chanyeol said to you was right, i can’t believe that i’m going to say that” changmin chuckled. “i.....might going to consider to steal you away from him” changmin pinched your cheek and left you, he left you speechless.

          Finally, chanyeol arrived with his car. I got inside the car and chanyeol found out that my face turned pale, “what happened?” he asked.

          “c-changmin.....he told me that he consider to steal me away from you” chanyeol suddenly stopped the car and gulped, he looked at me, “oh ”


          Since last night, chanyeol never stopped hugging me. i was confused but i silently wanted to laugh on his face. This might be sounded so rude.

          But look at him now, it was already 9 in the morning but he wouldn’t wake up. Chanyeol didn’t even let me to move. He locked me in his hug since last night when i told him about changmin.

          “yeol, i want to cook breakfast”

          “no” he said half asleep. He even tightened the hug, “is this because of what changmin said to me?”


          “i’m not going to leave you, you know that”

          “i know, i trust you. I just don’t trust him”

          Then we heard a bell, “it’s your family” i told chanyeol. Chanyeol’s family had told us that they decided to came visited us today.

          Chanyeol groaned and got up, he sat down for a few seconds before he grabbed my hand and taking me to downstair. He still didn’t let me go, okay, i found it so cute but i couldn’t be like this forever.....

          Chanyeol checked on the CCTV and found that it was really his family. He pressed on the button that was for the gate. The gate opened by itself and let his family got inside our house.

          “BRO YOU’RE SO DAMN RICH NOW” bora unnie suddenly yelled when she made it inside our house. I chuckled, she always been so funny.

          But they all stonned when they saw chanyeol that almost slept while standing while his hand were on me. “what.....happened to my son?” his dad asked, he was confused.

          “he just got jealous and refused to let me go since last night” i conffessed.

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Chapter 10: I got confused a lot with "Byun Daehyun" since in each chapter Daehyun was a son, referred as he and then a daughter, refereed as she and then back to he and being an oppa again.

I might be misreading but i really got confused X'D

love the story line anyway ♥
Coconut_Mango #2
Chapter 20: Story line is good but poorly written. Too many grammar and tense errors.
Nisa_1780 #3
Chapter 24: T-T I'm crying
Nisa_1780 #4
Chapter 1: Can you post it on wattpad...please~
rilakkuma0313 #5
Chapter 43: thank you for writing a good story
margiegarcia #6
You had me hook line and sinker after the first page of the fic. Anyways can wait to go through your other fics. Keep it up you are a really great writer.
Chapter 39:!!! kekeke.... where is the pregnancy test!!!!!

im going to be a mother soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: update soon!!!!!!!!! writer-nim!!! i love it!!!