Chapter 4.4: Glares and Sneezes ~

The Sky Will Always Comeback [Complete] [3:56 am]

Hanul’s POV

I was waiting at the gate for Ji Young when my phone beeped.
I pulled it out. It was from Ji Young.
“Hanul~ Oppa’s busy. All of a sudden, my schedule got tied up. Sorry! But I sent you a pet in my stead. <3”
Pet? I turned around and spotted T.O.P. strolling up to the gates. He was awkwardly wearing a puffy jacket and sunglasses to avoid attention. I groaned.
“It’s not very cute”, I texted back quickly, and slipped my phone back in my jacket.
 He walked up to me, looking around, trying to be inconspicuous. … He was so conspicuous.
He came up to a stop in front of me. I raised my eyebrow.
He fidgeted in front of me, zipping his jacket about a quarter down and then abruptly zipping it back up.
“It’s me”, he whispered loudly.
A couple walking by jumped, startled at the e whisper.
 “I realized”, I said, an eyebrow raised at his incompetency at disguise.
“You did? How?”, he asked, surprised. He must have really overestimated his ability to blend in.
I rolled my eyes. “I would have guessed you were a newbie idol, if I didn’t know better.”
“Take that back, you know I am a master at disguise-“

“Wait, dude”, a teenage guy stopped and stared at T.O.P. ,”are you freaking- Holy ! You are! Dude, sign my-!”

“Oh my god, oh my god!”, his friend, a girl, squealed. She leapt in joy and hugged him.


I felt people start to crowd around me. I caught one glimpse of T.O.P.’s shocked face before I was caught in a mob of pushing and pulling. But the problem wasn’t my safety, it was T.O.P.’s.
People had cameras, T.O.P. couldn’t go viral before the debut, the YG manager would be PISSED.

I started to shove back, and finally came close enough to grab his hand and drag him out. I also dragged out about ten fan girls clinging onto his other hand. -.-
He caught on and shook them off.

We sprinted.
I pulled him along, I knew these streets well.

My breath was starting to come in gasps, I looked back.

T.O.P. was sweating; god, that puffy jacket must be torture.
But just a little farther and I knew there was a little alley up there where we could hide.

I screeched to a stop and shoved him up against the wall to hide from the chasing fans.

Their footsteps came… and went…They passed us, yelling and cheering.

I let out a sigh of relief, breathing hard…
Then I realized I was still… up against him…gripping his hand with own hand and his collar by the other…
He just looked at me, wide-eyed. He had stopped breathing.
“You owe me”, I said, to cover up the moment, and I released him, and leaned against the other wall, taking deep breaths.  

Junsu’s POV

I had just finished my third hour of dance with 2PM and stepped out for a drink, when the JYP President stopped me.
“Hey, you know Jaebum’s little sister, right?”
Do I know Jaebum’s little sister? The one I always force to make me sandwiches at 2 am? Hehe.
“Sure I do.”

“I heard she’s a backup dancer for Big Bang’s debut in a couple weeks. Is that true?”
“I think so, why?”
“Watch her performance for me on t.v. , yeah? Tell me if she’s good, if she is, I want her here”, he said, and walked away.

Sandwich girl, here, at JYP?

 Oh, good, then she could just bring me water, instead of me having to walk my beautiful self out to drink out of a dirty fountain.

Pwahaha. <3


T.O.P.’s POV

I tried hard not to look at her as she backed away from me and up against the other wall.

I’ll never admit she made me nervous. I’d already established I didn’t care for her like that.
Instead, I wondered about her past… she figured out so quickly… that I had to get out of there. How’d she know? Who was she? I wanted to get to know her, get to talk to her about these things, ask…
My eyes slowly trailed off to her form…
She had fallen asleep.
She was sitting up against the wall, her head nodding off onto her shoulder.  

I crouched over her and shook her gently by the shoulder.
“Yah…. You”, I murmured.
She didn’t respond.

I sighed. I guess I did owe her.

I took off my puffy jacket and draped it over her back. Then, I cautiously took her arm and slung her over my back.

She was ridiculously light, and soft.  

I checked that the coast was clear before heading out. It was night time now… around nine p.m..

“Your back is so warm…”, she mumbled, “Oppa…”

And she nuzzled her face into my back.

I stopped. What did she call me?

I stretched my neck to turn around and look at her, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shooting star suddenly streak across the black night sky.

“Look”, I whispered, turning my head to look back at her. She was sleeping peacefully, like a child.
“Make a wish, Hanul”, I said quietly. 

I smiled at her sleeping face. Baby.

A/N: <3 cn blue.
i've written a lot more, i'm excited now that I somewhat know where this story is heading towards. (:
oh! and there was a little bit of junsu here, yes? C:  i enjoyed writing his character more than i thought i would, thanks for suggesting that! do you think his character's ok?

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pleaseman #1
it will take me long i think
I LOVE ITTT ! i really like your writing style . its really good .
i was wondering . do you plan on writing a spinoff for Taec and Suyeon ? i think it'll be cool if you did (:
OMG ! Taec's confession made me cry :'(
hellopanda23 #4
ahhhhh sooooo cutee...ending short and sweettt... ha ha ha of course uncle jay would want to try and make things dirty ha ha ha... it was a really good story.. to read around more than twice.. i think i will probably one of my all time faves : )
marikrismas #5
aww i remember reading this before....maybe before i was a member so i didn't comment? but i'm glad i got to read it a second time, you may be right and it was better the second time around (; haha
and the epilogue is so cute! jay should not be telling a 5 year old where babies really come from! not yet anyway :P haha
congratulations on a great story! i really enjoyed it (:
eee.. hheeee. I can't wait for the next chapter(s)!
hellopanda23 #7
I didn't even have time to read the other chapter yet and write out a ridiculous long email to you : )!!!<br />
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ahhhh this chapter was so sweettt... the long awaited scene.. for me anyways!!!! ahhhhh i reallly love it!!!
..... really. I don't even remember >.< gah!
hellopanda23 #9
ahhhhhh... i know who saved her... its Taecyeon isn't it ha ha ha kidding.. i know who it really is! i was like you better not have killed Hanul off with car!! ahhhhhhhhh<br />
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i liked the last part with Jae and Khun. Khun took his ramen without warning and ate it whole.. that was funny to me. a homeless man eating from the great jay park : )
Khun's eyebrows are monsters that are going to leap off his face and eat me alive. His macros are hella funny though.