Popcorns + Scary Movie + A dark theater = Date?

Because Of You

Krystal’s POV:

As soon the school end I ran to my house, I was so excited to go out with my new friends and also with Amber. I quickly get to my house trying to find mom. After all I still need her permission.

“Mom I need to tell you something” I said while I was leaving my stuff at the living room

“How was your first day at school sweetheart?” My mom appears from nowhere.

“Fine, I made new friends, their names are Key, Luna, Taemin, Sully and Amber. They’re pretty cool mom and also nice. They invited me to see a movie today. Can I go?” I said without wait a reply from my mom.

“That sounds really good Krystal. But you know where the theater is?” my mom spoke while she was heading to the kitchen.

“Oh Sully, Taemin and Amber are going to pass for me mom” I said as I follow her to the kitchen.

“Ok then. I´m going to start making the food” My mom says to me.

“I’m going to shower so I’ll be fresh when Sully arrives. Ok?” I said to my mom while run to my room.

Oh my oh my, I need to see what I’m going to wear. I don’t want to look like I expect something but I don’t want to look like I don’t care at all. I hope Amber likes me, even just a little.

I took a fast shower and then start to look at my clothes something good. I was so busy that I didn’t hear my dad calling me downstairs. After a few minutes my dad knocks my door.

“Soojung I’m calling you why you don’t answer me?” My dad told me.

“Sorry Dad I didn’t hear you. There’s something wrong?” I said with a trembling voice.

“No, I just want to give you money to the theater. You look beautiful kiddo” He said with a smile.

“Thanks dad” I reply.

I really hope Amber thinks the same as you daddy.

My dad give me money and then I heard my cell phone ringing. I run to the desk and grab it. It was a message from Jessica:

[From: Jess

To: Krys


Guess what? I just met Amber, you know her from school. She is cute sis, and beautiful and have a smile to kill. She’s your type for real. Also have these handsome brothers! So get ready for the movie, wear perfume and smile. Who know probably you’ll make her fall in love with you.]

Jessica met Amber, but how? I guess I wear perfume. I wonder why my sister met Amber.

Amber’s POV:

The school end and I start my way to my home. I was thinking that maybe I should not be so close to Krystal I don’t want to scare her o something like that. I just found out I like her, she’s cool. I open the front door and found Tiffany at the living room talking to a blonde and skinny girl.

“Baby Am! How was your day?” Tiffany says at the moment she saw me.

“It was great I guess. Oh sorry I don’t know you” I said while pointing the blonde girl.

“Baby Am this my new friend of College, her name is Jessica Jung she just move here a weeks ago” Tiffany reply and smile to Jessica.

“Hi Amber, Fanny talk about you a lot, you’re as cute as she told me” Jessica said to me.

I just blush, lately I feel weird when people told me things like that. It makes me feel awkward.

“Thank you” I said while looking to the ground.

“I’m going to my room, I need to take a shower” I said to my sister.

“You’re going to go out? You met someone?” Tiffany chuckles at me

“Yep, I’m going to the movies with Sull, Taemin and this new girl I met at school her name is Krystal Jung” I said as I reach the stairs.

“Krystal? Mmmm she was thin with long black hair, and look like lost at the beginning?” Jessica said in a loud tone.

“Yeah you know her?” I turn my face to the living room.

“Of course, she’s my lil’ sista” Jessica said while putting a gangsta face.

Tiffany just laughed and I chuckle. Jessica was funny. But if Krystal is her sister I really need to stay away from her I don’t want to make Tiffany lose a friend because of my fault. I went to my room but I forget my cell phone downstairs, I was going to get it when I heard Jessica talking with Tiffany.

“She’s the type of Krystal. I’m sure Fanny.” Jessica was giggling

“And Amber totally likes her to, she even will take a shower” My sister said like a whisper but I still hear her.

I was trying to process everything in my brain but then I feel someone looking me. I turn my head and saw Jong looking at me with a smirk. He makes me a sign to follow him to his room. This is big, in my family we respect every personal space, which it means I don’t go to my brothers and sister rooms and they don’t go to mine.

“Am, you really like that girl?” Jong spoke slowly trying to read my face.

“I think so. I just met her today. She it’s nice.” I said while blushing.

“Oh, come baby dino, I need to talk to you about what can happen at a theater” Jong says in a really weird tone.

Aw my Casanova dino brother is going to give me an advice about girls. He is indeed a player, but he never goes far, he only has 2 girlfriends before. But he knows how to make a girl blush and giggle.

