Hongkong Memories.

You and I {Completed}
The vacation in Hong Kong is almost over one week is just too quick for all of them..Jiro was just too happy and too excited to show Hebe around to the home that he grew up with.And Hebe was so engrossed with the beauty of the history and culture of Hong Kong.Soon it is almost time to say goodbye again,to the place that she have learned to love.Jiro and his parents will be going back home to Connecticut a week after.

Tonight is the last night of Hebe and her parents in Hong Kong.Hebe's parents left Hebe and Jiro to do the things that they want to do on their last night,while Hebe's parents were entertained by Jiro's parents for a dinner and a night out in the city.

Jiro decided to just have a dinner with Hebe and then see the city by night.They have a romantic dinner in one of the restaurant in one of the high rise building overlooking the Hong Kong Harbor.And later that night as they stood in the rooftop overlooking the multitudes of lights of the city.

"So I will see you in two weeks?" Jiro said."I will surely miss you,but then I am heading off to NYU after that."

"Yes,and you are going to be a college preppy going out with just a high school girl." Hebe said."But then you are not getting an ordinary high school girl,you will be getting the iest and the most beautiful cheerleader of them all." as she laughed.

Jiro laughed too,remembering his dislikes for cheerleaders, and Hebe teasing him for it.

"You made me see cheerleaders in different light." Jiro agreed."So what do you think of this place?Isn't this place beautiful?Do you think you can consider this place to be your home in the future?"

Hebe smiled at his questions."What do you mean? I love this place already but to consider this place a home,I don't know,Connecticut will always be my home." as she answered his question.

"I do understand.But as they say home is where your heart is." Jiro said with a grin in his face knowing how lame his quote is, and Hebe can't help but giggle in laughter.

"Just as you say Mr Wang." she said."But somehow leaving this place makes me feel that I am leaving something very important in my life,which I can't pinpoint."

"Are you sure it is not me?" he asked in a teasing tone

"No definitely not you.I feel like sad living this behind me .I am thinking whether is it possible that the people that I am connected with is just around me or just nearby" Hebe said."Do you think it is about time that I asked my parents about who are my real parents are? Or do you think I should wait for them to open it up for me ?"

"You can asked them about it,but let them feel secured about your love for them.I know,it might hurt them but then you have to learn the truth sooner or later.We can't hide from the truth." Jiro said."If they said anything,will you go looking for your real parents?"

"I don't know,I just want to know where did I come from and as to who are my parents are." Hebe said."Maybe I'll ask them one of these days,when I gathered enough courage."

"And you know where to find me and call me when it gets too confusing for you,right?" Jiro said. as he looked at her straight in her eyes."Just remember,you are never alone in this."

Hebe nodded her head and Jiro took Hebe in his arms and then kissed her on the lips.Somehow the memories of the bustling city,images and the fine taste of Chinese Cuisine,the never ending neon lights at night and the warmth of the people will be in Hebe's mind when she think of Hong Kong back home.

The next day Jiro drove Hebe and her parents to airport as they said their brief goodbyes.The following week Jiro went back home too with his Mom,while his Dad was left behind to do some business.Jiro was just happy to be home to Connecticut for he misses Hebe already.Somehow Hong Kong's vibrancy and excitement seem to have gone with Hebe when she went home.

Weeks after the trip in Hong Kong,Hebe has been getting listless already.Various images played in her mind about who is real parents are.Sometimes she would remain awake at night fighting herself to resolve and to gather enough courage to ask her Mom and her Dad about her true self and her family.But each night failing herself to ask that one question to them and she have been playing it over and over again in her mind....She was torn between the love of her adoptive parents and the need to find her own identity.But she knew,she will not have any peace of mind until she finds out the truth...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Plmokn #4
Good story
It would be great if all the adoption would turn out this way, that the adopted can receive the love and care of the foster parents and to have someone special who will always be there to love and support you is surely a bonus. And what make it almost perfect is to get to know the adopted's roots. But in life, there are those who are less fortunate, but then LIFE itself is a blessing and as the saying goes... 'Life is what you make it'. <br />
I think it's great to choose 'ádoption' as the subject of this story. This gave me a better understanding of what an adopted child might feel and this story also made me more appreciative and thankful that I was raised and nurtured by my real parents. <br />
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