Diamond 26


Their vacation lasted for about 3 days and they had created a lot of memories with each other. They visited various places and took lots of photo. Luhan and Hailey had also taken a couple of pictures with each other and they save their pictures as wallpapers, making it look as though they were already couples. Luhan has been showing affection to Hailey during their vacation, but Hailey always doesn't seem to notice. She just took it as though it was a brotherly love and nothing more. Hailey's mom told Luhan on the second night about Hailey.

"Mom, was Hailey ever in a relationship before?" Luhan asked her when everyone had already gone to bed.

"Yes dear. Ever since her last relationship ended, she never wanted to fall in love again. Her heart is as cold as ice when it come to love."

"What happened to her previous relationship?"

" She was close friend to this particular guy. Almost everyday they would hang out with each other, be it during school time or after school. They went to the same school for 5 consecutive years and during one of those years, he confessed to her. Hailey had strong feelings for the guy too, so they dated. However, they didn't last long. Hailey's friends had warned her not to go out with the guy, but Hailey was too in love with him, so she didn't care about about people said about him. In her eyes, she always saw him as perfect. But one day, Hailey caught the guy hanging out with another girl. Hailey was very affected by that and broke off with the man. He did beg for forgiveness, but Hailey was never merciful. Ever since then, she never trust any guy and will never want to fall in love. Not unless you can try and thaw her heart. You seem very faithful to her. Just try to be with her more and slowly thaw her icy heart. I'm sure the both of you will be together." Hailey's mom assured him and went off to her room, leaving Luhan to think deeply. 

He knew he had to confess sooner or else, it'll be too late and he'll never get the chance. 

He entered the room and saw that Hailey was still up. She had the lamp and was reading a book while listening to music. He went over to her and sat down, looking very serious. Hailey noticed the expression on his face and put away her stuff, focusing her attention on Luhan only.

"Hailey, what do you think of me?" Luhan asked her seriously.

"Hmmm, you're cool and caring towards me. You're like a brother to me."

"But have you ever thought of me and more than a boyfriend...?"

"Erm... I guess so."

Luhan was going crazy in his mind. He wanted to express his love for Hailey, but because of her ignorant attitude, Luhan had a hard time confessing to her.

"So you did thought of me more than just a brother?" Luhan just confirming with her.

"Luhan, what are you trying to get at?"

He wanted to tell her, but instead, he shook the thought away and just asked her to go to sleep. Luhan changed into his pajamas and went to bed, but this time, he took his own individual bed instead of Hailey's bed. Luhan had his back turned to Hailey and Hailey found that something was wrong with Luhan. She kept her stuff and went to sleep. She took one last look at Luhan and shut her eyes.

But Hailey couldn't fall asleep. She's bothered by the fact that Luhan was acting strange and that she needed to find out quickly. She got out of bed and quietly crept to Luhan's bed. She heard him snoring slightly, which means that Luhan is in deep slumber. She carefully laid down beside him and hugged him from behind. Luhan abruptly woke up from his sleep and was surprised to see Hailey hugging him tightly.

"Hails, what are you doing?You're suppose to be sleeping." Luhan told her.

"I can't sleep. Because you're not with me." She hissed at him.

Luhan felt sorry that he wasn't there to help Hailey sleep better, but he felt that it was better for her and him to be a apart for some time.

"I'm sorry." 

"It's okay, but what's up with you?" She asked him and Luhan sat upright and looked at Hailey, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

There was a moment of silence until Hailey spoke again, "Mom told you about my previous relationship didn't she?"

Luhan nodded and Hailey's continued, "I can't read your mind Luhan. I don't know what you're thinking. It's easy for me to do it on the other EXO members, but not you. You're somewhat special to me. If you don't tell me what is in your mind, I can never know. Luhan, please. Don't scare me..."

Luhan took one deep breathe and said, "I like you Hailey. Ever since our first encounter, I was attracted to you. You took care of me when I was injured, made me feel part of your family. I had eyes on you."

Hailey didn't look to surprised after hearing the confession and instead said, "See, it wasn't that hard right?"

It was true, Luhan did feel that the weight on his shoulder became more lighter and that he felt so much better after confessing, but the only thing left he needed to tackle was Hailey's response.

"I like you too Luhan. Mom was right, you're the one to thaw my icy heart." Luhan sighed a relief and leaned back against his pillow. He spread open his arms and Hailey crawled up to him to be in his embrace. They interlocked their hands and Luhan said, "I love you Hailey. Sweet dreams princess." He gave Hailey one last peck on her forehead and Hailey gave him a peck on his cheek, wishing him goodnight too. 


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the_wabbit #1
Hi! C: im excited to read ur fic, cant wait for what this adventure has in store for me!