“First: If you sit together you probably talk with her and know her better, also you can make a move like hug her, grab her hand you know. Second: If you watch a scary movie you can also say something like – Don’t worry if you’re scared grab my hand – and Third: Nothing that you do will attract her more than just been you” Jong end talking while looking to me.

“Okay, I’ll do my best” I said to him.

Jong hug and whisper to my ear:

“Don’t believe what that told you Am, you’re beautiful and special. Don’t let anyone tell you what you are and what you’re not”

“Okay, I really have to go take a shower Sully is coming here soon bro” I said to Jong to break the hug.

“Fine, have fun at the movie” He said before I get out of the room.

Great now I feel nervous and weird. Jong and Fanny really don’t help me at these situations. I guess I just need to wait and see how everything goes. Oh god I have like 30 minutes to be ready.

I took a quick shower and start to get ready. I just put some jeans and a t-shirt. I really don’t know what to wear at the moment. I want to be comfortable if something happen.

Be yourself, don’t worry and be yourself

I heard the door bell and run to downstairs. I feel little disappoint when I see my older cousin Minho at the door. It’s not like I don’t like him but he is really handsome and always make girls melt at his feet. Yeah I don’t want to Krystal know him at all.

“Hi Amber, its Jonghyun busy?” he ask me in a hurry

“Oh Hi Minho, no he is not busy, you can go to his room if you want to” I reply with an uneasy tone.

“Oh thanks Amber, by the way you look cute on red” He smiles towards me and run to the room of Jong

I just feel like melt, even he had that effect in me, I just mentally chuckle, my cousin is nice, but I always feel like people like him more and my brothers than what they like me even Tiffany its prettier than me. I guess I feel like this because I’m the younger one.

“I totally agreed with my brother Amber” I heard Sully talk suddenly

“Hey, you scared me Sull” I said with a smile to my cousin.

Minho was Sully older brother. They were close as the gap of 3 years let them and also the fact that Sully was such an outgoing girl and Minho was such a shy boy. Yeah he can smile, he can melt your heart, but you need to almost torture him to have a conversation with him. He talks to us because we rise together. He always said that we’re here sisters and brothers. But he really has a better relationship with Jong and Hae than with Tiffany and me. I’m actually just have a relationship with Sully; Tiffany is more like a mom to us.

“Are you ready girls?” Taemin suddenly spoke from behind Sully.

“Yep, I just need my cell phone.” I went to my backpack and grab my cell phone.

“Tiff! I’m going now.” I yell to my sister.

“Have fun” I heard her say

“Be nice to my sister” I heard Jessica to.

Something makes me think that Jessica is one of those sisters that can kick your if you do something to her little sister, so I need to behave.

We walk like 5 minutes and we were already at Krystal’s house. She lives really close to my house. That’s good I supposed.

Sully ring the doorbell and then the front door open and I saw Krystal standing there with a smile.

Krystal you look so beautiful

Sully’s POV:

I saw Amber face; wow she can even hide the fact that she likes what she sees eh? I chuckle and then saw Krystal face, she was looking at Amber with the same expression. These girls are really way too easy to read.

“So Krystal are you ready?” I said to Krystal.

“Yeah, I’m ready Sully. Mom I’m leaving!” She answers me and then yells at her mom

“Come on then” Taemin said to us.

Taemin know my plan, we think the same, he really likes Amber, they met each other at the Tae kwon do classes, after that Amber introduce him to me, and the rest become in our history. Taemin told me that we need to see a scary movie, and then make Amber and Krystal sit together. And then the magic of the theater will make the work. I do love my boyfriend.

We just arrived to the theater and Taemin went to buy the tickets, I told Amber that she need to go and buy the popcorns and everything ‘cause she was the eldest one. So it’s time to run the plan.

“So Krystal…you like my cousin?” I ask to Krystal directly.

“What?” Krystal reply at me with her eyes wide open

“I’m just asking relax” I smile to her.

“Why are you asking that? Did she say something to you?” Krystal said to me.

“Nop, but I know Amber as I know my hand. But I only have one rule Krystal” I spoke slowly to her.

“What rule?” She asks me dumbfounded.

“Don’t break Amber’s heart please” I said to Krystal as I hug her.

“I’m not going to do that Sully” Krystal was now whispering towards me.

“I have the tickets Sully” Taemin appears suddenly.

