The Visit

You and I {Completed}
It was a Saturday morning and Jiro woke up with a lonesome feeling in his heart.He have been missing Hebe a lot lately.Having a long distance relationship is not easy.In his position there are a lot of temptation and Hong Kong have a lot of beautiful girls but he knew it will not do any good even if he is free to do it.He only wants Hebe and Hebe is the only one that will make him happy now.

His phone rang and he wondered who can it be calling him at an early Saturday morning.He got nothing planned for today,thought of going out to meet some friends later on.he answered the phone without much on it.

"hello" as he answered the phone.

"Jiro is that you?" Hebe asked on the other line.

"Hebe,how are you?" Jiro asked.It must be night time there now."Just the girl that i have been thinking."

"Really?" Hebe said.

"Yeah,of course.I miss you girl.I almost thought of flying over there." Jiro said."How come you sound so near?"

"Because I am near.I am here in Hong Kong." Hebe said as she giggled.

"Come on Hebe ,don't joke on me.Where are you right now?" Jiro asked.

"I am here in the airport waiting for you to pick me up." Hebe said.

"Hebe." Jiro said getting excited now at the thought of hebe being in Hongkong with him."Don't do this to me.I am getting crazy as it is.I miss you so much.Where are you? for if you are here,I am flying all the way where you are."

"Really,Jiro,I am here in the airport.Pick me up please." Hebe said.

"Oh yes,I will be there in a second." Jiro said."Give me the gate and the airline." as Hebe gave him her whereabouts.

Jiro literally flew all te way to the airport and ran all the way to Hebe's arms as they hugged each other.Each one missing each other,as they kissed in front of the crowd.They parted when they noticed that the people has been looking at them as they laughed after.

"This is such a nice surprise for a weekend.Oh I am so happy to see you." Jiro said."I hope you did not book a hotel for I want the most of you.I want you to stay with me in my apartment."

"No,I did not book any hotel,I hope I am welcome in your place." Hebe said."I want the most of you in my stay too."

"How long are you staying?" Jiro asked.

"I have a week if you don't mind?" Hebe asked.

"You can stay with me forever,I wouldn't mind." Jiro said.

Hebe just smiled,as Jiro put his arm around her.They went back to his place as she got her luggage and got settled in Jiro's apartment.They hugged and kissed in between stories and updates.

They went out to eat after.They went around the mall and took walk around.They went back home after.Hebe tired and all from all the excitement and the travel.

She got ready for the night,as she changed for the night.Jiro swallowed hard when Hebe came out from the room in her nightgown,as she sat down with Jiro in the couch watching TV.And before Hebe knew it sleep came to her as she put her head on Jiro's lap.

Hebe woke up in Jiro's bed with a blanket around her.Jiro must have carried her to bed last night.She got up and saw Jiro sleeping in the sofa in the living room.She stared at him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Jiro woke up with a smell of bacon and eggs on the air.he smiled when he remembered that Hebe is home with him,and it is Sunday morning and he doesn't have to work.He got up and went to bathroom to wash up before going to the kitchen.He smiled at the sight of Hebe preparing breakfast.It will be nice if she will be here by his side every morning.He can live with that for the rest of his life.

"Good morning.That one smells so nice and you made me so hungry." as he came near her and gave her a hug from the back and a kiss on the cheeks."It is sure nice to have somebody with you.I can get use to this and I wouldn't mind." Jiro said.

"Really?Me too.It is nice to wake up in the morning.knowing you are just there with me." Hebe said,looking at him."I miss you so much."

"I miss you too.Sometimes it is just too hard when you are so far away and I can't even kiss you and touch you." Jiro said."We have to do something about this."

"Yeah,we have to do something.I ask for an assignment here ,and around Asia.Somewhere near you." Hebe said.

"And when are you gonna learn where are you going to be assign?" Jiro asked.

"When I return to work,I should know by then.You'll know soon enough." Hebe said."Come on let us eat and what's the plan for today?"

"What do you have in mind?" Jiro asked."I am free the whole day today."

"I really just want to stay home and just relax and catch up.Maybe will just go out to eat later on." Hebe said.

"Alright.Just staying home is fine.As long as you are with me,I don' mind." Jiro said.

They have breakfast and watch TV and hugged and kissed.They kissed and kissed until their passion builds up but Jiro is in control. Hebe is ready and quite disappointed when Jiro released her from his hold.

"How about getting out for a walk in the city?" he said.Staying home and being alone with Hebe is too much of a temptation for both of them.He wants her but she wants to save her for their wedding day.Hebe just nodded her head in disappointment.She wondered if Jiro really wants her at all....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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