Chapter 10

You and I {Completed}
Days went by and Hebe and Jiro's friendship grew.Jiro sort of got in the group of Hebe's friends.No mention of special feelings that Jiro mention before,although sometimes Hebe wished that Jiro will at least say something about it.He treated her nicely and special,but then so are Ashley and Vanessa and the rest of the group.

Jiro started teaching her in Chinese...first is Cantonese and she learned a new facets and facts about her own heritage ,that it started to haunt her.She can imagine the old villages,and she started to wonder whether her parents came from one of those places.She understood now why her parents never wanted her to learn about her background,for the knowledge started to stir the hidden feelings she have inside of her.

This time,Jiro knew that Hebe was adopted,after meeting her parents.Hebe never mention it,but she knew and it was one topic that was never discussed in Madison household. Whatever Hebe's feelings about her adoption was never out in the open,for she was afraid to offend her adoptive parents.They love her at no ends,love her more than her real parents will ever love her.

One time in one of their study session,Jiro noticed the sad look in Hebe's eyes.

"Is something wrong Hebe?" Jiro said."You looked so sad for a while." as he stared at her.He wished to take her in his arms,wants to make her feel better.

"I was just thinking,I have no ideas,no memories of my own roots.I don't have any idea about my parents,my birthplace or anything about my own heritage." Hebe said."I am not really a Madison,I don't even looked one.Sometimes I wonder who I really am?" as she looked at him with teary eyes.

Jiro took Hebe in his arms,as she cried ."I feel so alone and yet I am not really alone." Hebe said."I am so lost through all of this."

"You will never be alone Hebe,I will always be here for you,I promise you.You and I through all of this." Jiro said.

"Oh Jiro promise me.You are the only one that I can talk to about all of this.The only one who understood me.Promise,You and I?" Hebe said

Jiro released her from his embrace and looked at her and nodded."Yes,Hebe ,you and I,I love you Hebe." Jiro said as he took her hands.

"Oh Jiro I love you too." Hebe said as they locked in an embrace."I have always loved you from the start,I just never realized it."

"I'll hep you find yourself.I will be here for you,if you need me." Jiro said.

"Thank God,I found you." Hebe said."They must be really watching over me." as she smiled.

Days that followed,Jiro and Hebe's relationship grew,as their friends accepted their new found togetherness.Days went to months until it is almost graduation time for Jiro.

"So what you're plan for college?" Hebe said."You will be leaving me soon."

"I have applied in nearby school,NYU or Yale or Harvard.They are not that far from here.I can still go home on weekends to see you." Jiro said.

"Yeah,but then you will be surrounded by more mature and more sophisticated ladies." Hebe said."You may not want to go home."

"Uhmm,the only girl I want is this girl,nobody else." Jiro said."You have to watch out for others too,I am sure,there a lot of takers on my place."

"I only want this guy anyway,nobody else." Hebe said as she kissed him."Don't forget,I will be waiting for you here on weekends."

"I won't.My parents are planning to go home to Hongkong after graduation.I might have to go and I have to be gone by a month.You gonna miss me?" Jiro said.

"Of course,I will miss you.I am sure,you are excited to go home." Hebe said."You missed home,don't you?"

"Yeah,but I am happier here with you." Jiro said."I wish you can go with me."

"Yeah,me too.I would like to see Hongkong and I want to see all the places that you told me." Hebe said.

"Is there any chance of your parents letting you go with me?" Jiro asked."I can ask my parents to ask your parent,if it is alright with you."

Hebe shook her head."I don't think they will let me." Hebe said."Just come back to me safe and still loving me,don't fall to some pretty Chinese girls you will meet along the way."

"I won't.You're the only girl I love.I think we are fated to be together for our lifetime and beyond." Jiro said,as he smiled at her.

"I believe so too." Hebe said,as they held hands...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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