“I have the popcorns and the sodas but I need help” Amber also appears.

“I’ll help you cousin” I said grabbing Amber’s arm while I wink at Taemin.

Krystal’s POV:

I saw how Sully takes Amber to the counter. Wow Sully really it’s a nice girl, I hope she is right, but what I’m afraid now is that I actually broke Amber’s heart, I’m a cold person by nature, I laugh and make jokes, but I really don’t hug the people a lot, I don’t know I’m heading way too much now.

“Well, I hope you don’t mind to watch a scary movie Krystal, but Sulli really wants to see this movie, and well you know I can’t say no to her” Taemin spoke while smiling widely

“Oh it’s all right, actually I love scary movies. Which movie is?” I said grinning.

“It’s this movie call The Rite.It’s interesting Krystal, Sully love scary movies too. I’m just watching them with her, I’m not a fan” Taemin confess to me with a smile.

“You don’t like it huh? What about Amber, she likes scary movies?” I ask Taemin.

“Ha-ha you’ caught me, well Amber also doesn’t like scary movies but she never says anything, she just watches the entire movie and then she just…” Taemin was saying when suddenly Amber and Sully appear.

“I’m what Taemin?” Amber look at Taemin with threaten eyes.

“You never say much ‘because you’re shy” Taemin said and quickly put him behind Sully.

Taemin is so funny I wonder if he had a brother or a sister, I can tell why Sully is his girlfriend, they are pretty the same person. I look at Amber and notice she was looking at the ticket of the movie, she got pale when Sully start to give her a little resume of the movie.

“Don’t worry Amber, I don’t think it’s going to be that scary, and if you’re scared you can cover your eyes” I said while smiling to her.

“Or you can grab Krystal’s hand really tight, just like Taemin does with me” Sully whisper to Amber.

“Sully!” Taemin look embarrassed.

“It’s okay, I really think that you being scared and still watch the movie with Sully tell how brave you are Taemin” I said to him while I grab his shoulder.

“Thank you” he said with a singing tone.

“Come on!” Sully yells at us.

Sully it’s pretty excited to see this movie, Taemin its already looking to the ground poor kid, and Amber well Amber was a little quiet, I guess she’s scared.

Amber’s POV:

Aw why my cousin likes scary movies, I hate them but if I don’t watch it she just bother me all the time, there are a few movies I can watch but others are really scary. And then she told that about that if I like Krystal, I told her I trust my cousin, but then the smile she make really worry me. Did she know something? Aw I don’t want to see this; I wish someone could save me.

“Amber do you want to use a straw for your soda” Krystal ask me suddenly

“Oh yeah please” I reply dryly.

Krystal look so calm, maybe she likes scary movies too. Oh God the movie already start. I’m going to die.

“Amber?” Krystal was whispering to my ear.

“Yes?” I whisper her back

“You can hold my hand is you get scared” She told me and then she just smile.

“Thank you” I reply.

This was a really scaring movie; it took at least 5 minutes to realize that. I didn’t say anything but I was already biting my lower lip. I turned around and saw Taemin hiding in Sully’s neck crutch, you little punk. I can’t do that, it’s going to be a long movie awww I’m already scared.

Suddenly something happen in the movie, the beginning of the I supposed, I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I gasp and then I close my eyes so tightly but of nowhere I feel someone hugging me, hiding my head of the images. It was Krystal.

She smell so good, I like her perfume. Oh god I’m at her neck crutch.

“Don’t worry Amber I won’t tell Sully that you didn’t watch the movie” She was whispering so slowly to my ear.

I just shiver a little I guess she thought I was still scared because she just give me a sweet kiss in the head, oh Krystal is really nice I definitely like her a lot.

She just moves a little so she can still watch the movie and still covering my face. I move too so it would look like I was seeing the movie to but I close my eyes. Krystal start to caress my hair, she was concern about me. After a while I just open my eyes.

Bad idea Amber… BAD IDEA

“Oh” I just grab Krystal hand and close my eyes again.

“Shh, it’s just a movie” Krystal was caressing my hand.

Krystal’s POV:

Amber was so scared, suddenly she grabs my hand and closes her eyes again, and she was really pale.

“Shh, it’s just a movie” I was caressing her hand.

I realize how close we were, I stop watching the movie and start watching her. She was even cuter when she was scared. I want to do something but I don’t think it’s right to do it at the first date.

First date? Date? Is this really a date?

