Calvin and Rainie

HOME - {Completed}
They end up in Arron's penthouse across the Hudson River in New Jersey.Although they have a family estate in Connecticut,he opted to stay and have her own place.At first to have fun but now this is home for him.He likes the view here.He thinks it is one of the best in the world,overlooking the Manhattan skyline,and the lights that glitters at night.He can see the top of Empire State building,the river below,the Hudson River and the New York bay at the stretch and those bridges as old as the history itself,the Verrazano bridge,the Brooklyn Bridge.

Jiro finally got rid of his bodyguard and was able to relax with his friends.He settled in one of the sofa while Calvin took the lounge chair and Arron went to the fridge to get some drinks.He got some beers ,yeah just like old times,he thought.Calvin flipped the remote to open the TV at first he scanned the news and then the sports channel.

And then his phone rang and it was Chun and he asked them where they are."We end up in Arron's pad."Calvin answered,"You better hurry Man,you are the only one missing."

Jiro took the phone from Calvin."Come on,you can leave Ella for few hours,she would not mind."Jiro said."Tell her it is me,and there are no girls involve just plain male bonding."
All right we will wait for you." as he hung up.

"Oh that is why I don't want to get married yet,"Arron said."Your wild days are over."

Jiro looked around Arron's bachelor pad,he wondered how many girls did he brought out here.It must be quite a number for Arron was a well known player.

"So who is your present conquest?"Jiro said smiling with a grin. "Somebody we know?"

"I am a good boy now."Arron said smiling back like a naughty child caught.

"You Mr Arron Yan,a good boy that will be the day when you stick to one girl."Calvin said laughing

Arron smile more to himself.He had not brought any girl for sometime now.Not since he fell hard for Hebe,his bestfriend's girlfriend....But he knew Hebe first before Jiro...But it must be bad Karma for playing the fields and for breaking countless hearts,that the only girl he ever loved is in love with his best friend.But he can still love her from afar,I can still love her,as long as I don't meddle in their long as I don't hurt the two people I love most....Jiro and Hebe.

He heard his doorbell chimed and it is Chun,it is good to see him once again.Now this is like old times,when they are just plain college students.

"Hey,Chun good to see you Man,"Arron said"Come in Jiro has been waiting for you."

"Jiro ,Man,How are you Bro?"Chun said."Ella is saying hello."

"Chun,I miss you Bro,No baby on the way yet?"Jiro said.Chun shook his head."Man you are so slow.I want to be an Uncle now."

"Maybe soon,I still have to convince Ella,"Chun said,"But it is coming."

"Whoa,I just love this ,all of us together just like old times."Calvin said.

Then the doorbell chimed again as they looked at each other.Arron went to the door and it was his pretty neighbor across,still in her business suit.She must just have arrived from work this late.He let her in ,as Rainie looked on at the four of them,all four good looking young man in one place as she smiled to herself.

"Sorry,I did not know you have company"Rainie said"I forgot my keys again,so can I have my spare keys again?"

"it is alright.You should make a dozen of copies and put them in all the nooks and crannies of your apartment and office."Arron smiling and teasing her."Oh and this are my friends,Jiro,Chun and Calvin"

Jiro and Chun got up from the sofa and offered the seat.Rainie looked at Jiro for sometime recognizing him.

"Hello Rainie" Chun and Jiro said in a chorus.Calvin stayed muted and stared at Rainie.finally Jiro gave him a nudge and seems to woke him up.

"Hello"Calvin said shyly.

"Jiro and Chun looked at each other and felt,there is something with their friend as they went to the window to looked at the view.

Calvin running out of words was most unlikely,the editor in chief of one of the biggest paper in New York,unless he got struck with something else.When Calvin noted that His friends stepped aside for him,he have no choice but to talk to Rainie.She looked so beautiful and so young and so smart.

Calvin started the conversation and he manage to earned a smile from her.They get talking about the present topics which is politics and the present economic crisis that everyone is facing nowadays.Rainie was well versed about all the topics,having come from a political family.Calvin was also able to draw some personal information from her too.He just needs to see her again.And he knows just the way how.I am not an editor in chief for nothing,I have to start my research tomorrow,he thought.

Arron finally came out from the room and gave the keys to Rainie.

"Thank you"Rainie said as she got up and about to leave,Jiro and Chun came back and gave her a smile before leaving.Arron see her off on the door and she looked at him.How can he be so handsome at this time of the night,Rainie thought,her heart gave a lurched and she felt a thud.What am I gonna do to make you notice me Arron,Rainie thought.

Arron must have read her thoughts for he raised his eyebrows and gave a chuckled laugh,and she felt hot all over.

"Good night Arron and Thank you."Rainie said.

"Good night Rainie,Sleep tight and sweet dreams."mused Arron. as he went back to his friends.

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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