The Search Is Over

You and I {Completed}
It was already dark when Jiro and Hebe reached the is located in the middle of vast fields and the neighboring house is quite a distance.There must be somebody in the house for you can see the lighted lamps inside.But the place is eerily quiet except the sounds of the farm animals that they have around.

Jiro was still holding Hebe's hand.Her hands is cold and clammy.Anxiety can be seen in her face.he looked around and he can see how far fetched Hebe's life would have been if her parents did not give her up.Now he wondered if giving up Hebe for adoption, is the best thing for her.

"Are you sure about this? You still want to see them?"Jiro asked as he stared at Hebe's face.

Hebe nodded her head."Yes,I still want to see them and get to know them." Hebe said trying to make a brave front.

Jiro knocked on the door as an older man opened the door.he is of average height but you can see that the years of struggle and hard work have already marked in his body.His hair is dark with a hint of gray,there was a permanent frown on the forehead,the teeth is even and one or two of them are missing.

"Yes ?" he asked as he noticed the way they are dressed and wondered what are these two kids obviously from the city are doing here.

"We just want ask something.We are looking for a couple who had a baby few years ago,twenty years ago." Jiro said."The midwive said that she attended a delivery here during that time." Jiro said.

"I knew nothing about that.You must be mistaken." the older man said as he was about to close the door on them but his eyes went to Hebe as he stared at her.She looked like his wife when she was a young girl back then as his heart started to beat faster.

"Why are you looking for them?" he asked and then an older lady came out as she looked out at both of them.The girl's face looks so familiar.She have seen that face a long time ago and quite often as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Who are you?" the older lady asked as you can see the excitement and the anxiety in her eyes.

"I am Jiro and this is my fiancee Hebe and we are looking for a couple who can possibly have a baby at that time." Jiro continued.

The older lady eyes sparkled at the mention of Hebe's name.

Hebe looked at the couple and something stirred in her as she took out the blanket from her bag.

"This is the only thing that I have from them.I am looking for my parents." Hebe said.

The older lady came forward as she looked at the old blanket that she embroidered with her hands,and tears came to her.

"So it is you?You are Hebe?" as she looked and stared at her careful of not touching her.

"You are Hebe ,my baby ." crying and just looking at Hebe ,as stepped up and went to her,as they hugged each other.The father looked on but with also tears in his eyes.

"I was always wondering what become of you and you have become a very beautiful lady." she said.

The older came forward hesitant and shy at first but Hebe took him in her arms."So you are my real Dad?" she asked as he nodded his head.

"I...we never really wanted to give you up but it is for the better.I am so sorry." the older man said.

"No,you don't have to,I understand enough.I just want to see you and get to know you.I just want to know....what could possibly my other life would have been." Hebe said."And it feels good to know that you still remember me and have never forgotten me.And that I am wanted too by my own parents." as tears ran through her face unable to control it.

"We want you but we want a better life for you more than this farm.We had a very hard life then." Hebe's Mom said.

"It is alright,I do understand more than I thought I would." Hebe said."My adoptive parents are very good to me and they love me a lot."

"I am glad to hear that you are alright and everything has worked for you." Hebe's Dad."I feel so guilty having to give you up and seeing right now has made me feel better.I knew then that I did the right thing back then."

"I am just fine but still I am longing and wishing to see you at least even once.But now I found you I knew I will be seeing you again." Hebe said."Do I ever have a sister or a brother?"

"You have a brother but he is not here right now." Hebe's Mom answered."Why don't the two of you stay for dinner and then you can also meet your brother."

Hebe nodded her head,as Jiro and her stayed ,with her new found family.They had dinner which is a simple hot chicken noodle soup.

That night on their way to the hotel,as Jiro drove in the dark and quiet street of the village on the way to the city..

"Thank you for everything.Thank you for being here with me." Hebe said.

Jiro smiled at Hebe."You are welcome.You know I will do anything for you." he said.

"Really...uhmmm I might think of something else.And did I tell you that I love you very much?" Hebe said with a grin on her face.

"Love me enough to marry me soon.I don't think I can let you go back to States or let you on your own anymore.I just have to take you home with me ." Jiro said.

"Yeah,I think I am ready this time.I think I am ready to be Mrs Wang Dong Cheng.I am ready to be all yours Mister." Hebe said with a smile on her face.

Jiro immediately stopped the car on the side."You really mean that?You are ready to get married?" he asked.

Hebe smiled and nodded her head."Yes,you heard it right.We can get married soon,even tomorrow if you want or tonight."

"No,we have to do right.We have to start it right.We have to set a date soon with all our families present.And yes we want our family's blessing of course." he said as Jiro got excited with the thought."I love you Hebe.I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too,now more than ever." Hebe said as Jiro's lips came down on her,kissing her with pure love and such the time stood still.Jiro and Hebe living and loving each other together....Jiro and Hebe fated to love each other forever...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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