I saw Amber really scared and then I thought something. She was really nice this morning to me, I should return her that.

“Amber can you come with me to the bathroom?” I said loud enough to Sully and Taemin hear.

“What?” She looks so afraid.

“I don’t like to go alone” I wink at her.

“Oh right, the bathroom, yes I’ll go with you” She quickly stands up.

She just lead the way until we were in the bathroom and she realizes we were holding hands.

“Sorry” She mumbles.

“It’s okay, you’re scared” I reply to her with a smile.

“How much of the movie is left?” She asks me.

“Like 20 min I guess” I said as I walk to the mirror.

I saw Amber looking to the ground. She was indeed shy.

“Am you know my sister?” I said to her.

“She told you about my pet name?” she just smiled to me.

“No I actually just make a sound. That’s how you’re family calls you?” I ask her.

“Yeah they call me: Am, Amby, Dinosaur, Baby Dino, Llama, Jo” She start to count her pet names.

“Jo? Like the short for Josephine?” I said with a big smile

“Yeah, that’s my second name, please never call me Jo or Josephine only my dad call me Jo” She looks a little annoyed by the only mention of the name.

“Ok, so…which one do you like the best?” I walk to her.

“Well I like all of them, but because you’re my new friend you can think in a new pet name, so it would be more special” She reply to me while she was sitting on the ground.

I sit next to her and start thinking, something pop out but I wasn’t sure. I think I little more and then I turn my gaze at her, she was looking me with a question face.

I could kiss you right now Amber

“What about Baby Koala?” I said to her.

“I like it, but why Koala?” She looks dumbfounded.

“Well you have small eyes and big nostrils, and your face is small too, and when I hug you before I feel like I was hugging a teddy bear. So yeah Baby Koala” I explained to her.

“Ok well then I call you…Princess” She said.

“What? Princess?” my cold tone appears of nowhere

Krystal behave yourself

“It’s because you’re really beautiful and you act like someone of the royalty. And also because of your hair, you know in the ancient’s kingdoms the princess have long hair?” She explains to me.

“Oh…I like it” I smile to her.

“We should start going, Sully must be already suspecting something” Amber stand up.

She turn around and help me to stand up but I kind of slip and I fell but I drag Amber with me, she was on her knees while I was on my but with my legs between her legs, our faces where so close. I saw her and she saw me. Our eyes connected and I could tell she was thinking the same as me

I Want To Kiss YOU

I start to lean my head so I could kiss her she was looking at me with a weird expression trying to read my face. I lean closer I brush her lips with mine she lean closer to and…

“OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?” Sully suddenly yells at us.

Amber stands up quickly and helps me she was so red, I could feel my face burning. Ah Sully why did you ruin this moment.

“Sully…why did you yell?” Amber was speaking in a low tone.

“I was worry because you didn’t come back, and then I found you tow kissing each other. You could at least tell me what you want to come to the bathroom” Sully explains.

“We weren’t kissing each other Sully” I look at Sully trying to tell her she ruined the mood.

“Oh…sorry guys” She just mumbles.

“Let’s go home, there have been too many emotions for someone as old as me” Amber said.

“But you’re a baby koala” I said to her as I grab her hand

“Yeah but even babies get tired princess” She answer me sweetly.

We left the movie and start to walk to our homes. I didn’t want to go home but at least I know tomorrow I’ll see Amber and my new friends.

“Krystal this is your house” Sully wave her hand in front of my face.

“Oh yea thank you guys it was really fun, I’m glad I met you today” I was really smiling.

I hug Sully and then hug Taemin, I look at Amber but I didn’t hug her I kiss her on the cheek.

“See you tomorrow Baby Koala” I whisper in her ear.

“Yeah Princess” She whispers back at me.

I open the front door and wave goodbye to them. I was so happy, today was such a good day.

“Oh my god!” I heard Jessica’s loud voice behind me.

“What?” I said to her.

“You kiss her already?” She was so excited.

“No, I just kiss her on the cheek” I turn around and start to go upstairs to my room.

“You’re not going to tell me how the date was?” Jessica yell at me

“That wasn’t a date, but tomorrow I’m going to ask her on a real date” I said as I step in my room.

I close the door and hear Jessica scream “What?”

So that was the plan, ask Amber on a date, a real date, and then how it goes after that.

I almost kiss her. I have my own baby koala now.

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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why is.call.FIRST LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its the.one that shows you how.to love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT