Meeting Jiro's friends

You and I {Completed}
6/4/2009- I know it has been a while since I have updated this story.I have been sick lately and sort of lost my drive to write.Hopefully I am on my road to recovery and will be able to finish all my stories.
Thanks for all your support...still a Dongtian,I hope.

That morning Hebe woke up early and looked out at the view of Hong Kong from her window.The city is already bustling with activities.It seems like that city never sleep at all.She did checked her cellphone and found Jiro's morning greetings there which put a smile in her heart.

She took a shower and dress up for the day.Jiro will be picking them up to go to the mall to shop and to some bargain paradise.They will meet his friends for lunch after that.hebe dressed up in jeans and tees and put in her sneakers,ready for the long activity for the day.

She found her parents in the receiving room,with a cup of coffee in hand and her Dad with a paper on the other.

"Good morning,did you have a good rest?" Mr Madison asked,looking adoringly at her daughter.Hebe have grown into such a beautiful young girl,and he and his wife has been grateful for having her in their life.

"Yes Dad,I was dog tired" as she planted a kiss on his cheeks and also gave a kiss on her Mom.

"Are you ready for another day?" her Mom said looking lovingly at her as she fixed her hair.

"Yup,today is shopping day,which means I need money" as she smiled at them.

"Yes I knew it." her Dad said."I guess we better get ready before Jiro comes and picked us up."

Jiro picked them up and brought them to a big mall with several stories and multitudes of stores on it.Hebe and her parents doesn't know where to start.They went from bottom going to the top.Digging and looking for bargains.It was finally mid noon when they finally got tired and felt their stomach rumbled and remembered that they have to meet up Jiro's friends for lunch.

Hebe parents decided to go on their own,and gave Hebe a leeway to have fun with Jiro and his friends.They met up in a restaurant.Hebe met up Jiro and his friends.But the one that caught Hebe's eyes was Genie.She didn't know that Jiro still hang out with her.They seem so close.She wondered if there is any left over feeling for both of them from their past.

Genie was beautiful with a smooth ,flawlewss skin.She looked so sweet and so genuine,but she still noted the look that she gave Jiro when they all together in one table.She felt that there is still something in there,anyway it is only a year that they have been apart.

Hebe felt the pull on her arms and Jiro was looking at her as if waiting for her answer.

"I am sorry,I was lost." Hebe said, as she looked at Jiro's eyes and smile.

"It is alright,you must be tired already." Jiro said."I was asking whether you want to go somewhere else after this."

"No,I think I am all poofed now." Hebe said.

"It is alright we can do it the next time.Tomorrow we can go to the other side of the city and we can go to zoo,or are you tired of Disneyland yet?" Jiro asked.

"No I never get tired of Disneyland.I love Disneyland.I know you have your own here." Hebe said as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Jiro laughed,loving the excitement in her eyes."Alright Disneyland it is." Jiro said as he laughed."So anybody want to come with us? " as he asked the group.

"Uhmm,we'll see." the group said."But we don't want to bother the two of you." as they smile at each other sheepishly.

"So what do you think of my friends?' Jiro asked after meeting up with them.

"I think they are nice and very friendly.Isn't Genie your girlfriend before?" Hebe asked.

"And so,what does it mean?Don't tell me you are jealous?" Jiro asked.

"Uhmm..I don't know,alright,I'll be honest,she did bother me a bit,she looked so pretty and it is only been a year." Hebe said.

Jiro looked frazzled at Hebe's words."Well she is just a friend now,you don't have to worry about her.You are the only one I love and nobody else." as he hold her hands and took her in her arms.

"I love you too Jiro.I am sorry,I shouldn't even feel this way but I can't help myself." Hebe said.

"It is alright,I kinda happy that you are feeling that way,because that means that you really cared for me.But this is my promise,I will be her for you until you get tired of me and decided to threw me out of your life." Jiro said.

Hebe laughed at her words ,her hearts warming."I won' ever get tired of you." she said.They held hands as they walked together to meet Hebe's parents.

The next day they went to Kowloon side of the island and also went to the zoo.Hebe's parent decided to go on their own pace since they cannot keep up with Jiro and hebe.They will go out together in the morning and met up at night for dinner.

As they were in a ferry ride,Hebe can look out at the neighboring island and wonder how far off,her birthplace was.She could feel it that she was almost there,she wondered if one of theses faces around her are one of her blood relatives or even her parents.Was she the only one given up for adoption,or there some people out there who happen to be her sister ot her brother.She shiver at the thought.Jiro felt her reaction and saw her eyes,as she pulled her closer to him.

"What are you thinking right now?" Jiro asked,worry was etched at his face.

"I want to know who I am,I want to know where I came from." Hebe blurted out,her eyes teary,the hidden feelings are out in the open for the first time.

Jiro was alarmed at Hebe's sudden outburst.Suddenly ,he was worried that it is all a mistake coming over here,and made her think of her background.But he knew that it is only a matter of time,when she will dig into her past.And it may not be that pleasant...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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