Finding Oneself.

You and I {Completed}
Hebe was assigned in Mainland China in the capital city of Nanjing.The city was crowded but in the process of rebuilding from the old world.New businesses came and some multinational companies have found a home there for their factories and main office.Hebe was first assigned in the capital city but they have to go and reach out to the neighboring villages too.

Hebe stayed in the capital city for a month and then was later transferred to the neighboring village of Guan Zhong.Hebe and a partner who is a Chinese and her name is Lyang have to stay in the village to do research on their water because of the latest outbreak of is a very dangerous job but somebody have to do it.And Hebe being new was the one sent for it.They to collect water samples from every water sources there is within the village.

Little did Hebe that it is the same village where she was born.As they were driving down the village one day,they have to come to a stop at an orphanage by the outskirt of the village.As Hebe looked at the entrance of the orphanage,something strike on her.The name is so familiar that she have read it somewhere.But she cannot put two and two together.

It is not until when it is already weekend when it occurs to her the familiar sounding name of the orphanage.It is in one of the papers that her parents have given her when they told her about her heritage.her heart was beating so fast at the knowledge.

She called Jiro with such excitement building up on her,and told her what she did find out.She told her that she is going there first thing in the morning to ask about her real parents.Jiro warn her to be careful and later on decided to go with her in her search for her parents,as he told her to wait for him.

Jiro was on the next plane to Nanjing ,China the next day.Hebe was there to picked him up in the airport.She was glad that he was there for her.Her emotions has been running wild,her desire to see her parents is clouding her judgment and making her careless....

The night that they are going to the village and orphanage,Hebe was unable to sleep.Images of various pictures of people played on her mind of who can possibly be her parents...Jiro was there to calm her down and to hold her through out the night.

When the morning breaks,Jiro and Hebe went out of their way,first to the orphanage and then they will head out to the village.Hebe brought the blanket that her Mom made for her.This is the only thing that will lead her to them.

As they arrived to the orphanage,Jiro went to the office and the lady in charge was the one who met them.

"Yes,may I help you with something?" she asked.

"My name is Jiro Wang and this Hebe my fiancee,and we are here if you can help us about any information regarding her adoptions.her parents says that she was adopted from this orphanage."

"I am so sorry,we don't disclose any information after the baby has been adopted already.I am so sorry we can't be of help." she said as she was about to walk away.

"Oh please you have to help me.I have to know about my real parents.I won't have peace until I meet them." Hebe said with tears in her eyes.

The lady took a look at her and took pity in her.She bit her lips as she look back at her and told them to wait.She came back and ushered them to a room of all the records of the orphanage.....

"You can go around and is logged by the dates that they are adopted." she said."I just have to do something and I'll be back." as she turned to leave.

Jiro and Hebe dig and dig in all the books that can be found in the room.Till finally they found Hebe's name and her real name Hebe Tian Fu Zhen.The date she was adopted but there was no name of parents nor the exact date of her birth.

Then the lady came Hebe looked at her.

"What does it mean when they don't have the name of their parents in their record?" Hebe asked.

"It means that we don't know their real parents and they left no names or address or they found the child on the road somewhere." the lady said.

Hebe closed her her parents probably left her to street to die when she born.They don't want her as she cried at the thought.Jiro can only hold her in his arms....and comfort her..How can her parents do that to her,he thought...It must too hard to know that you really are not wanted in the first place.

Hebe wiped her face from the tears that poured.Just as the a nun came out from the room.She is the Mother Superior of the orphanage and saw them.Hebe was holding the blanket that her mom gave to her as the nun look at her.

"I remember that blanket ." she said."Are that baby in that blanket?"

Hebe nodded at her question."You were left by the entrance of the orphanage.Your parents made sure that you are within the safety of this place before they left.But it is sad to say they did not leave their name or give us any information about you." she said.

Somehow hearing those words made it easier to digest.So her parents did not want her to die after all but want her to have a better life instead.They must have a bad life after all and they could not take care of her.they must love her too even a little bit,even for a short she cried on the thought.A little bit of love have come along long way....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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