Chapter 22

You and I {Completed}
The trip in Hongkong has been brief and left Jiro and Hebe wanting for more togetherness .But they have responsibilities and duties to fulfill in their respected jobs.They have fun and yes they still enjoyed each other's company just like before and the feeling is still there and hope it will remain forever.

Jiro looked at Hebe with a longing eyes as she was packing her things to go back home.It seems like she was just arrive here yesterday.He wants to stop her and beg her to stay with her,but he knew it will be too selfish for him to make her stay.She have to spread her wings and learned the world before he can claim her as his own.He knew that their time will come soon.

Hebe looked at him and found the sadness in his eyes.She wants to stay with him.She knew that if he say the word,she will do it and stay with him,but knowing Jiro,he will never do that.Her love for him overflowed as it tear her eyes.She will come back for him,that for sure,but she have to find herself first,find her real parents first before she can give herself to Jiro.

"I am gonna miss you.Just remember me when there is any girl ogling at you.I love you Jiro." Hebe said as she tiptoed to kiss him on the lips.

"You will always be on my mind.I love you Hebe." he said as he kissed her back this time with such passion as his lips went deeper and made Hebe out of breathe when he released her from his hold.

He drove her to the airport and he felt so empty when he came back to his apartment after wards,as he took a drink to ease the loneliness...

The trip back home was lonely ,Hebe can't help herself but cry as soon as the plane took off.Images of Jiro played on her mind.She wished she can find her real parents soon.

Six months after and Hebe was assigned in China.There was an outbreak of Swine flu endemic and China was one of the critical country that the WHO have to watch out.She passed by Hongkong en route to China and spent a night there with Jiro.

"It seems like Hongkong is my next door neighbor.I am glad to be here again." Hebe said as Jiro picked her up in the airport.

"You just don't know how I have been waiting for you." Jiro said."So only for a night?"

"Yes,I am so sorry.But I'll make up to you sometime on my way back.I will be there for just a year and maybe I can come here on my day off or you can come and visit me there." Hebe said.

"Yes,we'll make it work." Jiro said."Let us just enjoy our time together."

They have a dinner in a restaurant and then went back in Jiro's apartment.They watch an old show like an old couple and Jiro made a hot coco and popcorn.And then Jiro gave Hebe a kiss that makes her giggly and giddy.

"I have something to tell you.I know i should give you more time but everytime we part it just kills me.I think we have to set a date soon Hebe.I want you here with me and I can't wait anymore." Jiro said.

Hebe was taken by surprised,she thought that he will give her more time but it seems not anymore.She understand his position but still she wondered.She nodded her head and smiled at him.

"Yes,I know.It is getting harder for me too.How about next year after my assignment ." Hebe said.That will give her more time to look for her real parents but then she saw the disappointment in Jiro's eyes.

"I was hoping for an earlier date than that.How about three to six months from now?" Jiro asked.

"That soon? But I will be on assignment and the preparation of it all and where are we getting married here or in the States?" Hebe asked.

"Whatever you decides but I want it soon Hebe" Jiro said.

"Can you let me sleep on this for now and then we'll plan on it." Hebe said.She saw the disappointment in Jiro's eyes regarding her response to their wedding plans.Hebe forced a smile trying to show some enthusiasm but she knew in her heart that she does not have enough time before the wedding.She have to find them before the wedding...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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