Something Happend

Hello? -

Hi there. -

Jessica? It’s been a while since the last time you call. -

Yeah, I know, I have been busy with my coffee shop and other stuff, how are you? -

Pretty good, how about you? -

Me? I’m doing well, my life has become easier to live now. -

Really? What happened with your ex?-

I barely hear something from him,  last week I officially move out from that house, now I’m just a single person living in an apartment.-

You sound so different, happy I could said.-

Yes, definitely I’m happy, I have been followed your little advice.-

What advice?-

Enjoy the little things.-

Really and how did it go with that?-

Fantastic, I never notice that I let my life go out of my hand, but now, it’s just… I don’t know.-

Wow too much has happened in no time, I’m very glad you are happy now, so tell me what have you been doing?-

Just simple things like walking around, go out to see movies, and my favorite thing, going to the park, there was a time that I actually stayed up all night just to see the dawn, really worth it.-

I bet it is, wow now your life becomes a little more interesting.- Teasing to the older girl, Tiffany couldn’t help keep smiling, she could feel how her cheeks ached but still feel content with that.

Ha-ha very funny.-

I’m trying to be. - At the other side of the line, the smiling girl could hear the tv on.

You are in home now?-

Yes, I took a day off, well actually let me rephrase that, my workers, aka my friends literally drag me out of my own restaurant.-

Really, why?-

Apparently, I have been worked a lot this past weeks, they don’t know about my discrete escapes-

Do you?-

What? Working a lot, well kind of but just the necessary.-

So tell me something interesting that had happened to you this days.-

Mmm… oh something happens a few days ago, I met a girl at the park.-

You met a girl? Really? –

Although, she is kind of weird but in a refreshing way-

And she is pretty? -

Oh yeah, really pretty, beautiful I must said, we don’t talk too much-

But at least you get her name right?-


Can I know it?-

Mmm… give a sec I don’t really remember, it’s started with M….oh right her name was Miyo…- a loud sound could hear at the other side of the line.

Jessica, are you alright? -

Yes, yes, is just my sister, I think she’s drunk, oh my god! , Tiffany I need to go now.-

Don’t worry, take care of her.-

Yes, I will…. I’ll call you again –

I will answer.-



With a sigh, Tiffany lay down on her bed thinking, something odd was happening, she can feel it, shaking her head she disband that thought.

“Some sleep, I must get some sleep” she said to no one in particularly, closing her eyes she went to dream that night.

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So i think it's been more than a month since I put a chapter here, I'm not giving up. I'm editing some things, so don't worry. See you later.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 34: Here i am reread it again,
How are u authornim? Are u survive this covid era? I remember u saying u are a nurse...
So please stay safe and healthy...
Chapter 34: Ahhh i'm so happy for jeti... Thanks for ur's jeti story... ☺️☺️
Chapter 23: Ohhh its trouble come
Chapter 34: Mi jeti tan lindo, me gustaría leer la boda.
Chapter 34: I rerrad again for the ninth time...
This is so sweet i wish i could see JeTi's marriage... Thank you for sharing this... :))
Chapter 34: Oh~ You're updating thia story. well this is a good one ending but I really hope to see the happy ending of my JeTi, how they get married and how they are after the wed. Anyway thanks!
Rose-gg #7
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update author but can you make a part we can have jeti wedding...PLEASE author!!!
Chapter 34: Omg u update and nothing could be better than this:) cant wait for the next wedding of jeti
Chapter 34: This is so beautiful. Really wish we can have the wedding moment for jeti and the chapter after they get married. Btw, thanks being strong to every obstacle that appeared in your life. Hope you will continue being strong.
Chapter 34: I don't want to say goodbye to this story, but really thanks for your beautiful JeTi story author.