Chapter 1.3~ Goodbye Boyfriend~Ahnyoung Oppa.

The Sky Will Always Comeback [Complete] [3:56 am]

Hanul's POV
"Yeah, oppa, I'll be there in nine hours."
"Where are you right now?", Jaebum asked.
"In New York, I'm switching flights to go to Seoul Airport", I told him.
"Okay, well... if you want ice cream or something, get it when you switch flights. Ice cream is expensive in Korea! I won't buy it for you no matter how much you whine."
"Oh.... ice cream is too expensive for you, but you made me get tickets for first class flights? Tch, you're funny."
"It's my money. I can do what I want."
"You're buying me ice cream once I get there."
"No, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are."
"Nuh uh."
"Uh huh."
"Nuh uh."
"Uh huh."
There was a scuffle and then someone else's voice came over the phone.
"I'll buy you ice cream."
"Wooyoung oppa?"
"Yeah, now go away."
"You promised!"
"All right, okay, fine, whatever."
"I'll see you later."
I hung up, and then sighed. I hated sitting first class. People were always nagging you, there was a bunch of unnecessary stuff, the seats were so comfortable that you were prone on to falling asleep, drooling, and making a total fool of yourself, and plus, sometimes a few people would recognize me. Uncomfortable much?
I checked my watch; I had thirty min. left still. Better go for an ice cream run, just in case Jaebum and Wooyoung didn't buy me any. Untrustworthy people. 
I walked down the main hallway of the airport, looking at the signs above the shops. Starbucks, McDonalds, BORDERS, Burger King, ICE CREAM! I headed toward there without looking at the store, so I missed the big crowd of people crammed next to the window until I was actually at the store. 
What the? 
"It's him! Oh my god, oh my god." I heard people, mainly girls, saying.
Ridiculous, exhibit #1 of why I came to America. I calmly shoved through the fangirls to get to the door, earning myself a few dirty looks and a few shoves back. Finally, I made it to the door and wrenched it open and slipped through. I checked myself over. I still had my bag and I wasn't bald, but I'd earned a few bruises. Ice cream was expensive, even in America.
I ordered my ice cream and looked around while I waited. Who was causing such a big fuss? Leonardo DiCaprio? Johnny Depp? For me, I'd go with Hayden Christensen or someone like that. ^^
"Can I please get an autograph? Just one autograph?", one brave fan stepped out.
The others shuffled out of her way and I could see... oh man, who was he? His face had been plastered everywhere in New York for his single release.  
I watched him, was he going to sign or not? Then the girl said, "Please, G Dragon, please, I'm a huge fan of yours!"
-.- Of course he was going to sign it. He was Korean, for goodness's sake.
He signed it. KYAAAAA! And with that, he was bombarded with requests.
"Here you go, ma'am."
I took my ice cream and got the hell out of there. Poor guy. I hope he doesn't miss his flight.

a/n: yeah, that's hanul. 

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pleaseman #1
it will take me long i think
I LOVE ITTT ! i really like your writing style . its really good .
i was wondering . do you plan on writing a spinoff for Taec and Suyeon ? i think it'll be cool if you did (:
OMG ! Taec's confession made me cry :'(
hellopanda23 #4
ahhhhh sooooo cutee...ending short and sweettt... ha ha ha of course uncle jay would want to try and make things dirty ha ha ha... it was a really good story.. to read around more than twice.. i think i will probably one of my all time faves : )
marikrismas #5
aww i remember reading this before....maybe before i was a member so i didn't comment? but i'm glad i got to read it a second time, you may be right and it was better the second time around (; haha
and the epilogue is so cute! jay should not be telling a 5 year old where babies really come from! not yet anyway :P haha
congratulations on a great story! i really enjoyed it (:
eee.. hheeee. I can't wait for the next chapter(s)!
hellopanda23 #7
I didn't even have time to read the other chapter yet and write out a ridiculous long email to you : )!!!<br />
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ahhhh this chapter was so sweettt... the long awaited scene.. for me anyways!!!! ahhhhh i reallly love it!!!
..... really. I don't even remember >.< gah!
hellopanda23 #9
ahhhhhh... i know who saved her... its Taecyeon isn't it ha ha ha kidding.. i know who it really is! i was like you better not have killed Hanul off with car!! ahhhhhhhhh<br />
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i liked the last part with Jae and Khun. Khun took his ramen without warning and ate it whole.. that was funny to me. a homeless man eating from the great jay park : )
Khun's eyebrows are monsters that are going to leap off his face and eat me alive. His macros are hella funny though.