Life Is A Never Ending Circle

You and I {Completed}
The next day Jiro and Hebe went around Guan Zhong asking if they knew a couple who had babies around the time Hebe was born.But nobody seems to know.Some of them have just move to the village and the even the oldest man in the village seems not to know anybody who could have a child by that time.And they say that even if somebody had a child at that time,they probably have kept quiet about it,knowing the strict law that the government has passed at that time,and that is the strict law of one child per family.

Hebe was getting dishearten every minute and every time they thought that they are coming to something only to dashed off every little hope they got.They went back to the hotel that day exhausted and frustrated.

Hebe was so quiet all the way back to the hotel it seems she have lost her drive and spirit to find her parents and Jiro was worried as he stared at her.

Jiro found Hebe crying silently that night.The frustrations and the heartaches of futile search for her parents made her so depressed.Jiro's heart went with her,if only he can do something to take away the pain and the hurt that she is feeling right now as he took her in his arms that night.Hebe sobbed and cried in his chest letting out all the hurt,pain and frustrations that she is feeling right now,until she fall asleep in Jiro's arms.

The next morning,the sun came up shining in full force.Hebe woke up in Jiro's arms and it feels good to be in his arms.Somehow ,he is the saving grace in all of this.He is the one that comforted her through it all,as her love for him grow more each day.She doesn't have any doubt in her heart that he is the one who she would like to spend her life with.Only Jiro and nobody else as she kissed him full on lips as he was sleeping.

Jiro woke up from Hebe's kiss.And as he opened his eyes,a smiling Hebe was right in front of him.He smiled back at her ,it is like seeing the happy carefree young Hebe that he fell in love with when they were in high school.If she can only be happy all the time,if only he can make smile and happy all the time,then he can be happy too.

"So how are you feeling today?You think you have the energy for another trip down in the village?" Jiro asked.

"Do you think,we can still find them? Or do we have to stop from here?" Hebe asked in hesitation."Yesterday has been so frustrating and it seems we are always going against a brick wall in order to find them."

"You'll never know when we will hit the mine.We are here and we know that they can be anywhere around here.We can try our luck today and it will also help if we say a little prayer too." Jiro said as he got up and smiled at her.

"Alright one more try.And thank you for everything." as she got up from the bed too."And did I ever say I love you,I love you Mister with all my heart." as she tiptoed to kiss him once more and ran to the bathroom.Jiro was left with a smile in his face....

That day they went farther from the town asking people that come their way.Until they stumble upon the house of the village midwive.They have to wait for her for she have to attend one of those delivery around the village.

It was almost sundown when she got home.She was surprised to see people and quite a stranger waiting for her in the house.She was quite old now,but there is nobody that practice around the village.The younger ones went to the city,and learned the newest thing and stayed there for good.

Her memories is quite blurry now brought upon by an old age.And to trace back something twenty years ago can be hard for her now.She have attended thousands of delivery in her entire life,why would one delivery will stand out from the rest?But then at that time something came upon her,because the Mother does not want tot let go of the baby.The father was adamant though,although she can see that the Father was torn once he saw how beautiful his baby was one dark night when she delivered the baby and the next day,that baby was brought to the nearby orphanage to be adopted by some rich foreigners who have the money and the emotions to handle a baby as their own.

"Yeah I attended a delivery somewhere at that time.And I knew that they are giving up the baby for adoption.And you said that you are that baby?" she asked."Why do you still want to find them?"

"I have to know.I want to see them.I won't have any peace of mind until I find them." Hebe said."Please help me find them." her eyes pleading

"I really don't know them quite well and they live farther in the farm.I don't know if they are still there.As far as i know they still living in the same area." she said as they gave her directions where to go.

Hebe smiled through all her tears finally they have a lead of where to find her parents.She can't wait for tomorrow,as she urge Jiro to go straight to the farmhouse.

it was already dark when they reached the farm.There is an old house that is standing in the middle of massive farm.There was a light inside as Hebe's heart started to pound,making it harder for her to breath....Finally she can see her real birth parents....Anxiety came to her...will they want her or will they reject her all over again just like before when she was born? Jiro hold on to her hand her the courage to go on.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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