The Long Way Home

You and I {Completed}
The adoption process in China took a while and the Madison have a long wait until they were able to come to China to picked up their child.But Hannah has been receiving pictures and updates of their baby and she looked forward on the day when she hold her in her arms.

It took almost 16 months before finally Hannah and George was able to travel to China to pick up their girl.They went with other families from the agencies who are also adopting kids from China.Hannah and George was quite anxious to see their little girl.They just want to take her home as soon as possible.But they have a requirement to stay there for 2-3 weeks until their girl get familiarize with them.

Hannah and George fell in love with their baby the first time they laid their eyes on her,the almond dark brown eyes that stared at them ,the first time she saw them,the fair skin like porcelain and the tiny pouty lips.And they saw the blanket that Hebe's Mom sewed on the blanket as they took hold on it,and decided to named her Hebe like her biological Mom named her.And now her name is Hebe Fuzhen Madison as what is written on her passport.Finally Hebe Fuzhen Madison is going home with her Mom and Dad.

Back in Connecticut,friends and family welcomed their new baby ,as Hebe stared to the newness of her environment and the different kind of people that stares at her.The only constant thing on her now are the two people who showered her with hugs and kisses and give her all the things that she needs and she have to call them Mom and Dad.To her they are her security.With them around nothing can go wrong as she grew on their love and care.

Time flew past,now Hebe is going to school.Sometimes she wondered why people stop and stare at them when they see them together.Her Mom,her Dad and her,they always said she was cute but always looked twice to her parents and her before they walked away.

Somehow,she does know ,that she does not came from the same mold as the people around her.She is the only one different.Her friends and her classmates have blond hairs,red hair and brown hair,she have shiny black hair as dark as the night.They have big brown,blue, green and gray eyes,she have the small almond eyes,and she have the tiny nose while they have the high aquiline nose.Sometimes she wished,she can be just like them like everybody else.

"Daddy,how come I am different from other kids."Hebe asked.

"You are different because you are very special."George told Hebe.

"And they say ,how come I don't look like you or like Mommy?"Hebe asked.

"We look the same,look,I have eyes and you have two eyes too and a big nose like me."George said,as he started to make faces and that makes Hebe laughed and forget the answers to her question.

Mixing with other kids somehow,Hebe found it hard to socialized with them,for sometimes they would give her a weird stare and sometimes they would just ignore her all together.Somehow she developed very few friends in school.She was only popular because she is different.

But there was one boy who really likes her,and he was one of the popular guy in school ,Justin is an all American kid.he got blond hair ,blue eyes and he liked the uniqueness in her as they developed a special friendship and so little by little she was drawn in the popular crowd.Somehow Justin is her ticket to get in the cool group in school until they grew up and become just one of them.....Hebe become an All American girl.....somehow the little house where she came from is now so far away and so remote ,like she never belonged there,like she never came from there......

Hannah and George was so happy that their daughter have adjusted well.She have grown to be a nice,ordinary and normal teenager,having fun,enjoying life and going to school.Having her in their life brought them countless blessings and endless happiness...they wondered whether her past will get caught with her present...They just hope that Hebe will be happy in whatever she do in her life....

In Hongkong,Jiro was throwing things in his room as his parents told him they have to moved to America after the school is over.His Father is going to be transferred to New York,where he is going to work in the headquarters office.

"Nobody moves to another school in your Senior year" he thought .He will hate moving there,no friends and he cannot leave Genie now.Just when they are enjoying each others company,just when he just kissed her lips.How can he leave her now?,as he throws his things on the door.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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