Calling - CrystalxDoLL

Literature Mused Reviews


Author: CrystalxDoLL

Title & Poster: [10/10]
The title is fitting and fun however, I'm sure there at least a handful of similar titles here on aff. Not super duper original but not that big of an issue! The poster is very bright and sweet! Well matching to your story!

Description/Foreword: [9/10]
The description was a little misleading. Just because you wrote that, "As time passes by she eventually discovers the real Sunha and "her" secrets." When in actuality, Yun discovers Sunha's big secret in the very next chapter. lol. 

Flow: [8/10]
It starts off pretty fast with Sunha (Sungjong) being found out in the first chapter! It is a bit fast at first but the pace eventually slows down but is still pretty fast paced.

Writing Style: [7/10]
Your writing style is very clean and easy to follow. However, I took off points because I don't really enjoy it when POV's are necessary. In fact, with a little effort I believe that you could write this story without needing to constantly switch the POVs. You show promise as a writer and I think the next step for you would be to grow out of jumping around with different POVs. 

Originality: [9/10]
Not a totally original plot line, cross dressing and gender bending is pretty common and it's easy to find dozens of stories but it is your own story! 

Grammar/Punctuation/Vocabulary: [24/25]
Not a lot of mistakes, at least not enough to distract me from the story! I didn't give you full points just because there were some minor mistakes. 

Characterization/Details: [23/25]
You give the readers a pretty good idea of who your characters are and what kinds of personalities they have by using both internal dialogue and different POVs. Good Job! 

Overall score: [90/100]
Comments: I thought you did a good job in telling your cute story. However, there were a lot of times where I felt you could have given more depth and detail. I also thought that it was a little strange how Yun just seemed to accept the fact that Sunha was actually a guy. I think there could have been a bit more shock or at least some variation of stronger emotions. However, I just like stories that are a bit more realistic. Your story is just very light-hearted overall. 
Any infinite fan would definitely enjoy it! Keep writing & Improving!

Sorry that it's shorter than last time! We really wanted to give you the exact review back, but it's impossible because of that fated day. :(

You're still featured though!
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ilysmfood #1
I've made a request.
lizryan #2
I've requested!
Chapter 2: I would like to cancel my request (Who am I...? - bebentoo)
Chapter 2: Sorry, I got busy and couldn't continue being a reviewer.
Thank you for the great experiences before.
All the best to the rest of LM.
Will be back to request from you awesome humans instead~ ^^
Thank you for the review, looking back at it even I cringe.
-natsukim #6
thanks for the honest review!
lol~ i'll fix all the mistakes later...
incubus #7
I applied as a reviewer! Please consider me!