Chapter 9

You and I {Completed}
Hebe woke up with confused feeling and anxiety in the morning.It is Monday and she is going to see Jiro on the bus.She does not know,how is she going to act with him,whether to be just being friendly,like Saturday afternoon never happened,or treat him differently.

She have been thinking this since Saturday,what is her real feelings for him,she knows she liked him,and she wants his company more than anybody,but it is enough to have a relationship with him.They are still very young.She is still confused and afraid at the same time.This feeling is something new for her.

She rode on the bus but was disappointed not to see Jiro on it.In as much as she was anxious to see him,she was quite sad that he was not there.She missed his company today.

She looked around the school ground and she could not see his face in the crowd.She wondered if she will going to see him at all today.The bell rang as she quietly went in her class.Ashley and Vanessa tried to draw her out of her mood.

"So Hebe,where did you go last Saturday?" Ashley asked."I saw you with Jiro in his new wheel after the practice."

"Nowhere,we just went to grab some lunch." Hebe said."He is going to teach me Chinese."

"Uhmmm ,Does Justin knows about this?" Vanessa asked.

"No,why does he have to know.I told you Justin and I are just friends." Hebe said.

"I don't think that was he have in mind."Vanessa continued."And oh this so good a triangle.I love the drama." as she giggled.

Hebe eyed her sharply."Will you please stop that.There is nothing between me and Justin.He is just a very good friend.We have been friends since we were in kinder."

"And what about the cute Jiro Wang?Don't tell me that there is nothing cooking there?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know yet,we are just friends." Hebe said.

"Well if you don't like him,you can pass him up to me."Ashley said."I think he is cute and hot." as she winked at Hebe.

Hebe smiled and laughed at her friend."Wait a minute,what is he a toy?"

"See you do like him." Ashley said."You are smiling but I see some sharp claws coming out there,when I said I liked him."

"I am not sure yet,of what I really feel." Hebe said."I just got to know him recently."

"I knew it,she likes him." Vanessa said."If I don't have Zac I might want him for myself too." as she laughed.

"So I guess ,I don't have a chance with him now." Ashley said."Just in case you dump him ,give him to me."

"You are so funny,good thing,nobody is here to hear us." Hebe said."So no hard feelings if I take him." as she looked at Ashley.

"Sure,it is not that I really, really like him,but I can give him up for a friend." Ashley said as she smiled at Hebe,her friend is in love and she still does not know it,she thought."And promise,no guy should ever come between us."

"Yeah,friends forever." as they chorused.

Hebe did not see Jiro during lunch time,she looked for him,but she could not find him.She knows,he was in school for she saw his car in the parking lot.She knew,he have drove to school today,probably to avoid her.He must misconstrued her silence as not liking him.

As Hebe was waiting for the bus,then Jiro appeared from somewhere.He looked at her and smiled as he walked near her.

"Hebe,you are still here?" Jiro said.

"Yeah,the bus is quite late today,I guess." as she smiled at him.Her heart raced when her eyes met his and she felt her cheeks coloring."I was looking for you this morning in the bus,but I guessed you drove to school today."

"Yeah,I did." he said."So would you like to ride with me. I'll take you home."

"Just promise,you will be careful." Hebe said with a smile.

"Yes,I will,for I have the most precious cargo of all" Jiro said,as he lead Hebe in his car.

"I did not see you during lunch time." Hebe said."Did you eat lunch today?"

"No,I miss lunch period,I have to do something." he said.

"Oh I see." Hebe said as she nodded."Thank you for last Saturday,I really have a good time."

"You're welcome." Jiro said,suddenly the smile in his face is gone,remembering his confession to her.

"Jiro,about last Saturday.." Hebe started.

"Don't worry about it Hebe,forget,that I even say something." Jiro said."I just want us to be friends again just like before."

Hebe looked at him and she felt so disappointed.Does it mean,he does not really mean what he said that day?Does it mean he really does not like her at all? Hebe bit her lips.If he wants friendship then be it,just friends.How come she felt so bad and so sad,and she felt like crying.She forced herself to smile at him.

"Alright friends as always." as Jiro took her hands and as they smiled at each other.Jiro felt her cold hands as he covered it with his...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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