Lost at Home

HOME - {Completed}
In the morning ,everybody woke up early to get ready to go home.All of them let out a big sigh getting ready for work and the life back in the city.It is work time for everybody.

Hebe have to leave earlier than everybody for she have a plane to catch.She have to be in Los Angeles in the afternoon for a photo shoot.Hebe and Jiro have a quiet moment together before she left.She does not looked too happy when they got out of the room.She smiled dryly to everybody and gave Jiro a kiss and cast a glance at Arron as Arron stared at her,and then she was gone.

Chun and Ella followed for Chun have a meeting to attend to, at noontime in the city.They left with Chun and Ella arguing about something as Jiro laughed at them.

And then Danson and Genie left with a promise for a dinner date with Jiro and Hebe and Calvin and Arron.Genie gave Jiro a big hug and a kiss as Danson looked on.

Calvin and Rainie with Arron as they said their goodbyes. Arron looked for Selina before ,they left and Jiro saw them talking together as Arron gave Selina a kiss on the cheeks and a hug.They were talking like they have their own secret together and Jiro felt left out.

And then Selina and Jiro was all alone .Somehow after the crowd was gone,it felt so awkward to be just by themselves.
Jiro was so quiet after everybody left,and Selina does not know how to break the ice that has been built between them.

"Would you mind if we go home tomorrow ,instead of today.I just want to stay one more day."Jiro said with pleading eyes.

And Selina looked at him and she could not say no to him.She just nodded her head.Somehow at the back of her mind ,she knows she is going to regret staying with him for another night all alone.

The house looked empty and so quiet after all the commotion and the noises for the past few days.It seems like the whole world stop spinning and everything stood still.

At night time,Selina found Jiro drinking again as she gave him a warning look but Jiro just ignored her.

"Jiro,you have to stop drinking."Selina said as she came to him and tried to stop him from drinking and her hand got caught and the glass fell on the floor.

They looked at each other,as Jiro pulled away"I am sorry." as he tried to clean up the broken glasses on the floor.

Selina took Jiro's hand and lead him on the sofa."I'll do this."she said."Just stay there."

Selina clean up the broken glasses and went to Jiro who was sitting on the sofa.

"Jiro we have to talk,something is wrong,you have to tell me.I can't leave you like this.You have to tell me what is bothering you.Remember,it is me Selina your friend.we are in this together.You have to clear yourself of all this feeling.Promise me that you are not going to drink again."she said,as she hugged him tightly.Jiro felt the peaceful feeling again when Selina hugged him.He looked at her and he fe that he have found the answer right there.He loves her,more than a sister and more than a friend,Selina is the one ,the answer to all his questions.

He touched her face and found tears as he wiped them away with his fingers.He hold her tightly like he never want to let her go and want the time to stay still.He kissed her cheeks,her face and he showered her with kisses until he found her lips.Her lips was soft and moist and Selina just let him as she kissed her back.His lips dug deeper and as she open her lips as he probed inside and found her tongue.he tasted it and she is like wine,intoxicating and clouding his judgment .He could not think ,but he just want to enjoy the pleasure of her lips.Selina did nothing but accept his kisses one after another.He buried his head on her neck,his kissing becoming passionate as he drew nearer and nearer.he wants her now more than ever,more than anybody else,more than Hebe.He touched her body like nobody touched her body before and she does not want it to end.

I love her,I have love her forever and that's what has been bothering me,Jiro thought.He only realized his feelings for her now as he was overwhelmed by his feelings.

"I need you,I need you now,Selina,I..."Jiro said,but Selina stopped him.

"No promises,please don't say anything,if you don't mean it.Just kiss me."Selina said.

And Jiro did just that,kissing Selina until they were out of breath and then the phone rings and it kept on ringing,both waking them up from their senses.Jiro got up and in a gruff voice answered the phone and it was Hebe.

Jiro walked away from a distance and Selina could not hear what they are talking as she got up and went to her room and locked the door.

When Jiro came back,Selina was gone.He felt so empty all of a sudden.He does not know what to do.He sat there in silence trying to absorbed what have just transpired between them.He finally got the courage to follow her in the room and knocked on her door but Selina did not answer.He stood there for a while and did not hear any sound ,so he left and went to his room.

Selina stays in her bed not moving at all,afraid of her own feelings for him.Tears ran on her face,she felt shame and humiliation,now he knows what her feelings are.She does not know what to think of it...as she can still feel his lips on hers...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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