Just Like Old Times and More

HOME - {Completed}
When Genie and Danson got in the house,the room looked crowded and everybody was just happy to see each other once again.Danson and Genie was able to catch on with the dinner.And as if Maria saw the future for she cooked just enough meal for everybody to share.

Selina was so happy to see Genie again.They used to be so close because Selina used to be the go between person between Jiro and Genie.Selina have witnessed their relationship grew until eventually they broke up.They have a lot of happy times together until Genie have to leave for scholarship abroad.Jiro took it hard and did not understand her need to further her studies and have to leave him.And Selina was the one to console Jiro as always.

Genie met Danson in London who is also studying there.And he have been so supportive and understanding to all her dreams and then eventually fell for him along the way.Danson still feel a twinge of jealousy everytime he sees Jiro and Genie together for they remained close to each other.But he trust Genie enough for she have been honest and forthright with him.

They have a lot of catching up to do as they continue their conversation after dinner.Arron and Calvin always cracking up jokes and everybody have a good laugh.It was way past midnight when they finally started to go to their room for the night.

The next day proved to be a very beautiful day.The sun was up at an early start.The sky was clear,and you can hear the birds chirping in the early morning.The lake stood with such calmness as the blue hues formed a beautiful live canvass in everybody's eyes.

Everybody was awake when Maria came in the morning ,as one by one went down to help themselves with coffee and the freshly baked muffins and croissant and you can smell the aroma in the entire household.She also prepared a hearty breakfast for everybody after that.And then Chun and Ella arrived during breakfast and joined in right there for breakfast and fun.

"I am glad that both of you made it."Jiro said."Now it is only Hebe who is not here,then it could have been perfect,but it does not mean,we could not have fun."

"Yeah,too bad she could not be here."Ella said."But this like old times."

"Maybe Hebe can join us later."Chun said.

Jiro shook his head."I really doubt it very much."he said and then you can see the longing in his eyes but only for a seconds."Anyway,everybody is here so let us enjoy the day."

After breakfast,everybody prepared for a barbecue in the lake and a spin in Jiro's new boat.They brought lounge chairs,while the girls laze up under the sun and catch up with the latest gossips and secrets in their life, and the guys went around in Jiro's boat.

They swam and have a drink and ate,just a total relaxing day for everybody.Selina notice that the closeness between Jiro and Genie never changed.Before ,this thing did not bother her,but this time she felt jealous seeing them so close together.She noticed that even Danson have his eyes following them all the time.Selina wondered if Danson is also jealous just like her.And yes they looked good together.Jiro will always have a soft spot to Jiro's heart and nobody can change that ,not even Hebe.That is why Hebe is always uncomfortable when Genie is around,she always consider Genie as a rival in Jiro's affection.

They went back the house almost sundown.Selina found a gift bag in her bed when they got home.She opened the bag and it is a very beautiful dress and she found the card with it . The gift came from Jiro and the card simply says.........

My Dear Selina,
Thank you,I don't know what will I do without you.You are my angel as always.

Selina smiled and kissed the card and then hold it in her heart before putting it away.She looked at the gift,and the dress looked so feminine and y.It show off her beautiful legs and her y body.She does not dress up this way, usually she preferred the classic and conservative clothes,and if not in her basic pants and blouse especially if she is working.The dress looked expensive and elegant.

She went down to look for Jiro to thank him and found him with Arron and Calvin in the deck.She suddenly felt shy and was on her way back when he heard his voice in her back trying to catch up on her.

She looked back at him."Thank you for the dress."Selina said."It is beautiful but it is a little bit too much."

"No,it will looked good on you."Jiro said."Wear it tonight for we are going out for dinner."

"Oh,I don't know..."Selina said.

"Yes ,wear it tonight for me ,please."Jiro said.Selina just nodded"You better get ready for the reservation is in hour's time." tapping her head as she head off to her room.

Selina found herself singing herself in shower and while dressing up.She never felt so happy in her life.

Everybody dressed so nicely for the dinner that night.The guys are in suits or sports jacket and the girls are wearing dresses.Rainie looked so beautiful in her dress and Calvin cannot take his eyes off of her.Arron gave her an amusing glance,more likely that his friends have taken fancy on her.
Rainie's heart sank,but she has been enjoying Calvin's company and found him very attractive and interesting.

Genie has been always been fashionable without any effort,more so now that she have traveled all over Paris and London.You can see the pride in Danson's eyes when he looked at her.

"You looked just stunning,as always."Danson murmured in her ear and Genie looked at him and smiled.

"You're always good to my ego,my love,that is why I always love you."Genie said,and touching his face."You looked handsome yourself."

Ella came down with Chun in her arms,wearing an elegant black mini dress and a high heel,looking so feminine and y,and Chun in suit,so hand some and stunning as ever.

And then Selina came down and all eyes went to her.Jiro gave her a smile and shook his head.Selina looked stunning in her dress which is above the knee and showed off her long shapely legs,her cleavage was peeking through enough to tease the onlooker and a .Jiro gave her an approval nod and stared at her.Arron looked at her intently as if seeing her for the first time.

"Well we better get going,we don't want to be late on our reservation."Jiro said as they started walking out of the door.Somehow the night is still young for excitement and discovery for each one of them...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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