
Vampire In Love

Fany house- Evening
Fany enters to find Seung-gi cleaning a rifle. He starts to say hello but she just blurts out 

Fany: I have a date with Kim Taeyeon. 

He suddenly looks like he’s having an aneurysm.

Seung-gi: He’s too old for you.
Fany: We’re both juniors. Were both the same age. I thought you
liked the Kim's? 
Seung-gi: And I thought you weren’t interested in any of the boys in your school?
Fany: Tht was before but whatever, he’s outside right now.
Seung-gi: Now? He’s out there?
Fany: He wants to meet you. Officially.
Seung-gi: Good.

He the rifle in mock-seriousness.

Fany: Be nice, okay? He’s... important.

Seung-gi gives his daughter a reassuring nod, then she opens the door to reveal Tae in a parka and gloves.

Tae: Chief Seung-gi. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I’m Kim Taeyeon. 

Tae extends his hand. Seung-gi takes it, but grunts a hello, resisting him.

Tae: I won’t keep Fany out late
tonight. We’re just going to go play baseball with my family.
Seung-gi: Fany is going to play baseball?

Fany is equally surprised, but hides it.

Tae: Yes, sir, that’s the plan.
Seung-gi: Well. More power to you, I guess.
Tae(looks him in the eyes): She’ll be safe with me, sir, I promise. 

As Tae exits, Seung-gi holds Fany back.

Seung-gi; You got that pepper spray?
Fany: Dad!
Seung-gi: Do you or do you not?
Fany: Yes dad I got it. Now bye. 
Seung-gi: Bye. 

Tae and Fany climb into a massive jeep parked in the drive.

Tae(amused): Your father thinks you should go to an all-girl’s school.
Fany: No fair, reading my dads mind.

As they climb in the Jeep, Fany notices a baseball bat. 

Fany: And since when do vampires like baseball?
Tar: It's the American pastime. Plus,
there's a thunderstorm coming. It’s the only time we can play. You'll see why.

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Chapter 49: Oie si
sadeblade34 #2
Chapter 1: Oh God please tell me it's not a remake of the Twilight series
sadeblade34 #3
marked couple and theyare vampires. I wonder how they'll deal with high school kid's
Uchinagaeri #4
Chapter 1: the prolouge where you said lets pretend taeyeon is tall got me laughing so hard ! coz its kinda hard to imagine her being tall and mighty lol ! but for the sake of the fic ill imagine her but ill be laughing everytime i do :) thanks for this fic :) love it !
Thunderette #5
hah do you actually read this story. I changed bunch of stuff around, yeah it's from twilight but I ain't going to completely copy the whole. I took some things from the movie, but I added some of my own things and if you don't like it LegendaryShipper, then don't read it. Read the whole bloody story and you don't have to like it, so don't read any of it.
kkuma_yoong #6
Chapter 48: Its look like twilight. Twilight in soshi ver..^^
tipco09 #7
Chapter 49: I've not been following twilight so most of this is new to me. I like the story very much.
Chapter 49: thank you for changing the character tho.. and u change some the scene in it... well I'll always seen TaeNy character instead of bella and edward lol... cute ^^
Chapter 49: Yeayy ~ I can't wait for the sequel ~~ ;D