Chapter 11

You and I {Completed}
Days went by and it is almost graduation time for Jiro.He got accepted in several schools but opted to go to NYU for college,for the school have excellent business school,and he will be right in the city,and he will be near Hebe ,so he can go home anytime.

"So are you ready for college life?" Hebe asked Jiro."They always said that college life is the most exciting."

"I am ready,it is not like I will be on my own and far from home.But I will miss you,not being with you everyday.I'll be staying in the dorm."Jiro said."You'll be there on my graduation,right?"

Hebe nodded her head."Of course,I will be there for you." Hebe said.

"Did you tell your parents about us?" Jiro asked.

"Yes I told them,but they thought,it is just boyfriend and girlfriend,they are alright with it." Hebe said."They did not say much though."

"Good,at least,they are not opposed to the idea,of us being together."Jiro said."I'm telling my parents tonight,but they already knew that I love you,they did not know that we are together."

"What did they say?" Hebe asked ,curious of what Jiro have to say about their relationship,

"Nothing much,just to concentrate more on my studies,and to take it easy,cause we are still young,the usual stuff." he said.

"Do they like me?" she asked.

"Of course,they like you,since they learned,that you are also Chinese.They preferred that my girlfriend will also be of the same ancestry." Jiro said."You know us Asian,we are very clannish,we prefer our kind."

"What if they learned,that I'm not that Chinese,I mean,I don't know much about our culture and I was brought up American." Hebe said."Will they still want me for you,or will they prefer a real one?"

"I don't think,they would mind,my parents is well exposed to all cultures,so they are very open to any cultures." Jiro said."But they will love whoever girl I'll be bringing at home."

"Is that true? I hope so." Hebe said."I am scared."

Jiro laughed."Don't worry,they don't bite."

Hebe laughed too,as she pinched his side."That is not what I mean,I mean,what if they don't like me?"

"Don't worry,I love you anyway,so you don't have to worry about that.I will still love you,even if my parents does not like you."Jiro said,as he gave her a hug and a kiss.

Graduation time come and Hebe was there to watch Jiro received his diploma.Together with his parents,they cheered as he went to the stage to get his diploma.

After the rites,Jiro and Hebe and his parent went for a dinner.And this time,Jiro's parent asked Hebe a lot of question,as they really want to get to know her.They know that Jiro was so in love with her,so they really want to know her background and her family,after all Jiro is the only son.

"Hebe,that is nice of you to come to Jiro's graduation." Mrs Wang said as she smiled at her.She is such a pretty child,she thought,no wonder,my son is so smitten by her."Were you born here in the States?"

Hebe looked for Jiro,but he was talking to somebody.Hebe does not know what to answer,but there is no use in covering the truth."No,Mam,I was born in China." Hebe said.

"You're last name you said was Madison,so your Mom is Chinese and your Father is American?" Mrs Wang asked again.

"No,I was adopted by me parents now." H,ebe said

"Oh I am sorry,I did not know." she said."Jiro did not tell me." just then Jiro came back to seat beside Hebe.

"Mom,what are you asking her?" Jiro said,now embarrassed."Nothing,it is only a girl's talk,right Hebe?" as she winked at her."Come on let us order our food."

"I was asking for Hebe to come with us in Hongkong,so I can show her around,but I don't think her parents will allow her though." Jiro said.

"yeah,it will be nice of you,if you can come.It will be nice to know you're own heritage." Mrs Wang said."You want me to talk to your parent to ask permission?"

"No,I don't think,they will allow me to go,but thanks anyway." Hebe said."But i am so curious to see China,and to see Hongkong,where Jiro grew up."

"There is no harm in trying,I'm gonna ask them anyway." Mrs Wang said."I want you to come with us and learn your heritage."

Jiro smiled,he wondered,what possibly Hebe's parents thingking right now.He hopes,she can come with them.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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