New Home.

You and I {Completed}
The trip from Hongkong to New York was such a blur.Jiro ignored everything that was going on in front of him.He hated the idea of moving to America.He does not want to live here.

He hated that he have to leave his school, especially when you are one of the most popular guy in the school.He always get what he wants in a flick of a finger.Students in his school looked up to him.And he got the much coveted Genie's Zhou's heart.How can she leave her?He have wanted her since he was in sophomore and now he finally got her,and he have to leave her for stupid America.

His Mom looked at him and she knows he hated the idea of moving,but they don't have a choice for that matter.Her husband is a bigwig executive and his company needed him in the main office.In as much as they have settled in Hongkong after moving from Taipei ,she have to follow her husband wishes.

She pitied her son who have to adjust the most.She knows he is very vulnerable at this age,and she hopes that he will adjust eventually to the new changes.They have placed them in a suburb in Connecticut where the affluent people lives.She wished that it could not be that bad,Jiro will adjust in time.

Jiro looked at his new environment and he felt like crying.Connecticut is far cry from Hongkong where there are always action,and where there are always a lot of people around.Here you don't see any people on the street, everything is pretty quiet and boring as he looked out from his window.

Their house is huge,worthy of a house ,for one of the company's big executive,and he felt the pride in his Father,earning such a position from a very competitive world.They have driveways going inside house.They have a big garage,a big yard overlooking the lake and the park,everything is picture perfect when you look from the outside.

School will start in a week,and he does not know what to expect.He knows his command of English is pretty good,since his Father have him tutored at a young age,having to socialize at different kind of people back home.But he missed talking in his own language.He was quite knowledge able in languages,which his Dad insisted he learned at a young age.He can speak English,Spanish,French and of course Mandarin and Cantonese.

He knows he have to start from the bottom of the totem pole.This time he will be the one being bullied instead of him having to bully people whom he don't like.He does not even think he likes American people.To him,they are arrogant and so proud of their own heritage,that they thought that they are the superior from others.They are so into themselves,and he feels like kicking their off sometimes.

"Jiro"her Mom called out."Come on down,I need to talk to you."Even his Mom talked to him in English now,and he hated it.Sometimes,he insisted in talking in Chinese and his Dad frown upon when he does that.

"Yeah,Mom?"Jiro asked.

"We are going to the city,Would you like to come?"his Mom asked."I think it will be nice for you to familiarize your self in the city."

"No Mom,I'll just stay here,maybe I will go to the mall later on."Jiro said.

"Alright ,just ask Miguel to drive you,since your Dad will be driving."His mom said."And you have to work on your driver's license soon.Read the book manual,so you can take your exam before the school starts."

Jiro just nod his head.Now I have to read and learned all their stupid rules and laws too,as he frowns.He just wish that his Senior year is over and then I can go off in College,somewhere far from here,he thought.

It was the last days of summer,and Hebe went to the mall with Justin and her friends Ashley to look for the latest fashion.She was planning to buy some new clothes for the school.She was on her Junior year and she wants to make a statement,that she is no longer a young girl but a woman.They went their seperate ways,and Hebe found her self alone.

The mall is quiet,since most of the people are still on vacation.She was looking around for something new and then something caught her eye.A guy she have never seen before sitting on one of the benches.He looks handsome but there is some wildness in him which she cannot pinpoint. He got the same small eyes as she have, he have a beautiful high nose ,but not too pointed and a nice beautiful pouty lips.He is also looked quite tall judging from the long legs that he got,not like a regular Chinese guy that she have seen.She found herself enthralled by him as she stared at him.he was unsmiling and looked quite bored at the sight.

Jiro was looking around,looking for something,somebody interesting when he noticed somebody staring at him.She looked just like him,Chinese of the same ancestry as he is and he was excited to see somebody of his kind.She looked pretty,with that beautiful eyes,the small nose and the flawless porcelain skin.Her hair is shoulder length and is dark,as dark as the night and shiny.Her lips red and small and yes inviting.He stared at her for a moment as they stared at each other from a distance.And then he saw a guy and a girl came to her as they walked away and he saw her looked at him before she caught up with her friends. Somehow,Jiro felt that he knew her from somewhere ,that they are going to see each other again soon.He was so positive about it ,as he smiled,for the first time , since he came over to America,he have the reason to smile now....and she is good enough reason...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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