Birthday-Melanie's POV

Brothers: New Journey's End (SEQUEL)

There was way too much noise, the house didn't block out sound coming from inside at all. He was going to hear us. Still, I turn to shush Taeyang and Seungri as they fight over the wrapping paper.

"He's going to hear you!" I yell in a harsh whisper. Seungri rolls his eyes.

"Melanie, for the last time I'll hear him way before he'll hear us. Everything will be fine," He says.

"Yeah, Mel, chill," Electra adds, standing on top of a ladder while she hangs decorations. Luna was beside her handing her tape like a good assistant. Everyone else was scattered throughout the kitchen and living room, helping in some type of way. I let out sigh and collapse on the couch.

"I just don't want him to catch on," I mumble.

"He won't," Taeyang assures. "We haven't celebrated a birthday in years. He has no idea you're throwing him a surprise party." Now I'm frowning. I know Taeyang is just saying this to make me feel better, but it sort of made me feel worse. The fact that none of the boys have celebrated their birthdays in years is depressing and another reminder that they were running for their lives while she was safe in Celeste blowing out her candles. It was back in Celeste when she found out about GD's birthday. A little after they started dating she asked TOP if he remembered. He didn't, but Daesung was able to figure it out using that brain of his. I look across the room and smile at Daesung, who's helping Bom put random food Soojin has made on the table. He's been doing a lot better now, he says he's happy he's with us again. I know he misses Helen still, but we all understand. By now we've all lost someone that we never thought we'd lose.

"He's back in the perimeters!" Seungri announces. Everyone starts hurrying up with what they were doing, GD being at the perimeters meant that we had about five minutes before he would walk through that door.

"Wow he came back faster than I thought," Electra said, climbing down the latter. She sent him out earlier saying she thought there was drone activity. She also convinced him that it since it might be just a glitch in the system he should check it out alone. I took one final glance at the room, making sure everything was in check, before turning to everyone.

"Ok, everybody hide!" I yelled. Everyone found a place to hide and I shut the lights off before hiding behind the front door. No sooner did I turn on the light, the lamp on the desk was by Daesung. I looked at him with a question on my face and he sighed.

"He knows we're all here if he sees all the lights off he'll be suspicious," He explains. "If he sees that there is a light on, he'll be relaxed and more likely to be surprised when we jump out."

"It's good to have you back, genius," Electra said from her hiding spot. Everyone laughed but quickly silenced themselves when they heard GD walk up the steps. I found myself holding my breath as GD opened the door.


"SURPRISE!!!!" I switched on the lights just as everyone popped out of their hiding spaces. GD jumped back, even looked as if he was about to shoot fire at us, before putting his hands on his face, which had the biggest smile. As if on cue, Soojin came out with a big cake and everyone started singing. His eyes quickly found mineand he wrapped his arms around me.

"Was this your doing?" He asked in my ear.

"How could you tell?" I asked.

"My brothers would never be this creative," He teased. I pulled away and gently pressed my lips against his.

"Happy birthday, Jiyoung," I told him. He smiles and leans in for another kiss.

"Yo, there's cake ready to be eaten!" Seungri announces, impatiently waiting for us to join everyone at the table. We laugh and GD grabs my hand to lead me to the others where we spend the rest of the night celebrating.

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aldimia #1
Chapter 26: Goddd! I really miss Gd and Melanie being sweet like this!love this couple so much..I hope they will be more interactions between them:))
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 24: He's alive! But it seems like he has memory loss.
Ashleybswt #3
Chapter 20: This is getting better
Ashleybswt #4
Chapter 19: Wow! I wonder what will happen next. Maybe river will join them
aldimia #5
Chapter 17: Omgg
Please survive
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 17: Omg! I hope they survive
Ashleybswt #7
Chapter 15: I could not stop laughing when Seungri walked in on them